History Major

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Want to know how people change the world?

Interested in the history of a particular region of the world? Pursuing a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in history will allow you to indulge your natural curiosity while preparing you for a broad range of careers.

A bachelor’s degree in history from Creighton University gives you the ability to research projects thoroughly, analyze and interpret evidence, assign significance to findings, and clearly communicate results. Graduates with these skills are attractive to employers in a variety of fields and are always in high demand. History is excellent preparation for employment in professions like teaching, law, business, journalism, museum studies, library and information science, public policy, and community service.

Major Requirements for the B.A. in History (33 Credits)

Requirement for admission: successful completion of any HIS course with a C or better.

Take both of the following:

HIS 310: History Workshop (3 credits)
History Workshop is a hands-on introduction to the craft of researching and writing history. The course provides the analytical tools required to succeed in the history program and to produce high quality research projects in upper-division courses. The specific topic of study varies by instructor.

HIS 490: Advanced Research Seminar (3 credits)
This capstone course reinforces high-level skills in historical thinking, historical methods, and historiographical studies developed in other courses in the program. Students produce a significant and original work of historical research based on both primary and secondary sources. The specific topic of study varies by instructor.

Select one of the following:

Global Perspectives in History (multiple course numbers)

Take at least one of the following:

HIS 311: US History to 1877
HIS 312: US History Since 1877

Twenty-one additional credits of history at the 300-level or above.

Students are encouraged to consult with their advisors to select an appropriately diverse chronological, regional, and thematic range of courses.

Contact Information

Department Office
216 Dowling Hall
Humanities Center
Phone: 402.280.2884
Fax: 402.280.1454

Mailing Address
Department of History
2500 California Plaza
Omaha NE 68178