Law Review Subscription

Subscription Information

Annual subscriptions are available by sending $32.10 ($30.00 subscription cost plus Nebraska sales tax) to the following address:

Creighton Law Review
Creighton University School of Law
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska 68178

Past editions may be obtained from the following address:

William S. Hein & Co., Inc.
1285 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14209-1987

Microfilm editions are available from the following address:

NA Publishing Inc.
P.O. Box 998
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0998
1.800.420.6272 ext 6831
1.734.302.6500 ext 6831

Creighton Law Review Archive

The Creighton Law Review is archived in the Creighton Digital Repository (CDR). The CDR starts with volume 1 of the Creighton Law Review and is full-text searchable. You can access the Creighton Law Review in the CDR.

Search tips:

If you are the author of a Creighton Law Review article run a search on your name in the search box. Because the collection is full-text searchable you can search on any term in an article and retrieve the article.

There is a menu on the left side of the CDR that allows you to browse the Creighton Law Review by issue date. The articles list from newest to oldest. If you are looking for an older article and do not want to scroll through multiple years you can enter a specific year when you are in the issue browse mode.

If you need additional assistance accessing an article in the CDR please call the Creighton Law Library Reference desk. Their number is 402.280.5541. You can also email questions to the reference desk at: