Operative Techniques for Severe Liver Injury Weinberg Jordan A., Fabian Timothy C., Vascular Injuries of Porta Hepatis [Book Chapter] 2014
Current Surgical Therapy Weinberg Jordan A., Fabian Timothy C., The Abdomen That Will not Close [Book Chapter] 2014
The American journal of surgery Hopp Morgan J., Kang Paul T., Strand Jacob J., Hollingworth Alexzandra K., Iskander Gaby A.P., Weinberg Jordan, Wu Kelly L., Santivasi Wil L., Exploring the Impact of Surgeon-reported Gender on Palliative Care Utilization in Geriatric Trauma Patients, p. 116177 2024
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Tesoriero Ronald, Stein Deborah M, Weinberg Jordan A, Coimbra Raul, Biffl Walter L, Burlew Clay Cothren, Croft Chasen A, Fox Charles, Hartwell Jennifer L, Keric Natasha, Lorenzo Manuel, Martin Matthew J, Magee Gregory A, Moore Laura J, Privette Alica R, Schellenberg Morgan, Schuster Kevin M, Adult emergency resuscitative thoracotomy: A Western Trauma Association clinical decisions algorithm 2024
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery Hosseinpour Hamidreza, Huang Dih-Dih, Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Tang Andrew, Hejazi Omar, Stewart Collin, Bhogadi Sai Krishna, Anand Tanya, Joseph Bellal, The role of number of affected vessels on radiologic and clinical outcomes of patients with blunt cerebrovascular injury: Presented at the Thirty-seventh Annual Scientific Assembly of the Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma, Orlando, Florida, Januar 68:3, p. e38 - e39 2024
The American journal of surgery Gray Kayla E., Premkumar Agnes, Mahrer Mikaela G., Eastes Joel G., Bogert James N., Gulati Snigdha, Kupanoff Kristina M., Mankin James A., Wu Peter, Czarkowski Brian R., Weinberg Jordan A., Soe-Lin Hahn, Unleashing Surgical Skills: Ultra-High Fidelity Trauma Thoracotomy Training on Knowledge Donor Platform, p. 115899 2024
Journal of vascular surgery Hosseinpour Hamidreza, Magnotti Louis J, Huang Dih-Dih, Weinberg Jordan A, Tang Andrew, Hejazi Omar, Stewart Collin, Bhogadi Sai Krishna, Anand Tanya, Joseph Bellal, The Role of Number of Affected Vessels on Radiologic and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury 2024
Critical care medicine Okonya Tracy, Gulati Snigdha, Reeson Emily, Low Trevor M, Rahaman Clay, Warrington Nicole, Matthees Nick, Kupanoff Kristina M, Jones Michael, Huang Dih-Dih, Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan, Bogert James N., 1547: THE ROLE OF PREHOSPITAL ANTIPLATELET USE AND THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY IN TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY PATIENTS 52:1, p. S744 - S744 2024
Critical care medicine Nguyen Daniel, Gray Kayla, Bogert James, Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan, Chapple Kristina, Jacobs Jordan, Sandoval Matt, 1038: SURGICAL INSIGHT IN THE PREHOSPITAL SETTING: A NEEDLE THORACOSTOMY TRAINING PROGRAM FOR PARAMEDICS 52:1, p. S491 - S491 2024
Critical care medicine Mahrer Mikaela, Gray Kayla, Olney Ceili, Mankin Angela, Soe-Lin Hahn, Mankin James, Weinberg Jordan, Bogert James, Chapple Kristina, 1036: STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE: FOLEY CATHETER SIMULATION WITH HIGH-FIDELITY KNOWLEDGE DONOR MODEL 52:1, p. S490 - S490 2024
Critical care medicine Reeson Emily, Lam Eric, Rahaman Clay, Tolan Grace, O’Toole Devin, Kupanoff Kristina M, Babarinde Oluwatosin, Jones Michael, Huang Dih-Dih, Weinberg Jordan, Soe-Lin Hahn, Bogert James N., 1556: THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY PLATELET MAPPING ASSAY IN INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE PATIENTS: DOES AGE MATTER? 52:1, p. S749 - S749 2024
Critical care medicine Gulati Snigdha, Bogert James, Soe-Lin Hahn, Jones Michael, Reeson Emily, Tolan Grace, Kupanoff Kristina, Huang Dih-Dih, Low Trevor, Weinberg Jordan, 1506: SHOCK INDEX PREDICTS EARLY BLOOD TRANSFUSION: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF BLUNT AND PENETRATING TRAUMA 52:1, p. S724 - S724 2024
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Keric Natasha, Shatz David V, Schellenberg Morgan, de Moya Marc, Moore Laura J, Brown Carlos V R, Ley Eric J, Peck Kimberly A, Fox Charles J, Hartwell Jennifer L, Inaba Kenji, Rosen Nelson G, Weinberg Jordan A, Coimbra Raul, Kozar Rosemary, Martin Matthew J, Adult blunt hepatic injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm 96:1, p. 123 2024
Critical care medicine Smith Kinsey, Weinberg Jordan, Bonnin Sophia, 1542: PHENOBARBITAL SAFETY AND EFFICACY FOR ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL PROPHYLAXIS: USE AT A LEVEL 1 TRAUMA CENTER 52:1, p. S742 - S742 2024
Critical care medicine Weinberg Jordan, Bonnin Sophia, Chapple Kristina, Lai Megan, 1546: REPORT OF A LEVEL 1 TRAUMA CENTER’S ASPIRIN PRACTICE FOR TREATMENT OF BLUNT CEREBROVASCULAR INJURY 52:1, p. S744 - S744 2024
The American journal of surgery Nguyen Daniel, Arne Alex, Chapple Kristina M., Weinberg Jordan A., Huang Dih-Dih, Soe-Lin Hahn, Bogert James N., Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) prior to interfacility transfer: Who might benefit in a statewide trauma system? 2023
