Creighton Commitments

Creighton Commitments

In conjunction with Creighton University's participation in the Academy for the Assessment of Student Learning, six university-level outcomes were derived from two years of review and reflection on each school and college's mission statements, strategic planning documents, accreditation reports, and stated student learning outcomes.

In summary, the six Creighton Commitments state:

All Creighton graduates will demonstrate:

  1. disciplinary competence and/or professional proficiency,
  2. critical thinking skills,
  3. Ignatian values, to include but not limited to a commitment to an exploration of faith and the promotion of justice,
  4. the ability to communicate clearly and effectively,
  5. deliberative reflection for personal and professional formation, 
  6. the ability to work effectively across race, ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.

View the Statement of Creighton Commitments.