Educational Loans

Different from a grant or scholarship, a loan is money borrowed from the federal government or a private source like a bank or financial institution, and it must be paid back with interest. Eligibility, terms and interest rates vary based on the loan type. Loans can help fund undergraduate, graduate or professional education. 

Managing Student Loans

Take charge of your loans. Learn key terms and gain a better understanding of loans to prepare for repayment. 

Two students sitting at table outdoors
student on laptop sitting at a table

Applying for Financial Aid

To apply for aid, you’ll need to complete the FAFSA and apply to Creighton. The FAFSA can be filed any time starting in October for the next school year. Creighton's school code is 002542. Once you’ve completed the FAFSA and have been accepted to Creighton, you’ll receive an award notification.

Ready to take the next step?