The American journal of surgery Stansbury Brittany M., Huang Dih-Dih, Kelley Caitlin J., Rudy Robert F., Snyder Laura A., Bonnin Sophia S., Chapple Kristina M., Weinberg Jordan A., Pentobarbital coma for management of intracranial hypertension following traumatic brain injury: Lack of early response to treatment portends poor outcomes 2023
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Shatz David V., de Moya Marc, Brasel Karen J., Brown Carlos V.R., Hartwell Jennifer L., Inaba Kenji, Ley Eric J., Moore Ernest E., Peck Kimberly A., Rizzo Anne G., Rosen Nelson G., Sperry Jason L., Weinberg Jordan A., Moren Alexis M., Coimbra Raul, Martin Matthew J., Blunt Splenic Injury, ED to Discharge: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm 2022
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Moren Alexis M., Biffl Walter L., Ball Chad G., Brasel Karen J., de Moya Marc, Shatz David V., Martin Matthew J., Inaba Kenji, Ley Eric J., Moore Ernest E., Peck Kimberly A., Rizzo Anne G., Rosen Nelson G., Brown Carlos V.R., Hartwell Jennifer L., Sperry Jason L., Weinberg Jordan A., Coimbra Raul S., Blunt Pancreatic Trauma: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm 2022
The American surgeon Oladokun Olufemi C., Glatt Jennifer L., Ferrel Ethan A., Bonnin Sophia S., Miljkovic Stephanie, Hsueh Katherine, Lawson Abby M., Yossi Christopher, Chapple Kristina M., Weinberg Jordan A., Soe-Lin Hahn, The Declining Use of Opioids at a Level 1 Trauma Center, p. 313482211015 - 31348221101585 2022
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Chavez Marin A., Soe-Lin Hahn, Jacobs Jordan, Chapple Kristina M., Weinberg Jordan A., Bogert James N., Length of stay and trauma center finances: A disparity of payer source at a Level I trauma center 92:4, p. 683 - 690 2022
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Chavez Marin A, Caplan Jason P, McKnight Curtis A, Schlinkert Andrew B, Chapple Kristina M, Mankin James A, Jacbos Jordan V, Bogert James N, Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan A, Early Psychiatric Consultation Is Associated With Decreased Cost and Length of Stay in the Patient Population at a Level I Trauma Center 13:8, p. e17572 - e17572 2021
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Jones Michael D., Paulus Jordan A., Jacobs Jordan V., Bogert James N., Chapple Kristina M., Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan A., Trauma patient transport times unchanged despite trauma center proliferation: A 10-year review 90:3, p. 421 - 425 2021
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Jones Mike D., Kalamchi Louay D., Schlinkert Andrew B., Chapple Kristina M., Jacobs Jordan V., Bogert James N., Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan A., Are all trauma centers created equal? Level 1 to level 1 trauma center patient transfers in the setting of rapid trauma center proliferation 89:5, p. 920 - 925 2020
DeckerMed Surgery Weinberg Jordan A, Fabian Timothy C., Injuries to the Stomach, Small Bowel, Colon, and Rectum 2020
The American surgeon Raffetto Michael L., Chapple Kristina M., Israr Sharjeel, McGeever Kevin P., Gagliano Ronald A., Jacobs Jordan, Weinberg Jordan A., Letting the Numbers Speak for Themselves: A Simple Approach to Cost Reduction for Laparoscopic Appendectomy 85:12, p. 1405 - 1408 2019
Open forum infectious diseases Ting Michelle, Radosevich John, Weinberg Jordan, Nailor Michael D, 2207. Narrowing Antibiotic Spectrum of Activity for Trauma-Associated Pneumonia Through the Use of a Disease-Specific Antibiogram 6:Supplement_2, p. S752 - S752 2019
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Israr Sharjeel, Goslar Pamela W., Chapple Kristina M., Hayden Joel J., Weinberg Jordan A., Gagliano Ronald A., Gillespie Thomas L., Ahmed Aabra, Patient Perception of Medical Student Professionalism: Does Attire Matter? 227:4, p. S225 - S225 2018
Trauma surgery & acute care open Rubalcava Nathan S, Gemma Vincent A, McGeever Kevin P, Weinberg Jordan, Bremner Ross M, Israr Sharjeel, Sitenga Jenna L, Through-and-through gunshot wound to the esophagus at the thoracic inlet:a novel management approach 3:1, p. e000195 - e000195 2018
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Shahan Charles P., Weinberg Jordan A., Magnotti Louis J., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Trauma health literacy: In need of remediation 81:6, p. 1167 - 1170 2016
Trauma surgery & acute care open Weinberg Jordan A, Stevens Lily R, Goslar Pamela W, Thompson Terrell M, Sanford Jessica L, Petersen Scott R, Risk factors for extubation failure at a level I trauma center: does the specialty of the intensivist matter? 1:1, p. e000052 - e000052 2016
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Weinberg Jordan A., Fabian Timothy C., Teague Rebecca J., Ward Tyler A., Wasmund Joshua B., Moore Andrew H., Magnotti Louis J., Lamb Elena M. P., Savage Stephanie A., Minard Gayle, Maish George O., Croce Martin A., Schroeppel Thomas J., Contemporary management of civilian penetrating cervicothoracic arterial injuries 81:2, p. 302 - 306 2016
