Van and Shuttle Rental

Van Rental - Who can rent vans?

Creighton can no longer rent vans for non Creighton University functions due to Liability issues.

If you need information on external rentals, please contact the Transportation Office at 402-280-2396.

Van Training

Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) currently offers this van and defensive driving training online.   Please email for instructions to take the training. Please allow 24 hours to receive a response.

Shuttle and Van Rental Rates

Van Rental in town $65 per day
Van Rental out of town $85 per day
Shuttle rental $65 per hour, 3 hour minimum

Reason for the Procedure:
To maximize the use of fleet vans throughout the weekend days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

There have been an increasing number of requests from groups to reserve fleet vans for multiple weekend days.  Many of these requests have been denied because vans have already been reserved for one of the requested weekend days.  This results in groups reserving vans with off-campus rental agencies at much higher rates than charged by the University’s Fleet Office and fleet vehicles idle for some portion of the weekend.

Reservations for single and multiple weekend day requests will be accepted.  However, a multiple weekend rental request will be given priority up until 10 calendar days prior to the requested rental day.  If a one day weekend rental reservation conflicts with a multiple weekend request prior to 10 calendar days of the requested date, the one day reservation will be cancelled.   The Fleet Office will contact and assist a department in finding an off-campus rental if a reservation must be cancelled due to this situation.

If you have any questions about the new weekend reservation procedure, please call Mark Simanek at 402-280-2396 or email

Van Rental is not available during Fall and Spring Break. If you need a van during this time, contact the Transportation Department at 402-280-2396 and we will assist you in finding a vehicle.