
Rebecca Rivera

Interdisciplinary Leadership (EdD)

In today's dynamic professional landscape, an online doctorate in leadership can be a game-changer, opening doors to remarkable career opportunities and fostering personal growth. Rebecca Rivera, a graduate of Creighton University's Online Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Leadership (EdD), embodies this transformative journey. With years of experience in law enforcement and a passion for teaching, Rivera sought a program that could accommodate her busy life as a single mother while allowing her to pursue her research interests in prison education.

“I was looking for a school that could meet my needs,” Rebecca Rivera, EdD’16, explains. “As a single mom of a teenage boy. I worked full-time. I also still taught part-time, so I wasn’t in a position where I could physically sit in class.” Creighton’s online EdD program met Rivera’s practical needs and provided a supportive and inclusive environment that helped her overcome initial self-doubts. 

“When I got to orientation in Omaha, I parked my car, got out, and was like, I’m going home. I’m not smart enough. These people are smarter than I am. I can’t be here. What am I thinking? And then someone with me said, ‘Do one day. Go in for one day of the orientation. If you don’t like it, leave.’ And immediately, Creighton was so inclusive, and they made me feel accepted and welcomed.”

The program’s approach and vibrant online community proved instrumental in Rivera’s academic and personal development. “Creighton taught me the interdisciplinary approach to anything, the strategic planning. Just having this different viewpoint made me realize how much we’re connected, even though we may not even realize it,” she reflected.

This collaborative learning environment is a hallmark of Creighton’s online EdD program. The program creates a rich tapestry of perspectives by bringing together students from diverse backgrounds and facilitates discussions grounded in real-life scenarios. This approach enhances learning and prepares graduates to lead effectively in various fields.

For Rivera, the program’s impact extended far beyond academic achievement. Her dissertation on factors within education that reduce criminal behavior was published in the International Journal of Education Development, a testament to the program’s rigorous academic standards.

“I looked at the factors within education that reduce criminal behavior. We already knew, and research has already said, that education reduces criminal behavior, but we didn’t know why. And I think that’s where that qualitative part of Creighton influenced me by looking at those soft skills that make education work differently for people who are justice-involved.”

Creighton’s Online Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Leadership goes beyond traditional education. It’s a transformative experience that equips students with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make a significant impact. As Rivera’s story illustrates, this program advances careers and empowers individuals to drive positive change in the world.

“It catapulted me into the career that I wanted. I saw myself with the additional perk of being published and doing some great things like writing courses and helping prisons create educational programs, things I would have never thought in a million years that I would see myself doing,” Rivera shared.

For prospective students considering an online doctorate in leadership, Rivera offers valuable advice: “Trust the process” and “include your family from day one.” She emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and enjoying the journey, reflecting, “I wish I would have listened when Creighton told me to have fun and enjoy the journey because it’s life-changing.”

Creighton’s online EdD program offers a pathway to personal and professional transformation for those seeking to elevate their leadership skills, broaden their perspectives and make a lasting impact in their professions. It’s an investment in not just a degree but in becoming a visionary leader capable of navigating the complex challenges of today’s world. “Learning is transformational,” Rebecca says. “You leave the program as a better person than when you started.”