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Shahan Charles P., Magnotti Louis J., McBeth Paul B., Weinberg Jordan A., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Early antithrombotic therapy is safe and effective in patients with blunt cerebrovascular injury and solid organ injury or traumatic brain injury 81:1, p. 173 - 177 2016
The American surgeon Hendrick Leah E., Schroeppel Thomas J., Sharpe John P., Alsbrook Diana, Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Johnson Benjamin P., Lewis Richard H., Clement L. Paige, Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Impact of Beta-Blockers on Nonhead Injured Trauma Patients 82:7, p. 575 - 579 2016
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Shahan Charles P., Magnotti Louis J., Stickley Shaun M., Weinberg Jordan A., Hendrick Leah E., Uhlmann Rebecca A., Schroeppel Thomas J., Hoit Daniel A., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., A safe and effective management strategy for blunt cerebrovascular injury: Avoiding unnecessary anticoagulation and eliminating stroke 80:6, p. 915 - 922 2016
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Harvin John A., Taub Ethan A., Cotton Bryan A., Brocker Jason, Stein Deborah M., Guillamondegui Oscar, Kodadek Lisa M., Dilektasli Evren, Inaba Kenji, Vella Michael A., Haut Elliott R., Evans Cory R., Weinberg Jordan A., Goodman Michael D., Robinson Bryce R. H., Holcomb John B., Airway management following repair of cervical tracheal injuries: A retrospective, multicenter study 80:3, p. 366 - 370 2016
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Schroeppel Thomas J., Saleem Kashif, Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Fischer Peter E., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Penetrating duodenal trauma: A 19-year experience 80:3, p. 461 - 465 2016
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Schroeppel Thomas J., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., The old man and the C-spine fracture: Impact of halo vest stabilization in patients with blunt cervical spine fractures 80:1, p. 76 - 80 2016
Advances in surgery (Chicago) Weinberg Jordan A, Fabian Timothy C, Does Volume Affect Outcome with Severe Trauma? 49:1, p. 235 - 245 2015
The American surgeon Schroeppel Thomas J, Sharpe John P, Magnotti Louis J, Weinberg Jordan A, Croce Martin A, Fabian Timothy C, How to Further Decrease the Efficiency of Care at a Level I Trauma Center: Implement the Amended Resident Work Hours 81:7, p. 698 - 703 2015
Surgical infections Krezalek Monika, DeFazio Jennifer, Stovall Robert, Biffl Walter, Johnson Jeffrey, Burlew Clay, Barnett Carlton, Fox Charles, Moore Ernest, Marusich Michael, Sandler Nicola, Campbell Yan, Barrett Christopher, Yaffe Michael, Otterbein Leo, Itagaki Kiyoshi, Johnson Kimberly, Zhang Jenny, Moffatt Lauren, Shupp Jeffrey, Kwak Sheryl, Zeidman Michael, Kim Peter, Hsu Albert, Meizoso Jonathan, Charboneau Alex, Delaney John, Jurkovich Gregory, Pieracci Frederic, Guidry Christopher, Willis Rhett N., Hamill Mark, Reed Christopher, Fogel Sandy, To Kathleen, Dickinson Sharon, Carda Stacy, Thurston Jill, Mills-Hokanson Alyssia, Kwaan Mary, Liveris Anna, Eiden Joseph, Gruber William, Emini Emilio, Jansen Kathrin, Gurtman Alejandra, Anderson Annaliesa, Patel Zil, Heil Emily, Leekha Surbhi, Bruns Brandon, Diaz Jose, Obermann Karen, Schroeppel Thomas, Sharpe John, Bradburn Eric, Powers Kinga, Love Katie, Baker Christopher, Collier Bryan, Olufajo Olubode, Diaz Arturo Rios, Clement L., Magnotti Louis Jude, Weinberg Jordan, Fabian Timothy, Croce Martin, Bouchillon Sam, Badal Robert, Hackel Meredith, Lob Sibylle, Johnson Aaron, Grabowski Julia, González Federico Grasa, Hossain Lotfi Elmalaki, Relinque David Sánchez, De Salud Sistema Andaluz, Haith Linwood, Perez Sergio, Patton Mary Lou, Guilday Robert, Speare Nathan, Robinson Celia N, Cooper Zara, Havens Joaquim, Gates Jonathan, Peetz Allan, Salim Ali, Askari Reza, Sawhney Jaswin, Braxton Carla, Awad Samir, Inocian Ergie, Atallah Mohammed, Sami Yasser, Hossain Lotfi Elmalaki, Hakkarainen Timo, Mulier Kristine, Beilman Gregory, Soybel David, Alam Samina, Syed Aneeqa, Kohler Jonathan E., Baver Amy B., Hauser Carl, Lin Elissa, Williams Katherine, Jiang Wei, Patel Vihas, Shimizu Naomi, Sanger Patrick, Stephen Andrew, Lueckel Stephanie, Connolly Michael, Adams Charles, Harrington David Tobin, Cioffi William, Heffernan Daithi, Phillips Brett E., Kelleher Shannon L., Scully Ingrid L., Baber James, Liberator Paul, Cooper David, Zito Edward, van Ramshorst Gabrielle, Mercan Ezgi, Yetisgen Meliha, Hartzler Andrea, Armstrong Cheryl, Lordon Ross, Han Sarah, Martindale Robert, Roth John, Wray Curtis, Kao Lillian, Liang Mike, Subramanian Madhu, Hennessy Sara, Sawyer Robert, Yang Zequan, Liu Song, Wu Xiuwen, Wang Gefei, Gu Guosheng, Hu Dong, Lober William, Evans Heather, Holihan Julie, Bondre Ioana, Askenasy Erik, Greenberg Jacob, Keith Jerrod, MaCConmara Malcolm, Hirschkorn Carol, Minei Joseph, Minshall Christian, Hranjec Tjasa, Lewis Anthony, Seymour Christopher, Gore Amy, Bible Letitia, Livingston David, Mohr Alicia, Sifri Ziad, Leung Chung Ho, Lam Stephen, Ren Jianan, Zang Qun (Sophia), Yao Xiao, Carlson Deborah, Wolf Steven, Minei Joseph, Yuan Du, Blackwood Brian, Yuan Carrie, Nicolas Joseph, Wood Douglas, Hunter Catherine, Ann , Lurie Robert H., Wen Xiao-Yan, Caldarone Christopher, Stanojčić Mile, Stanković Bogdan, Jeschke Marc, Fuentes Eva, Fagenholz Peter, Wawrose Richard, Baraniuk Mary, Standiford Lauren, Wade Charles, Holcomb John, Moore Laura, Huebinger Ryan, Collage Richard, Huang Hai, Zhang Xianghong, Kautza Benjamin, Zuckerbraun Brian, Angus Derek, Tsung Allan, Kaafarani Haytham, Cropano Catrina, King David, De Moya Marc, Butler Kathryn, Velmahos George, Yeh Daniel, Smith Ashley, Ireland Sara, Chen Ding, Barber Robert, Allen Michael, Monson Nancy, Lizardo Radhames, Henry Sharon, Maung Adrian, Foster Kevin, Evans David, Bernard Andrew, Quick Jacob, Cohn Stephen, Jabri Bana, Zaborina Olga, Alverdy John, Pugel Anne, Khor Sara, Shonnard Neal, Oskouian Rod, Rosengart Matthew, Hancock Lynn, Lundberg Peter, Smith Alison, Heaney Jiselle, Nichols Ronald, Korndorffer James, Cauvi David, Davenport Katherine, Grabowski Julia, De Maio Antonio, Bickler Stephen, Bulger Eileen, May Addison, Duane Therese, Segalovich Irit, Maislin Gregory, Smith David, Kobayashi Leslie, Dankner Wayne, Shirvan Anat, Wolf Steven, Kavarian Patil, Gayer Christopher, Gatson Joshua, Liu Ming-Mei, Song Juquan, Saeman Melody, Khodarev Nikolai, Kim Sangman, Zaborin Alexander, Sethi Rajiv, Cizik Amy, Lee Michael, Bederman Samuel, Dellinger E. Patchen, Flum David, Luo James, Bhalla Varun, Ortega Gezzer, Abrams Gillian, McGuire Margaret, Goldstein Seth, Pinard Vanessa, Said Mariam, Roberts Anne, Kalli Anastasia, Fu Xiaowei, Ford Henri, Gayer Christopher P., Dossa Avafia, Wolf Hailey, Cripps Michael, Carlson Deborah, Waltz Paul, Luciano Jason, Ofori-Acquah Solomon, Shiva Sruti, Zuckerbraun Brian, Wu Qin, Khadaroo Rachel, Churchill Thomas, Lee Emma, Gough Aimee, Grotts Jonathan, Fried Jeffrey, Klabbers Robin, Belogortseva Natalia, Lung Kalvin, McCreery Greig, Parry Neil, Gray Daryl, Vinden Chris, Qureshi Faisal, Hwabejire John, Nembhard Christine, Oyetunji Tolulope, Seyoum Theodros, Pitan Olumayoma, Siram Suryanarayana, Ferrigno Lisa, Eymard Corey, Ally Winston, Hurrell Michelle, Brayman Kenneth, Agarwal Avinash, Mele Tina, Deng Meihong, Scott Melanie, Billiar Timothy, Dietch Zachary, Leslie Ken, Cornwell Edward, Greene Wendy, Parli Sara, Rutter Wilbur, Davenport Daniel, Chang Phillip, Tessier Jeffrey, He Jack C, Golob Joseph, Clancy Kate, Schechtman David, Claridge Jeffrey, Meizoso Jonathan P., Teisch Laura, Christley Scott, Shakhsheer Baddr, Guyton Kristina, Shah Puja M., Edwards Brandy, Davies Stephen, Guidry , Sawyer Robert, AlMalki Nour, Salim Saad, Moore Billy, Duane Therese, Lim Joanna, Jang Gene, Bell Brandon, Golden Jamie, Bowling Jordan, Ruiz Xiomara, Guarch Gerardo, Hanna Mena, Allen Casey, Ray Juliet, Schulman Carl, Proctor Kenneth, Churchill Thomas, Khadaroo Rachel, Ali Arham, Ju Hyunsu, Gwosdz James, Herndon David, Finnerty Celeste, Wang Jin, Wang Larry, Grishin Anatoly, Ford Henri, Jia Song, Parodo Jean, Marshall John, Namias Nicholas, Sleeman Danny, Kesinger Matthew, Puyana Juan Carlos, Duque Melissa, Sperry Jason, Swoboda Sandra Marie, Langness Simone, Eliceiri Brian, Coimbra Raul, Costantini Todd, Muratore Sydne, Statz Catherine, Glover J J, Rogers Matthew, Brower-Sinning Rachel, Firek Brian, Shi Min, Zhong Diana, Morowitz Michael, Choi So Jung, Brown Patricia, Efron David, Stander Lindsay, Lipsett Pamela, Tejiram Shawn, Johnson Laura, Hamilton Brittany, Kwaan Mary, Beilman Greg, Chapman Brandon, Herbert Benoit, Salotto Jennifer, Rodil Maridi, Rotstein Ori, Dwivedi Varun, Trgovcich Joanne, Mansfield Sara, Byrd Sara, Cook Charles, Kaczmarek Elzbieta, Elmalaki Lotfi, Relinque David Sánchez, Weigelt John, Milia David, Revolinski Sara, Peppard William, Eberle David, Harvey Helen, Shellington David, Duthie Susan, Bush Ruth, Peterson Bradley, Cannavino Christopher, Hilfiker Mary, Paterson Tara, Haase Daniel, Anand Amit, Kufera Joseph, Joshi Manjari, Scalea Thomas, Stein Deborah, Ren Jianan, Li Jieshou, Perez Javier, Dayal Saraswati, Van Ness Brian, Program and AbstractsThirty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Surgical Infection SocietyWestlake Village, CaliforniaApril 15–18, 2015 16:S1, p. S-1 - S-34 2015
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Swanson Joseph M., Schroeppel Thomas J., Clement L. Paige, Wood Christopher, Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Adherence to an established diagnostic threshold for ventilator-associated pneumonia contributes to low false-negative rates in trauma patients 78:3, p. 468 - 473 2015
The American surgeon Schroeppel Thomas J., Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., How to Increase the Burden on Trauma Centers: Implement the 80-hour Work Week 80:7, p. 659 - 663 2014
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Sharpe John P., Brocker Jason A., Schroeppel Thomas J., Zarzaur Ben L., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Gender disparity in ventilator-associated pneumonia following trauma: Identifying risk factors for mortality 77:1, p. 161 - 165 2014
