Jacob Rump's research lies at the intersection of epistemology, theories of meaning and language, and intentionality, with a special interest in artificial intelligence. From an historical perspective, he specializes in the phenomenological tradition and its intersections with the history of analytic philosophy. His research and teaching brings neglected insights from these traditions into dialogue with contemporary philosophical concerns.
Teaching Interests
Theory of Meaning, Epistemology, Philosophy of AI, 19th-20th C. European Philosophy (esp. Phenomenology), Wittgenstein, History of Analytic Philosophy
Research Focus
Theory of Meaning, Epistemology, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, 19th-20th C. European Philosophy, History of Philosophy (incl. History of Analytic), Wittgenstein, Ethics, Philosophy of History, Philosophy and Literature
Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Intersections, Encounters, Oppositions Rump Jacob, The Space of Motivations, Experience, and the Categorial Given [Book Chapter] 2023
Rump Jacob, Normativity and Phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger 2014
Rump Jacob, Transcendental History 2014
Rump Jacob, Meaning, Truth, and Reference in Historical Representation 2013
Rump Jacob Martin, Carr David, , The Phenomenological Dimension of the Theory of Meaning: A Critical Inquiry through Husserl and Wittgenstein 2013
Husserl Studies Rump Jacob, Husserl on Significance at the Core of Meaning 2022
The journal for the history of analytical philosophy Rump Jacob, The Fate of the Act of Synthesis 9:11, p. 75 - 99 2021
Continental Philosophy Review Rump Jacob Martin, Making sense of the lived body and the lived world 51:2, p. 141 - 167 2018
Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy Rump Jacob, Meaning, experience, and the modern self 6:1, p. 317 - 355 2018
Humana Mente Rump Jacob, On the use and abuse of teleology for life 11:34, p. 41 - 75 2018
Midwest Studies in Philosophy Rump Jacob Martin, The Epistemic Import of Affectivity 41:1, p. 82 - 104 2017
Rump Jacob, Phenomenology and the Transcendental 2016
Danish Yearbook of Philosophy Rump Jacob Martin, History as soll and sediment 48:1, p. 139 - 152 2016
Graduate faculty philosophy journal , Phenomenology, Historical Significance, and the Limits of Representation 37:2, p. 401 - 426 2016
"Experience, Judgment, and the Limits of Language: Sense and Significance in Husserl's Transcendental Logic" Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (mainprogram), Denver, Colorado 2019
"From Linguistic Analysis to Life-Projects: Husserl's Account of Meaning as "Bridge" for the Analytic-Continental Divide," The Husserl Circle, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico 2018
"Beyond the 'Logical Productions of Sense': Embodiment, Understanding, and Teleology" Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, University of California Merced 2018
"Embodiment, Experience, and the (Lived) Space of Meaning: Some Reflections from Phenomenology and Enactivist Philosophy of Mind" You Are Here: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Space, Place, and Embodiment, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 2018
"From Linguistic Analysis to Life-Projects: Husserl's Account of Meaning as "Bridge" for the Analytic-Continental Divide," Philosophy Department Papers in Progress Presentation, Creighton University 2018
"Husserl on Affectivity, Motivation, and Meaning," Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, Fordham University, New York, New York 2017
"Motivations Beyond Words: Affect Scripts and Embodied Meaning," philoSOPHIA: Society for Continental Feminism, 11th Annual Meeting: Affect and Social Justice, Boca Raton, Florida 2017