A professional network is a "supportive system" of individuals for a mutually beneficial purpose. The benefits of the relationship may differ depending on the circumstance of the contact. There are many reasons and ways to reach out and build a professional network, and the John P. Fahey Career Center can aid in connecting you to opportunities.
One great reason to reach out to a professional contact is to learn more about a career of interest. This is typically accomplished through a career conversation (aka informational interview) or shadowing opportunity to learn more about the field and determine whether it's a good fit.
Networking is natural in many cases, through connecting with a friend of a friend or a family member's colleague, or it can be more structured through digital mediums, networking events, and elected mentoring and shadowing options. The best job searchers spend the majority of their time networking. Whether you are emailing a hiring manager, calling a former supervisor who has a contact at an organization, or connecting with an alumnus who currently works at an employer of interest, networking is often what makes the difference in a competitive application process.
John P. Fahey Career Center
Creighton University
Harper Center, Suite 1088
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska 68178
Phone: 402.280.2722
Fax: 402.280.3450
Office Hours (CST)
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Drop-in Hours (CST)
Mon-Fri: 2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Virtual: Call 402.280.2722
In-Person: Visit Harper 1088
*when classes are in session, meetings are intended to be 10-15 minutes.