
Abby Jordan

Studio Art

Abby Jordan is exploring her authenticity, and identity, through the vehicle of crafts.

Jordan says she draws inspiration from generations of women in her family who practiced crafts and from a movement to elevate crafting to the level of a fine art.

A member of the Class of ’24, Jordan will graduate with a double major in Studio Art BFA and French.

“I have loved Creighton, and when I reflect on my time here, I most appreciate the relationships I have formed with faculty and professors as well as fellow students and my lifelong friendships,” she says. 

“I am excited to spend my summer in the studio with time devoted to artmaking and experimentation,” she says. “I want to use this project to learn more about myself as a person and an artist and the intersection of the two, as I think I make my best work when I am authentic to myself.”

I want to use this project to learn more about myself as a person and an artist and the intersection of the two.
— Abby Jordan

Supported by a Creighton Summer Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Fellowship (SURF), the native of Ankeny, Iowa, is pursuing a research project titled, “Weaving the Narrative: An Exploration of Personal Identity Through Fiber Arts.”

“My project is a creative exploration of my personal identity and family history, specifically through my experience being queer,” she says.

“I am going to use techniques such as painting and drawing, as well as traditional crafts or fiber arts such as embroidery and crochet, to explore how my life story can impact my work as a creative.”