The American surgeon Paulus Elena M., Weinberg Jordan A., Magnotti Louis J., Sharpe John P., Schroeppel Thomas J., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Admission Red Cell Distribution Width: A Novel Predictor of Massive Transfusion after Injury 80:7, p. 685 - 689 2014
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Sharpe John P., Croce Martin A., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Shahan Charles P., Cullinan Darren R., Marino Katy A., Fabian Timothy C., Applicability of an Established Management Algorithm for Destructive Colon Injuries after Abbreviated Laparotomy: A 17-Year Experience 218:4, p. 636 - 641 2014
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Schroeppel Thomas J., Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Clement L. Paige, Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Traumatic brain injury and beta-blockers: Not all drugs are created equal 76:2, p. 504 - 509 2014
Surgical infections Hill David M., Schroeppel Thomas J., Magnotti Louis J., Clement L. Paige, Sharpe John P., Fischer Peter E., Weinberg Jordan A., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Early Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Cause for Concern? 14:6, p. 520 - 524 2013
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Sharpe John P., Weinberg Jordan A., Magnotti Louis J., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Does plasma transfusion portend pulmonary dysfunction? A tale of two ratios 75:1, p. 32 - 36 2013
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Sharpe John P., Weinberg Jordan A., Magnotti Louis J., Nouer Simonne S., Yoo Wonsuk, Zarzaur Ben L., Cullinan Darren R., Hendrick Leah E., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Outcomes of Operations Performed by Attending Surgeons after Overnight Trauma Shifts 216:4, p. 791 - 797 2013
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery McGwin Gerald, Melton Sherry, Kerby Jeffrey, Rue Loring W., Magnotti Louis J., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Weinberg Jordan A., Survival bias revisited 74:1, p. 345 - 345 2013
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Sharpe John P., Weinberg Jordan A., Magnotti Louis J., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Toward a better definition of massive transfusion: Focus on the interval of hemorrhage control 73:6, p. 1553 - 1557 2012
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Zarzaur Ben L., Shahan Charles P., Parks Nancy A., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Eachempati Soumitra R., Impact of location on outcome after penetrating colon injuries 73:6, p. 1428 - 1433 2012
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Sharpe John P., Shahan Charles P., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Parks Nancy A., Maish George O., A Suggested Amendment to the Simplified Management Algorithm for Penetrating Colon Injuries Reply 215:3, p. 444 - 445 2012
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Parks Nancy A., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Zarzaur Ben L., Schroeppel Thomas J., Swanson Joseph M., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Use of the clinical pulmonary infection score to guide therapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia risks antibiotic overexposure in patients with trauma 73:1, p. 52 - 59 2012
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., MacLennan Paul A., Schroeppel Thomas J., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Weinberg Jordan A., Accounting for differences in transfusion volume: Are all massive transfusions created equal? 72:6, p. 1536 - 1540 2012
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Sharpe John P., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Parks Nancy A., Maish George O., Shahan Charles P., Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Adherence to a Simplified Management Algorithm Reduces Morbidity and Mortality after Penetrating Colon Injuries: A 15-Year Experience 214:4, p. 591 - 597 2012
The journal of trauma Vandromme Marianne J., Melton Sherry M., Griffin Russell, McGwin Gerald, Weinberg Jordan A., Minor Michael, Rue Loring W., Kerby Jeffrey D., Intubation Patterns and Outcomes in Patients With Computed Tomography-Verified Traumatic Brain Injury 71:6, p. 1615 - 1619 2011
World journal of emergency surgery Harrigan Mark R, Weinberg Jordan A, Peaks Ya-Sin, Taylor Steven M, Cava Luis P, Richman Joshua, Walters Beverly C, Management of blunt extracranial traumatic cerebrovascular injury: a multidisciplinary survey of current practice 6:1, p. 11 - 11 2011
The journal of trauma Vandromme Marianne J., Griffin Russell L., Kerby Jeffrey D., McGwin Gerald, Rue Loring W., Weinberg Jordan A., Identifying Risk for Massive Transfusion in the Relatively Normotensive Patient: Utility of the Prehospital Shock Index 70:2, p. 384 - 388 2011
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan A., McGwin Gerald, Vandromme Marianne J., Marques Marisa B., Melton Sherry M., Reiff Donald A., Kerby Jeffrey D., Rue Loring W., Duration of Red Cell Storage Influences Mortality After Trauma 69:6, p. 1427 - 1430 2010
