The Department of Physics at Creighton University has faculty members who lead research in a variety of areas. Undergraduate and Graduate students are paid or receive course credit for doing research, and they often author research papers in peer-reviewed journals and present their work at conferences.

These research experiences expand students' course work in diverse specialties from Astrophysics and Cosmology, to Biological and Medical Physics, High-Energy Physics, Condensed-Matter Physics, and Ultracold Atomic Physics. Our research is externally funded by major research grants from the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy. Come be a part of the amazing research being done in Creighton's Department of Physics!

Research Skills

Physics research is a great way to learn and gain expertise in high-tech, transferable skills.

Computer Programming: Computer programming plays a huge role in modern science. Students learn a variety of programming ecosystems through research and coursework, including Matlab, Mathematica, Python, and Multiphysics for scientific programming and simulation; and LabView and Arduino programming for controlling experiments and hardware.

Machine Shop: The physics department has a fully-equipped machine shop operated by Brad Walters. With his guidance, students build parts for their experiments, such as optical devices, vacuum chambers, and detectors.

Electronics: In many of the experimental research groups, students use digital and analog electronics for controlling experiments or designing measurement tools. A one-credit electronics laboratory course introduces students to these high-tech skills.

Creighton University Physics Research Areas

Read below to find out more about all the exciting research opportunities you can take part in at Creighton University
artistic depiction of emissions from a quasar


Dr. Gabel’s research in observational astrophysics focuses on quasars, the most luminous objects in the universe that are powered by material accreting into supermassive blackholes at the centers of distant galaxies. His group uses spectra collected with the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based observatories to study the accretion, emission and outflow processes observed in these extreme objects.
color cards to solicit realtime feedback from students in the classroom

Physics Education

Dr. Duda and Dr. Soto investigate how students learn physics using aspects of cognitive science, psychology, and learning theory. Many best-practices from physics education research appear in our courses, such as using “clickers,” prelectures, tutorials, and projects.

Contact Us

Department Office
Hixson-Lied Science Building, Room G79
Phone: 402.280.2835
Fax: 402.280.2140

Mailing Address
Department of Physics
2500 California Plaza
Omaha NE 68178