Medicine Faculty Emeriti

Faculty Emeriti

Donald R. Babin, Ph.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1967-2006
Primary area of activity: Biomedical Sciences

Chhanda Bewtra, M.B.,B.S.

Professor Emeritus of Pathology (1978; 2015)

James C. Healy, M.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1990-2006
Primary area of activity: Pathology
Administrative Titles: Director of Informatics, Component 2 Director
Primary non-medical Interests: Computers

James F. Johnson, M.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1967-1994
Primary area of activity: Radiology
Administrative Titles: President of Nebraska Chapter, American College of Radiology
Primary non-medical Interests: Music, Photography, Billiards

Warren T. Kable, M.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1980-2003
Primary area of activity: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Administrative Titles: Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education, Acting Chairman, Director of Reproductive Endocrine Division, Director of the Residency Program
Primary non-medical Interests: Golf

Hal G. Lankford, Ph.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1962-1991
Primary area of activity: Pathology-Clinical Chemistry

Joseph D. Lynch, M.D.

Associate Professor Emeritus of Medicine (1971; 2016)

James L. Manion, M.D.

Associate Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology (1979; 2016)

Henry Nipper, PhD

Tenure at Creighton: 1986 - 2019
Primary area of activity: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology
Administrative Titles: Professor of Pathology, Assistant Dean for Admissions, 1996-2010
Primary non-medical Interests: Railroad History

William A. Pettinger, M.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1988-1996
Primary area of activity: Hypertension Research
Administrative Titles: Director of the Midwest Hypertension Research Center
Primary non-medical Interests: Forests (Master Woodlands Manager), Native Tall Grass Prairies

James J. Phalen

Associate Professor Emeritus of Radiology (1971; 2015)

Lewis Pinch, M.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1984-2001
Primary area of activity: Pediatric Surgery

Christine C. Sanders, Ph.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1973-2001
Primary area of activity: Medical Microbiology
Administrative Titles: Co-Director of the Center for Research in Anti-Infectives and Biotechnology
Primary non-medical Interests: Antiques and Collectibles, Color Pencil Artist

W. Eugene Sanders, Jr., M.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1973-2001
Primary area of activity: Medical Microbiology
Administrative Titles: Chairman of the Medical Microbiology Department
Primary non-medical Interests: Antiques, Fishing, Legitimate Theater

Michael H. Sketch, M.D.

Tenure at Creighton: 1968-1996
Primary area of activity: Cardiology
Administrative Titles: Director of the Cardiology Division
Primary non-medical Interests: Photography

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