Journal of vascular surgery Killingsworth Christopher D., Kerby Jeffrey D., Rue Loring W., Jordan William D., Taylor Steven M., Patterson Mark A., Weinberg Jordan A., McGwin Gerald, Melton Sherry M., Reiff Donald A., Passman Marc A., Prospective implementation of an algorithm for bedside intravascular ultrasound-guided filter placement in critically ill patients 51:5, p. 1215 - 1221 2010
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Vandromme Marianne J, Griffin Russell L, Weinberg Jordan A, Rue, 3rd Loring W, Kerby Jeffrey D, Lactate is a better predictor than systolic blood pressure for determining blood requirement and mortality: could prehospital measures improve trauma triage? 210:5, p. 861 - 867 2010
Vandromme Marianne J, Griffin Russell L, Kerby Jeffrey D, Feliciano David, Fabian Timothy C, Richardson David, Mckenney Mark, Weinberg Jordan A, Rue Loring W, Lactate Is a Better Predictor than Systolic Blood Pressure for Determining Blood Requirement and Mortality: Could Prehospital Measures Improve Trauma Triage? Discussion 2010
The Journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care Weinberg Jordan A, Mcgwin Gerald, Barbeau James M, Perkins Jeremy G, Duchesne Juan C, Barbeau James M, Vandromme Marianne J, Marques Marisa B, Melton Sherry M, Reiff Donald A, Kerby Jeffrey D, Rue Loring W, Perkins Jeremy G, Duchesne Juan C, Duration of Red Cell Storage Influences Mortality After Trauma. Commentary 69:6, p. 1427 - 1432 2010
Harrison Sebron W, Griffin Russell L, Kerby Jeffrey D, Marques Marisa B, Rue Loring W, Weinberg Jordan A, Sing Ronald F, Mcquay Nathaniel, Davis Frank, Harrison Sebron W, Blood Utilization at a Level I Trauma Center: Is This as Good as it Gets? Discussion 2009
The American surgeon Harrison Sebron W., Kerby Jeffrey D., Marques Marisa B., Rue Loring W., Weinberg Jordan A., Griffin Russell L., Blood Utilization at a Level I Trauma Center: Is This as Good as it Gets? 75:8, p. 693 - 697 2009
The journal of trauma Vandromme Marianne J., McGwin Gerald, Marques Marisa B., Kerby Jeffrey D., Rue Loring W., Weinberg Jordan A., Transfusion and Pneumonia in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit: An Examination of the Temporal Relationship 67:1, p. 97 - 101 2009
The journal of trauma Haricharan Ramanath N., MacLennan Paul A., Griffin Russell L., Rue Loring W., Reiff Donald A., Dooley Adam C., Weinberg Jordan A., McGwin Gerald, Body Mass Index Affects Time to Definitive Closure After Damage Control Surgery 66:6, p. 1683 - 1687 2009
The Journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care Weinberg Jordan A, Rotondo Michael F, Leppaniemi Ari K, Holcomb John B, Malangoni Mark A. J, Weinberg Jordan A, Vandromme Marianne J, Melton Sherry M, Griffin Russell L, George Richard L, Reiff Donald A, Kerby Jeffrey D, Sing Ronald F, Rue Loring W, Fabian Timothy C, Management of Colon Wounds in the Setting of Damage Control Laparotomy: A Cautionary Tale. Commentary 67:5, p. 929 - 935 2009
Snyder Christopher W, Blake David P, Cotton Bryan A, Fakhry Samir M, Fry William R, Holcomb John B, Duchesne Juan C, Fabian Timothy C, Mcgwin Gerald, Melton Sherry M, George Richard L, Reiff Donald A, Cross James M, HUBBARD-BROWN Jennifer, Rue Loring W, Weinberg Jordan A, Tasaki Osamu, Kerby Jeffrey D, The Relationship of Blood Product Ratio to Mortality : Survival Benefit or Survival Bias? Discussion 2009
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan A., McGwin Gerald, Marques Marisa B., Cherry Samuel A., Reiff Donald A., Kerby Jeffrey D., Rue Loring W., Transfusions in the Less Severely Injured: Does Age of Transfused Blood Affect Outcomes? 65:4, p. 794 - 798 2008
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan A., McGwin Gerald, Griffin Russell L., Huynh Vu Q., Cherry Samuel A., Marques Marisa B., Reiff Donald A., Rue Loring W., Kerby Jeffrey D., Age of transfused blood: An independent predictor of mortality despite universal leukoreduction 65:2, p. 279 - 282 2008
The journal of trauma Savage Stephanie A., Zarzaur Ben L., Magnotti Louis J., Weinberg Jordan A., Maish George O., Bee Tiffany K., Minard Gayle, Schroeppel Thomas, Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., The evolution of blunt splenic injury: Resolution and progression 64:4, p. 1085 - 1091 2008
Weinberg Jordan A, Mcgwin Gerald, Hawkins Michael L, Kashuk Jeffry L, Weinberg Jordan A, Griffin Russell L, Huynh Vu Q, Kerby Jeffrey D, Rue Loring W, Cherry Samuel A, Marques Marisa B, Reiff Donald A, Grossman Michael D, Age of Transfused Blood : An Independent Predictor of Mortality Despite Universal Leukoreduction. Discussion 2008
The Journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care Savage Stephanie A, Zarzaur Ben L, Spain David A, Fakhry Samir M, Shackford Steven R, Moore Frederick A, Schermer Carol R, Savage Stephanie M, Schroeppel Thomas, Fabian Timothy C, Croce Martin A, Magnotti Louis J, Weinberg Jordan A, Maish George O, Bee Tiffany K, Minard Gayle, The Evolution of Blunt Splenic Injury : Resolution and Progression. Discussion 64:4, p. 1085 - 1092 2008
