St. John’s Catholic Worship

St. John's is the center of Creighton University's vibrant campus community. At significant times of the year, the Creighton Community comes together in St. John's to give thanks for our gifts, to celebrate our accomplishments, to support one another in times of loss, and to welcome new members. Faith communities on campus also gather regularly for prayer together.

Many students, faculty, and staff of different faiths find St. John's a quiet sacred space during the days and nights. We encourage all members of the Creighton community to find time for quiet reflection and prayer!

Catholic Mass

Regular Liturgy Schedule at St. John’s Church

Sunday Anticipatory Mass: Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday Masses: 8:00am, 10:30am, 7:00pm*, 9:00pm*

Weekday Masses: 12:00pm and 9:00pm*

Confessions: Monday-Friday from 12:30pm to 1:00pm; Saturday from 4:00pm to 4:45 pm; Sunday from 8:00pm to 9:00pm*

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday and Wednesday from 8:00pm to 9:00pm*

*During academic year only

The Creighton University community is invited to participate in annual liturgies, such as the Welcome Week Mass, Mass of the Holy Spirit, and the Baccalaureate Masses. Catholic students, faculty, and staff make St. John's their home. They serve as musicians, lectors, liturgical assistants, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans, and greeters at our regular weekend liturgies as well as at special university liturgies. If you are  interested in serving as a liturgical minister at St. John's, you may click here to find out more information and to sign up.

Eucharistic Adoration

Come join other Creighton students for Eucharistic Adoration on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00-9:00pm in St. John's Church.

Liturgy of the Hours

In these Christian liturgies, we simply give our time and praise to God through prayer and song. Campus Ministry hosts evening prayer in the style of Taizé quarterly during the academic year. See the Prayer in the style of Taizé section of the website for more information!


See the Sacraments navigation for the regular reconciliation schedule, Confirmation, Baptism, First Communion, and preparation for marriage.