2021–2022 Research Contributions

Creighton’s size and scope makes it an ideal institution for research across and between the disciplines. The Kingfisher Institute celebrates interdisciplinary research while encouraging even deeper connections, resulting in new knowledge and new integrative frameworks.

The Kingfisher Institute’s 2020–2021 Research and Scholarship Fellows presented their work at a virtual symposium in September 2021.

  • Cindy Hadenfelt, EdD, MSN, RN, Associate Professor of Nursing, and Martha Todd, PhD, APRN-NP, Associate Professor of Nursing: “Medical Respite Care for the Homeless in Omaha”
  • Sue Crawford, PhD, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations: “Paid Sick Leave, Politics and Pandemic Spread”
  • Patrick Marta, BS’19, Danielle Raikar, Ellen Townley, BS’18: M2 medical students; Theresa Townley, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics: “Air Pollution and COVID-19 Co-morbidity”
  • Ogechukwu (Oge) Williams, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of History: “Birth Politics: Power, Medical Pluralism, and Maternity in Nigeria”
  • Molly McCarthy, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, and Miranda Little, OTD, OTR/L, Clinical Instructor, Occupational Therapy: “Building Support for Young Mothers of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Social-Ecological Approach”
  • LaShaune Johnson, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (MPH program): “A Litany from the Shore of (Temporary) Survivors: A Poetic Autoethnography during Black Cancer during the Coronavirus”
  • Kevin Estep, PhD, Assistant Professor, Health Administration and Policy: “Partisan Polarization of Childhood Vaccination Laws”
  • Kathleen M. Sheehan, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics: “State Regulation and Rural Community Health Access”
  • Brooke Kowalke, PhD, Assistant Professor of English: “Grace Notes” a researched memoir about her journey with daughter Grace, who was diagnosed with Trisomy-18
  • Alexander Roedlach, SVD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Anthropology, Medical Humanities, and Psychiatry; Anissa Zimmerman and Lorenzo Rivera, medical students: “Community Partnerships: Health, Health Care Law, and Immigration Policies”
  • Andrew Hogan, PhD, Associate Professor, History: “Disability Dialogues: Advocacy, Science, and Prestige in Postwar Clinical Professions”

Recent Scholarly, Community and Pedagogical Contributions:

Gave three presentations in 2022 on their work: “Health Care Service Gaps Post-Hospitalization for Adults Experiencing Homelessness,” at the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Illinois, Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, and the Creighton University College of Nursing Scholarly Forum.

Published a new book, “Disability Dialogues: Advocacy, Science, and Prestige in Postwar Clinical Professions,” coming from Johns Hopkins University Press in November 2022. Hogan worked on one chapter as part of Kingfisher Fellows. He also gave an invited colloquium talk at the University of Oklahoma on the topic in fall 2021.

Joined the second ever cohort of listener poets with “The Good Listening Project,” an organization that “cultivates resilience and well-being in healthcare.” Listener poets are trained to have conversations with healthcare professions followed by writing poems. Johnson completed the program and is now a Certified Listener Poet.

Presented the research conducted for the Kingfisher fellowship at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in August 2022, as one of a panel of scholars at a session titled: “Understanding Vaccine Refusal: Politics, Policy, and Inequality,” which was designated a “Presidential Panel” (one of only 10 or so at the conference).

Developed and is currently teaching ENG 427: Literature, Health and Justice, with a focus on the concept of personhood using research conducted during the fellowship.

Published “Who Lynches on the Frontier? Selected Jesuit References and the Wild West Paradigm,” in the Journal of Religion and Society 24 (2022) and presented, “‘No Less Offensive Than Slavery’: Revista Católica Responds to Lynching, 1875–1900,” at Kripke Symposium on Religion, Race, and the Other, March 17, 2022.

Published a chapter in the IGI Global Textbook: Contemporary Issues in Multicultural and Global Education. Chapter 15, “The South Sudanese Struggle: Here, There, Then, Now – Connecting Local Institutions With Global Communities,” is based on their work with Sudanese community members in Omaha.