Resident Satisfaction and Program Goals

Internal Medicine Resident Satisfaction and Goals

At Creighton’s Internal Medicine Residency Program, your wellness matters, too. The program enjoys a unique sense of community among a diverse group of residents who truly care for one another.

It also has compassionate faculty mentors who enjoy teaching and are authentically invested in residents’ training and well-being.

Resident Satisfaction

  • 97% - Collegial Team Environment
  • 97% - Quality of Clinical and Didactic Teaching
  • 96% - Opportunity to Participate in Scholarly Activity
  • 95% - Support on Maintaining Physical and Emotional Well-Being
  • 95% - Clinical Experience and Education
  • 93% - Educational Content
  • 93% - Protected Time for Structured Learning
  • 93% - Appropriate Level of Supervision
  • 91% - Diversity and Inclusion
White coat with badge showing

Hear from a Former Resident

Mostafa Elgayesh, former internal medicine resident
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I am so thankful for the well-rounded training I have received and feel equipped to provide holistic compassionate care for my patients.
— Zach Wittenberg, PCCM Resident

Program Goals

  1. To Provide a Collaborative and Supportive Learning Environment
  2. Availability to Dedicated Faculty who are Passionate about Teaching the Art and Science of Medicine
  3. Resident Achievement of the Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes for Success as a Practicing General Internist or for Subspecialty Fellowship Training

ILAC and Our Commitment to Serve

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Academic Half Days

Our resident-led Education Committee has implemented Academic Half Days as a project: “A New Dawn in the Internal Medicine Education Curriculum—A project by the residents, with the residents, for the residents.” The transition to this methodology eliminated the need for daily didactic lectures and gives residents protected learning time.

Our Academic Half Day is Wednesday afternoons following grand rounds. Academic Half Day curriculum includes our Core Curriculum, chief-resident-led small group sessions, interactive sessions with faculty, Journal Club, research, QI/PS and healthcare.

Contact Us

Program Managers
Rhonda Peavy

Ashley Ring

Julia Mack 

Program Director
Bradley DeVrieze, MD