Creighton Center for Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology

Welcome to the Creighton Center for Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology

The Creighton Center for Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology is an association of researchers within the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Creighton University School of Medicine.

The members of the center include specialists in clinical microbiology, infectious diseases, and molecular biology. In addition to research endeavors, members are active in teaching many courses within the schools of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and pharmacy/allied health.

Courses taught include bacterial physiology, medical microbiology and immunology, antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, diagnostic microbiology, molecular detection of clinical isolates and their resistance mechanisms, and epidemiological analysis of problematic clinical pathogens..

Scientist pipetting

Summer Minicourse

Faculty within the center teach a summer ”minicourse” on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy to clinical microbiologists and diagnostic or pharmaceutical industry professionals.

For more information on this summer course please contact Dr. Nancy Hanson at 402.280.5837 or follow the link above.

Determination of Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms

The center offers a reference service for the phenotypic and/or molecular confirmation of difficult to detect Gram-negative resistance mechanisms such as KPC, MBL, AmpC and ESBL testing.

In addition, the center offers services in molecular diagnostics, Sanger and whole genome sequencing, plasmid profiles, gene copy number, cloning, Southern and Western analyses, outer membrane protein evaluation, and a variety of epidemiological typing methods (e.g., PCR-based, pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and whole genome sequencing with bioinformatic analysis).

Please contact the center at 402.280.5837 for pricing and turn-around times.

Contact Us

Nancy D. Hanson, PhD
Professor and Director

Stacey Morrow, MS, MT (ASCP)
Associate Director of Molecular Biology for the center

Travis Bourret, PhD
Associate Professor
Pathogenesis of parasitic and gram-negative bacterial infections


Richard V. Goering, PhD
Genetics of antibiotic resistance, epidemiological typing of bacterial strains

Nicholas T. Streck, PhD D(ABMM)
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
Clinical Microbiologist, Creighton University Medical Center - Bergan Mercy Hospital
Clinical microbiology and infectious disease

Patrick C. Swanson, PhD
Professor and Director of Flow Cytometry Core Facility
Protein expression and purification, antibody development and testing- lymphocyte development and function in animal models
Flow cytometry applications and analysis