Online Learning Resources

Tips, resources, downloads, and strategies to help navigate online learning at Creighton.

Tips for Success in Online Classes

For online courses that don’t meet synchronously, it’s important to create a routine, just like you would if you were going to class in-person. Set a time on your calendar when you’ll “go to class,” then “go to class” at that time! It may seem silly, but it will make a big difference in your motivation and productivity.

Having a dedicated study space will help you stay focused when it’s time to study and disconnect when it isn’t. For more detailed advice on creating a study space, check out this guide.

It can be tempting to skip taking notes when all of the information is available online – you can just refer back to it when it’s time to do homework or study for an exam…right? While having all the class info online can be helpful, the real benefit of taking notes is that it helps you engage with the material and put it in your own words, which boosts your comprehension and retention. One step better? Take notes by hand!

BlueLine notifications and faculty communications all go to your Creighton email. Add it as an email account on your mobile device and install Outlook on your computer and check your email regularly.

Every Creighton student receives a free copy of Microsoft Office, which includes Outlook, the university’s official calendar/email/communication platform. You can also subscribe to the BlueLine calendar (in BlueLine) to add all your course assignments, events, and to dos to your Outlook calendar. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to stay on top of your semester. Not into online calendars? Download and fill out our Weekly/Hourly Calendar or our campus-favorite Semester-at-a-Glance calendar by hand.

Face-to-face study groups are great, but virtual study groups can be just as effective! Either in class or in the online discussion forum, ask if any classmates want to study together over Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or whatever platform you prefer – you may be surprised by the interest! Once you’ve found some study partners, try to meet with them at the same time(s) each week. This way, you’ll get the learning benefits of studying in a group and have someone to hold you accountable.

If you’re used to saving your work to your local computer, you might want to consider saving it to the cloud as well. This offers a stress-saving level of protection if anything were to happen to your computer, and it doesn’t have to cost a penny! Take advantage of resources like One Drive or Google Drive to help you be prepared in case disaster strikes.

The BlueLine site for each of your courses is like an extension of the classroom, so visit it often! In addition to completing assignments, discussions, quizzes, and exams, you’ll use BlueLine to keep up with due dates, read announcements, check grades, and interact with your professor. When in doubt, CHECK BLUELINE!

No one likes the feeling of falling behind. Luckily, Creighton’s proactive approach to academic support puts the resources you need to be successful right at your fingertips – it’s all online!

  • Connect with your instructors through email and office hours. The idea of talking to a faculty member might be scary, but you can do it anyway – and you should! Professors are usually impressed with students who take responsibility for their own success and learning. In fact, most professors believe that the better students seek extra help, and they often wonder why more students don’t take advantage of the opportunity to talk with them. Professors are best suited to clarify assignment details, offer feedback on past exams, and help you understand course concepts.
  • Make a tutoring appointment. If you’re not getting the grades you’d like, are struggling to understand course material, or just want to understand better, make an appointment with an Academic Success tutor.
  • Visit an Academic Coach. Academic coaches are a great resource for students looking for help with test anxiety, study skills, time management, etc. An academic coach can talk about your unique needs and provide concrete tips and tools to help you find a path to success.

Productivity Apps

There are a large number of applications that can help a student stay on track during the semester. Here are just a few that you might consider.

Mobile Creighton Apps

Contact Us

Office of Academic Success
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
Hixson-Lied Science Building, first floor