We believe a Creighton education should be accessible to all who seek it. That’s why we work closely with students and their families to understand their personalized needs. Everyone’s educational journey is different, and we work to make a Creighton education affordable.
Take a look at the resources and information here or contact financial aid for personalized assistance.
Looking to take a course during our Summer or Winter Session?
Get an idea of the net cost of attending Creighton. Input information about your family income, size and other relevant financial details to receive an estimate of the net cost of attending Creighton after financial aid.
To apply for aid, you’ll need to complete the FAFSA and apply to Creighton. The FAFSA can be filed any time starting in October for the next school year. Creighton's school code is 002542. Once you’ve completed the FAFSA and have been accepted to Creighton, you’ll receive an award notification.