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan A., Magnotti Louis J., Fischer Peter E., Edwards Norma M., Schroeppel Thomas, Fabian Timothy C., Croce Martin A., Comparison of intravenous ethanol versus diazepam for alcohol withdrawal prophylaxis in the trauma ICU: Results of a randomized trial 64:1, p. 99 - 104 2008
The American surgeon Magnotti Louis J, Weinberg Jordan A, Fabian Timothy C, Roettger Richard H, Cheadle William, Maxwell Robert, Schroeppel Thomas J, Savage Stephanie A, Fischer Peter E, Bee Tiffany K, Maish George O, Minard Gayle, Zarzaur Ben L, Croce Martin A, Initial chest CT obviates the need for repeat chest radiograph after penetrating thoracic trauma. Discussion 73:6, p. 569 - 573 2007
The American surgeon Magnotti Louis J., Maish George O., Schroeppel Thomas J., Savage Stephanie A., Minard Gayle, Zarzaur Ben L., Weinberg Jordan A., Fischer Peter E., Bee Tiffany K., Croce Martin A., Fabian Timothy C., Initial Chest CT Obviates the Need for Repeat Chest Radiograph after Penetrating Thoracic Trauma 73:6, p. 569 - 572 2007
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan A, Croce Martin A, Edwards Norma M, Fabian Timothy C, Magnotti Louis J, The utility of serial computed tomography imaging of blunt splenic injury: still worth a second look? 62:5, p. 1143 - 7; discussion 1147-8 2007
Surgical infections Claridge Jeffrey A., Edwards Norma M., Swanson Joseph, Fabian Timothy C., Weinberg Jordan A., Wood Christopher, Croce Martin A., Aerosolized Ceftazidime Prophylaxis against Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in High-Risk Trauma Patients: Results of A Double-Blind Randomized Study 8:1, p. 83 - 90 2007
Weinberg Jordan A, Magnotti Louis J, Croce Martin A, Edwards Norma M, Fabian Timothy C, Peitzman Andrew, Shackford Steven, Haan James, Minei Joseph, Pachter Leon, The utility of serial computed tomography imaging of blunt splenic injury : Still worth a second look? Discussion 2007
Injury Weinberg Jordan A., Magnotti Louis J., Edwards Norma M., Croce Martin A., Claridge Jeffrey A., Minard Gayle, Fabian Timothy C., “Awake” laparoscopy for the evaluation of equivocal penetrating abdominal wounds 38:1, p. 60 - 64 2007
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan, Letters to the Editor 61:1, p. 237 - 237 2006
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan, Minard Gayle, Bee Tiffany, Edwards Norma, Claridge Jeffery, Croce Martin, Fabian Timothy, Magnotti Louis, Penetrating Rectal Trauma: Management by Anatomic Distinction Improves Outcome 60:3, p. 508 - 514 2006
The journal of trauma Croce Martin A, Swanson Joseph M, Magnotti Louis J, Claridge Jeffrey A, Weinberg Jordan A, Wood G Christopher, Boucher Bradley A, Fabian Timothy C, The futility of the clinical pulmonary infection score in trauma patients 60:3, p. 523 - 7; discussion 527-8 2006
Weinberg Jordan A, Fabian Timothy C, Davis Kimberly A, Weinberg Jordan A, Magnotti Louis J, Minard Gayle, Bee Tiffany K, Edwards Norma, Claridge Jeffery A, Croce Martin A, Livingston David H, Penetrating rectal trauma : Management by anatomic distinction improves outcome. Discussion 2006
Croce Martin A, Swanson Joseph M, Lucas Charles E, Magnotti Louis J, Claridge Jeffrey A, Weinberg Jordan A, Wood G. Christopher, Arbarbi Saman, Croce Martin A, Boucher Bradley A, Fabian Timothy C, The futility of the clinical pulmonary infection score in trauma patients. Discussion 2006
The Journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care Claridge Jeffrey A, Weinberg Jordan A, Forsythe Raquel M, Miller Christopher, Fabian Timothy C, Petrey Laura, Davis Kimberly A, Moncure Michael, Daley Brian J, Croce Martin A, The real predictors of disposition in patients with spinal cord injuries. Discussion 60:1, p. 178 - 186 2006
The journal of trauma Claridge Jeffrey A, Croce Martin A, Weinberg Jordan A, Miller Christopher, Fabian Timothy C, Forsythe Raquel M, The real predictors of disposition in patients with spinal cord injuries 60:1, p. 178 - 186 2006
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Edwards Norma M., Claridge Jeffrey A., Croce Martin A., Weinberg Jordan A., Timmons Shelly, Fabian Timothy C., Blunt carotid injury outcomes: results of long-term follow-up 201:3, p. S105 - S105 2005
The journal of trauma Weinberg Jordan A, McKinley Kim, Petersen Scott R, Demarest Gerald B, Timberlake Gregory A, Gardner Ronald S, Trauma laparotomy in a rural setting before transfer to a regional center: does it save lives? 54:5, p. 823 - 828 2003
Weinberg Jordan A, Peitzman Andrew B, Blake David, Macarthur John D, Mckinley Kim, Petersen Scott R, Demarest Gerald B, Timberlake Gregory A, Gardner Ronald S, Gubler K. Dean, Trauma lapoarotomy in a rural setting before transfer to a regional center: Does it save lives? Discussion 2003
Critical care medicine Weinberg Jordan A, PREDICTORS OF EARLY TRACHEAL EXTUBATION IN THE SURGICAL ICU 30:Supplement, p. A92 2002
Current opinion in orthopaedics Schemitsch Emil H., Weinberg Jordan, Arthroplasty options for the treatment of arthritis in the young individual 9:1, p. 53 - 61 1998
Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, California. Lecture: Update on Hematology, Transfusion, and Resuscitation 2019
Jones MD, Chapple KM, Veljanoski MD, Jacobs JV, Weinberg JA. The burden of the unhelmeted motorcyclist on a state without a university helmet law: a propensity score analysis. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Dallas, Texas. 2019
Ferrel EA, Chapple KM, Calugaru LG, Maxwell JE, Johnson JN, Mezher AW, Bogert JN, Weinberg JA. Six is the new five: minor change in initial PEEP setting decreases rates of ventilator associated events in mechanically ventilated trauma patients. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Dallas, Texas. 2019
Surgery Grand Rounds, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska.Lecture: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Penetrating Hollow Organ Injury But Were Afraid To Ask 2019
Mattia D, Sajjadi A, Bubic B, Chapple K, Weinberg J, Gagliano R, Gillespie T. Robotic surgery: good for surgeons, bad for third-year medical students. Association for Surgical Education Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. 2019
Jones MD, Shehada MZ, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Bogert JN, Weinberg JA. The ever shrinking operative trauma experience in surgery residency: cause for concern. 71st Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, California. 2019
Shehada MZ, Chapple KM, Raffetto M, Sajjadi A, Al-Dohan M, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Bogert JN, Weinberg JA. Fascial dehiscence following trauma laparotomy: interrupted suture closure may reduce the risk. 71st Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, California. 2019
Weinberg JA, Shehada M, Chapple KM, Israr S, Jones M, Jacobs J, Bogert J. The health literacy of hospitalized trauma patients: we should be checking for deficiencies. 49th Annual Western Trauma Association Meeting, Snowmass, Colorado. 2019
Israr S, Cook AD, McGeever KP, Schultz SP, Petersen SR, Weinberg JA. 2018 Annual Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. 2018
Weinberg JA, Chapple KM, Gagliano Jr RA, Jacobs JV, Israr S, Petersen SR. Back to the future: impact of a paper-based admission H&P on clinical documentation improvement at a level 1 trauma center. 77th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, San Diego, California. 2018
Smith TP, Weinberg JA, Goslar PW, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Sochacki MD, Attias N, Thompson MA, Petersen SR. Prevention of pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing operation for pelvic fracture: efficacy of an institutional clinical pathway. 70th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Napa, California. 2018
Matthees NG, Mankin JA, Weinberg JA, Dameworth JL, Petersen SR. Pneumomediastinum in blunt trauma: if aerodigestive injury is not seen on CT, invasive workup is not indicated. 70th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Napa, California. 2018
Huang D, Rubalcava N, Goslar PW, Chapple KM, Israr S, Petersen SR, Weinberg JA. The community need index (CNI): a simple tool to predict emergency department utilization following hospital discharge from the trauma service. 70th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Napa, California. 2018
Gemma V, Goslar P, Chapple K, Thompson T, Petersen S, Weinberg J. Crisis under the radar: methamphetamine use is reaching epidemic proportions and contributing to resource over-utilization at a level 1 trauma center. 48th Annual Western Trauma Association Meeting, Whistler, British Columbia. 2018
"February in Phoenix" Trauma Symposium, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona.Lecture: Case PresentationCourse Director 2018
Dameworth JL, Weinberg JA, Goslar PW, Stout DJ, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Thompson TM, Petersen SR. Health literacy and quality of physician-trauma patient communication: opportunity for improvement. 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Orlando, Florida. 2018
Arizona Trauma Association Southwest Trauma and Acute Care Symposium, Scottsdale, Arizona.Lecture: Infraclavicular Gunshot Wound 2017
Bogert JN, Goslar PW, Weinberg JA. Injury patterns among pedestrians using assistive mobility devices. American Public Health Association 2017 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. 2017
Goslar PW, Dameworth JL, Weinberg JA, Thompson TL. Home is where our health is: the community need index as a predictor of unplanned returns to the hospital following a traumatic injury. American Public Health Association 2017 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. 2017
Dameworth JL, Weinberg JA, Goslar PW, Stout DJ, Jacobs JV, Gillespie TL, Thompson TM, Petersen SR. Health literacy and quality of physician-trauma patient communication: opportunity for improvement. 2017 Committee on Trauma AZ ACS Chapter Meeting, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2017
American College of Surgeons Arizona Chapter Annual Meeting, Fountain Hills, Arizona.Lecture: Management of Small Bowel Obstruction 2017