The 8-Day Directed Silent Ignatian Retreat is based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola which has profoundly influenced the lives of countless people since the sixteenth century. There are as many reasons to go on this retreat as there are people who attend it. Some of the reasons others have made this retreat include: wanting to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ, desiring to spend quality time in prayer and reflection, wanting to learn more about yourself in relationship to God and to others, preparing to make a significant decision, and responding to the movement of the Spirit.
View detailed information below.
Private directed 8-day and 30-day retreats based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and guided by our directors are offered throughout the year in hopes of meeting individual schedules. Contact us with your preferred dates.
Continue to scroll down to review the Q&A section about what you will do on retreat. This also applies to a 30-day Retreat.
Private retreats of any duration with Spiritual Direction are available by request. It is recommended to begin with a 3 or 4-day silent retreat before the 8-day retreat. Retreats can start any day of week.
In addition to the individual, private 8-Day retreats, we also offer the opportunity to attend a Creighton University Christian Spirituality Program 8-Day Silent Ignatian Retreat. Directors will be Christian Spirituality Program graduate faculty and graduate students trained in the evocative and contemplative approach of spiritual direction. You would meet daily with your assigned director and retreat along-side a group of other retreatants. Space is limited, registrations are made in the order received. This retreat includes all meals, with a packaged rate and a non-refundable deposit of $200 is requested at the time of registration and it is applied toward the final invoice. Having the experience of a 3-4 silent retreat in advance allows for the best experience.
For more information contact
View the PDF flyer for the Spring Retreat.
This retreat is more about “being” than doing. You will spend time each day in prayer and reflection (usually 4-5 set “prayer periods” of at least 45 minutes) and you will meet with your spiritual director each day. You are also encouraged to enjoy individual leisure time (music, puzzles, art) and exercise daily. Eucharistic liturgy is offered each day and there will be opportunities for sacrament of reconciliation.
Spiritual Exercises refers to the handbook written by St. Ignatius based on his own personal spiritual experience and that of others to whom he listened. It is an organized series of spiritual exercises that invite individuals to meditate on Christian faith and to contemplate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although ultimately God is “directing” your retreat, each person is assigned a spiritual director. A spiritual director is someone who is committed to prayer, and has training and experience with Ignatius spirituality and Scripture. You will meet with your spiritual director each day for approximately 30-45 minutes. Your director will listen to your reflections about how God is present in your life. S/he will offer Scripture passages and other materials for your prayer and reflection.
You will be speaking with your director at daily meetings and also have the opportunity to pray aloud at daily liturgy. Silence is not the focus of the retreat, but it is a necessary component of a fruitful retreat. God speaks to us in many ways, and at times God speaks to us through our conversations with others. However, the 8-Day Retreat is a privileged time when we can tune out the noise and distractions of our regular routines in order to more intentionally focus on our relationship with God.
In order to be open to the ways and times that God wishes to communicate with each person; all retreatants are asked to maintain an atmosphere of silence for the duration of the retreat. In this setting silence is an attitude of making space for God in your life. Silence invites you to give your attention to all the ways that God can speak to you without the distractions of noise, gossip, and business. The silence and solitude is not a withdrawal from, but an opening to; we are not leaving the world but allowing ourselves to be present to it, to be touched by it, and thus better come to realize our place in it.
The retreatant is usually expected to prepare simple meals for themselves during the retreat, but may wish to partake of the meals provided by our Dining Hall kitchen if a group retreat is running at the same time. An efficiency kitchenette is available for your use in your apartment, which has a living area, private bath, and sleeping quarters. Walking trails (unmaintained) in a full nature setting are available on our 157 wooded acres & some run along the Nishnabotna River. Wildlife and song birds abound, and we have an awesome night sky. Please bring comfortable clothes, walking shoes, your favorite copy of Scripture and a notebook.
Creighton University Retreat Center
16493 Contrail Ave.
Griswold, IA 51535
Phone: 712.778.2466
Private retreats can be scheduled with or without direction sessions.
Before your arrival, please review these details about the Creighton University Retreat Center.