
Dear Graduating Class,

You have climbed the stairs of Creighton Hall and walked on the mall on campus for four years. You met new people from diverse backgrounds and places, they are now your life-long friends. You worked and played hard, sometimes you just relaxed and streamed a movie. You discerned your path to a field of caring for others and have unlimited opportunities ahead of you. You confided in your advisors, impressed your professors, and began to build your network of professional colleagues. We also laughed, a lot. The hours you spent going to class, writing papers, working on team projects, and studying for tests has finally paid off. You are graduating!

You are our future leaders. Each of you can and will make a difference in this world. Because of you, it will be a better place because of what you have learned and what you will contribute to your future careers.  We are proud of who you have and will become. You are leaving us as “men and women for others” representing our beloved University so well across this great country and world. In the words of St. Ignatius, “go forth and set the world on fire.”

Although most of you will leave our campus and Omaha this is not “good-bye”; it is “until we see each other again”. Drop us a note, send an email, or Zoom to let us know about your lives, professionally and personally. Creighton is a family, and family bonds can never be broken.

Congratulations and best wishes for a blessed life full of love and happiness!

The Faculty of the Department of Cultural and Social Studies