If you’re driving to Creighton University School of Law for a visit or other event, you’ll want to plug the address for the Ahmanson Law Center into your smartphone or GPS: 2133 Cass Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68178. Want to go old school or having technology troubles? We offer the following driving directions, parking information and campus map.
Please park in the lot located directly south of the Harper Center. If you've scheduled a tour of the school, a parking pass will be shared with you. Please print it in advance of your arrival and place it on your dashboard. (If you forget or don't have a printer, don't worry, we have extras we can share on your arrival.) You will see a reserved School of Law Admission Visitor sign at the far end of the parking lot south of the Harper Center. If that spot is not available, park on the top of the parking garage at 20th and Cass Street.
For tours, head to the front entrance of Ahmanson Law School (located on Cass St. next to the parking garage) and go the second floor Admissions Suite.
View various driving directions to Creighton University depending on which direction you are coming to campus.