Parking FAQs

Parking Services is Enhancing Support with Creighton IT Service Desk

Parking Services is teaming up with the Creighton IT Service Desk to streamline how you get help with parking matters. The myServices Portal will be your main resource for parking information. Knowledge articles will help you to find answers to your parking questions. If the articles don't help, you can request services directly through the portal.

  • Email Changes
  • The myServices portal will provide knowledge articles about general parking questions and services. If you need to submit a request for parking services, that can also be done directly through the portal.

These changes are being made to not only increase efficiency, but to also provide better transparency for submitted requests. Once a request has been submitted in the myServices portal, the requestor will be able to track the progress of their request and will receive email notifications whenever it is updated.

Enforcement and Citations

  • Parking regulations apply 24/7/365, although staffing limitations mean that not every violation will be detected and cited.
  • The Parking website includes many helpful maps.
  • Signs at parking lot entrances include lot numbers and what permits are valid in that lot.
  • Citations may only be appealed online through JayPark; no in-person or over the phone appeals will be accepted. Appeals must be received within 7 days of the date the citation was issued. The appeal must present substantial evidence that the parking violation was not committed, or the occurrence was due to circumstances beyond the appellant's control. The appeal process is not a venue for general criticisms, complaints, or policy debates. For the link to appeal and more appeal information go to the Violations, Fine Amounts, and Appeals section above.

Student with outstanding balances may be placed on registrations hold.  This hold can prevent registering for classes, transcripts, and even receiving diplomas. You can verify your account is in good stand by visiting JayPark. JayPark is also where you can pay your citations. To expedite the removal of the registration hold, you can email after you have made the payment.

  • No student or employee may park in any visitor stall. Stalls in lots 35 are always reserved for visitors with no exceptions. The Admission visitor stalls in lot 5 utilizes bags that signify that they can be utilized by employees and students when covered. Otherwise, those stalls are for Admissions visitors whether there is a name on the sign or not.
  • University Vehicle Signs are for facilities, security, and other University-owned vehicles only for official use.
  • All Dean, VP, Special Permit, Handicap, Jesuit and other signed areas are off limits at all times except for those with proper permits and permissions.

Decals and Permits

  • Yes. Whether you are only parking in the evening, you are a student living on campus, a temporary employee, or a guest, you must have a permit that identifies you and your vehicle. A variety of permits are available to fit your needs.
  • All Creighton affiliates can acquire a permit through JayPark and either print the permit or have it mailed to their address.
  • Decals must be placed in the inside lower passenger corner of the windshield. Temporary permits must be printed out and placed on the vehicle dash.
  • Any of the decals since 2018 that go on the front windshield can be easily peeled off without using a razor blade.
  • Older decals that were on the back of the vehicle will need a razor blade to be removed.
  • Please remove all old decals to avoid any driving visibility issues.
  • The decal is repositionable. This means it can be pulled off and placed on the vehicle that you are bringing to campus. If you fail to move the decal you will need to purchase daily passes as needed or risk a citation.
  • Make sure to grab your decal if you sell your vehicle and add the new vehicle to your JayPark account after it is plated.
  • If it was left at home: Purchase a printable temporary permit or park on the street until you can retrieve your permit or someone can mail it to you.
  • If it was not received: Verify with all members of your household and then see “What if I need a replacement decal?”
  • Forget to move your decal from another vehicle: You must park on city streets or purchase a day pass through JayPark.
  • If a decal is destroyed due to the totaling of a vehicle or the vehicle itself was stolen, a police or insurance report must be provided to the Parking Services Office in person or by email to A replacement can be received with a $10 processing fee. The student or employee must sign the Request for Replacement Decal and return it to Parking Services in Harper 1090. The student or employee must provide valid proof of ID, either a driver's license or JayCard to purchase the replacement.
  • If a decal is lost or destroyed, a replacement decal can be purchased for $50. The student or employee must sign the Request for Replacement Decal and return it to Parking Services in Harper 1090. The student or employee must provide valid proof of ID, either a driver's license or JayCard to purchase the replacement.
  • If you have not received your permit in the mail within 3 weeks of the shipment notification, we will waive the replacement fee.  The Request for Replacement Decal must be turned into Parking Services in Harper 1090.
  • Why is there a fee?
    • The replacement fee is intended to encourage drivers to keep track of their decals, discourage fraudulent claims of losses, and to cover administrative costs of purchasing and shipping replacement decals.
  • Be sure to move your decal to the new vehicle. Otherwise, a replacement will need to be purchased.

