
Ron Patterson

Interdisciplinary Leadership (EdD)

From Courtside to Campus Leadership: Ron K. Patterson’s Creighton-Powered Journey

In the heart of northwest Nebraska, a transformation is underway at Chadron State College. At the helm of this change stands Ron K. Patterson, EdD’22, whose journey from small-town basketball coach to college president is as inspiring as instructive. What’s the secret ingredient in Patterson’s recipe for success? Look no further than Creighton University’s Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Leadership (EdD).

The Game-Changing Play: Creighton’s EdD Program

When Patterson decided to expand his influence beyond the basketball court, he knew he needed more than just administrative experience. He needed a program that would challenge his perspectives, broaden his horizons and equip him with the tools to lead in the complex world of higher education.

Enter Creighton’s EdD program.

“At Creighton, I studied leadership theory and application and explored how it relates to the academic enterprise,” Patterson explains. “It was an incredible educational experience and journey.”

But this wasn’t just any leadership program. Creighton’s approach struck a chord with Patterson, emphasizing a crucial aspect often overlooked in leadership training: the human element.

“What I most appreciated about Creighton’s EdD program was it demonstrated how to be a leader for all,” Patterson reflects. “The graduate studies faculty emphasized the humanistic side of it. How can you effectively work alongside individuals, no matter what role you’re in, to achieve success?”

From Theory to Practice: The Listening Tour

Armed with this people-first philosophy, Patterson hit the ground running at Chadron State. His first play? A comprehensive listening tour, crisscrossing four states, engaging in heartfelt conversations with students, faculty, alums and community leaders. It wasn’t just about gathering data but connecting, understanding and laying the groundwork for a leadership style that puts people at its core.

“This last year has been a whirlwind,” Patterson admits, “but I was fortunate to use the time to thoroughly examine our entire enterprise, both academic and non-academic, to really chart the vision and planning process for the institution.”

The Creighton Difference: Building Bridges and Breaking Barriers

Patterson’s Creighton experience provided more than theoretical knowledge; it offered a diverse cohort that broadened his perspectives and created lasting relationships.

“I’m grateful for the world-class faculty at Creighton and the members of my cohort,” Patterson says, his voice warm with appreciation. “It was important to go through this journey with individuals that you can relate to and gain encouragement from -- because it is challenging. But to have people behind me and alongside me made all the difference.”

This emphasis on relationship-building has become a hallmark of Patterson’s presidency. From impromptu tea invitations with students to casual conversations in local grocery stores, he’s bringing the Creighton spirit of connection to every corner of Chadron State.

The Scoreboard: One Year In

As Patterson reflects on his first year at Chadron State, the impact of his Creighton education is clear. He’s not just managing an institution; he’s nurturing a community, one relationship at a time.

“Chadron State’s mission and its vision, the values of the institution, align with my purpose in life,” Patterson says with conviction. “We’re giving it back and paying it forward. And Chadron afforded me that opportunity to serve the great students and individuals and citizens of this community and the state.”

From the basketball court to the president’s office, Patterson’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of education — specifically, the unique blend of theory, practice and human-centered leadership offered by Creighton’s EdD program.

As Patterson continues to shape the future of Chadron State College, one thing is certain: The lessons learned and connections forged at Creighton will continue to influence his leadership style, creating positive change that extends far beyond the campus borders.

“I’m proud to be a Bluejay,” Patterson concludes, his words a powerful endorsement of the program that helped shape his leadership journey. And as Chadron State thrives under his guidance, it’s clear that Creighton has much to be proud of, too.

Postscript: This article is based on "'A LEADER FOR ALL': WHAT CHADRON STATE'S PRESIDENT GAINED FROM CREIGHTON'S EDD PROGRAM," originally written by Jon Nyatawa and published on September 19, 2024.