Residential Experience

Embrace new opportunities and build profound connections.

Creighton’s residential experience is designed to provide engaging activities, new connections and personal growth. We facilitate honest discussions about every topic from current events, relationships, spirituality, and our vocation to what comes after life on campus. We ask important questions, such as, “Who am I? Who am I in relation to others? Who am I becoming for the world?” These questions, after all, are the hallmark of a well-rounded Jesuit education.

All full-time, unmarried undergraduate students from outside the Omaha area are required to live in the residence halls their first two years at Creighton. If you’re from Omaha, we strongly recommend you live on-campus so that you can benefit from all that living at Creighton has to offer.

Living-Learning Communities

Living-Learning Communities offer an opportunity to engage in a specific way that integrates your experiences in the halls with your academic endeavors.

  • Freshman Leadership Program (FLP): The Freshman Leadership Program is a partnership between the Department of Residential Life and Student Leadership and Involvement Center which challenges students to grow as leaders, to understand what leadership means to them, and to implement leadership skills learned across campus and the Omaha community.
  • The Honors Scholars Community: The Honors Scholars Community is home to the first-year women and men admitted to the Honors Program, which provides students a challenging and innovative academic alternative to Creighton’s Magis Core, with individualized attention from top faculty mentors.
  • Cortina Community: The Cortina Living-Learning Community prepares students to connect their passion for social justice with their academic and future goals by challenging them to investigate social inequalities and difficult realities in a new way. Cortina facilitates an understanding of the self in relation to a call to do justice in the context of community.

Chaplains and Prayer Spaces

Each residential student has access to prayer spaces, chapels, and a hall chaplain in order to provide a spiritual connection as part of a well-rounded Jesuit, Catholic education.

  • Chaplains - The Chaplain program is a long-standing collaboration between of the Department of Residential Life and Campus Ministry. Both Jesuits and lay ministers live among our students in the residence halls, serving as additional supports and resources for our students. They participate in meetings with hall staff and hall government, offer programs to promote hospitality and spirituality, organize Catholic masses in the hall chapels, and are available to be a conversation partner for students.

  • Chapels and Prayer Rooms - The Department of Residential Life provides spaces in the halls for quiet reflection and prayer. The following is a list of halls with chapels and/or prayer rooms. We encourage you to use these spaces to quiet your mind and listen to what your heart tells you.

Residential Student Competencies

The Residential Student Competencies define the learning, growth, and development our residents can expect while living on campus. Each phase of living on campus at Creighton invites students to ask intentional questions about themselves and their identities, their relationship to others, and how they can become leaders in a global society. The Residential Student Competencies define the learning, growth, and development our residents can expect while living on campus. These competencies guide and direct the class-year programming structure of the Department of Residential Life. Additionally, students are encouraged to use these competencies to create individual learning goals to make the most of their experiences.

Community Partner Program

In the Jesuit, Catholic tradition at Creighton University, the concept of community is paramount in a student’s collegiate experience. Whether it is a student organization, a residence hall floor, or a homeless shelter, the ongoing creation of community is critical to the development of a service of faith that promotes justice. The Department of Residential Life at Creighton University has a rich tradition of providing its students with opportunities to serve the community. This is also part of a larger, university-wide priority to be mindful of its role as a corporate citizen and for other efforts within the University.

Success Hubs

Our Freshman Communities include Success Hubs, dedicated spaces for personal academic support and study.

Inter Residence Hall Government

Inter Residence Hall Government provides students the opportunity to engage with staff, host programs, and work to improve the residential experience at Creighton.

Contact Information

Department of Residential Life
Swanson Hall 136