  • Once the new vehicle is plated, you will log into JayPark and add the new vehicle to your account.

All decals are repositionable and created specifically to be moved from vehicle to vehicle as needed. Whether carpooling or switching vehicles between significant others, roommates, or family members you will only need one decal. Multiple vehicle profiles can be added in JayPark, but the decal is required for whatever vehicle is on campus property. A second decal will not be given. If a second decal is needed it will need to be approved in person by parking services and the decal will have to be purchased for full price in office.


Garage Parking

  • Only after hours (4:30 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and on the weekends
  • Permits for the Phoenix garage can be purchased on JayPark.
  • Students and employees can purchase monthly and annually.
  • There are no physical decals for these permits.
  • Access will be granted on you Creighton ID card within 2 business days of the effective date not the purchase date.

Garage decals and access are awarded by randomized lottery.  Please see "JayPark Waitlists" below for more information.

JayPark Waitlists

Garage Permits are awarded by randomized lottery. In order to receive the opportunity to purchase a garage permit you must add yourself to a waitlist. Students and Employees should only list themselves on their appropriate waitlist. Listing on a waitlist that you are not qualified for could result in the revoking of a garage permit.

Once logged in to you Creighton SSO account on JayPark, scroll down to the "Add/Edit Waitlists" button. You will be prompted to agree to the Rules and Regulations and update vehicle information. You will then select only the waitlist you are qualified for based on employment status, student status and residence status. There may be instances in which you are approved for more than one waitlist.  If this is the case be sure to pay attention to which waitlist is your first choice and set it as such. If you receive what you have listed as your first choice you will be removed from all other waitlists. If you receive your 2nd/3rd choice you will remain on your first-choice waitlist even after purchasing the permit.

Account Updates

  • You can update almost every aspect of your JayPark account under “Manage Account”.
    • Addresses
    • Emails
    • Phone numbers
    • Vehicles
  • Log on to JayPark and add a new vehicle. You can’t edit the old vehicle.

Refunds and Payments

  • Yes and No
  • Yes, but the physical decal must be returned to Parking Services in Harper 1090.
    • Students: You can return your decal, and your refund will be credit to the original form of payment. This may be a prorated rate depending on the date of return.
      • No refunds will be processed after Jan. 31.
    • Employees who setup payroll deduction: You can return your decal and not have future payroll deductions, but there will not be a refund of past deductions.
    • Employees who used a credit card payment: Your refund will be credited to the original form of payment. This may be a prorated rate depending on the date of return.
  • Printable permits are non-refundable.
  • All payments are done securely online through JayPark.
  • Students can purchase permits with their student account or a credit card.
  • Employees can purchase permits through payroll deduction or credit card.
  • All citations are paid with a credit card through JayPark.


  • Evening-only permits are available for $25 through JayPark; these permits allow employees and students to park in faculty/staff and student parking areas from 4 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Friday, and any time on weekends. The evening-only permit also may be used in patient parking areas after clinic hours. 
  • Evening-only permits may not be used to park in visitor parking areas.
  • Does not apply to lots being sold for Athletic Events.
  • Those designated through HR as retirees can obtain a no-cost permit by using their Creighton SSO.
  • Parishioners wishing to obtain a permit can coordinate with St John’s administration to obtain the permit.
  • These no-cost permits are valid in lots G36 level 4, 35, and G5 level 3.
  • Faculty, staff, and students may park in Dental Patient Parking (Lots 38A, 28, and 8A) from 5 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Friday, and any time on weekends.
  • Motorcycles parked near bicycle racks do not require a permit; however, motorcycles that take up a parking stall must display a current parking decal.

If a student is needing a reasonable parking accommodation, please reach out to Student Accessibility Services.

If an employee is needing a reasonable parking accommodation, please reach out to Human Resources.

  • Those with a valid, state-issued handicap placard may utilize any handicap stall on campus as long as the placard is properly displayed and they also have a valid parking decal displayed on their vehicle.
  • So, for instance, if the only available handicap stall for a student permit holder is in an employee lot, they may park there and vice versa. 
  • Requests can be made to Card and Parking Services for handicap parking behind a gate or door. Proof of valid handicap placard must be sent via email to and
  • Parking and Card Services are co-located in the Harper Center, Room 1090.
  • The office is typically open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • We observe all University holidays and closures.