Searching for Funding Opportunities

Begin Your Funding Search


Creighton University subscribes to the SPIN funding opportunities database. This is a comprehensive database that includes funding opportunities for all disciplines, and can be accessed from any computer on campus. To access SPIN, login to InfoEd via the link above and click on "SPIN" in the left-hand navigation in the portal.

Candid (formerly The Foundation Center)

The Candid Foundation Directorydatabase contains records for all known active foundations in the United States. Most of the larger foundations list previous grant award recipients by title and award. PLEASE NOTE: Creighton University does not have access to the full Foundation Center database. This link is to their publicly available site.

Online Catholic Funding Guide

The Online Catholic Funding Guide provides the latest information on funders interested in Catholic projects and institutions. Includes private foundations, church-based grants programs, foundations sponsored by religious communities, international funding agencies, and more. Note: Please contact Sponsored Programs Administration to obtain login information.

Modern Language Association Fellowships and Grants

Includes a list of professional resources for fellowships and grants from the MLA.

H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online

This blog publishes information on humanities and social sciences funding opportunities.

Other good places to look for discipline-specific funding opportunities are in the acknowledgements of your literature search results, professional publications and on the Web sites of professional organizations. If you do not know the Web site address of the organization you are looking for, try searching for the address using an online search engine, such as Google.

Federal resources for grants and funding information is a single website to find and apply for federal government grants.  Grant seekers can now easily access information on, and apply for, thousands of Federal grants through one secure internet source managed by the Federal government. 100% of grant opportunities offered by all 26 Federal grant-making agencies and many Federal commissions are now available through

The search capabilities that are built into the site make finding grants faster and researching grants more efficient. By subscribing to the email update service, when new grants matching your specified interests are posted, email notifications are sent to the subscriber - including the title, the agency name and a link which can take them right to the grant. These features make keeping on top of newly available grants of interest to grant applicant organizations a matter of minutes a day.  You can can find out more about by visiting the website at

  • User Guide - No registration process is required by PI
  • Register to Receive Grant Opportunities
  • Find Funding Opportunities
  • Apply for a Grant

State resources for grants and funding information