Dustin J . Stairs, PhD


D Stairs


College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
Neuroscience (Master of Science)
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 307

Dustin J . Stairs, PhD


Teaching Interests

  • Behavioral Neuroscience

Research Focus

Animal Models of Drug Abuse; Environmental Enrichment, Psychomotor Stimulants


Psychological Science




  • Stairs, D.J., Kangiser, M.M.*, Hickle, T.* and Bockman, C.S. (2016). Environmental Enrichment and Nicotine Addiction. In V.R. Preedy (Ed.), Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse; Volume 1: Common Substances of Abuse/Tobacco, Alcohol, Cannabinoids and Opioids. London: Academic Press 2016
  • London: Academic Press
    Stairs, D.J., Kangiser, M.M.*, Hickle, T.* and Bockman, C.S. (Accepted). Environmental Enrichment and Nicotine Addiction. In V.R. Preedy (Ed.), Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse; Volume 1: Common Substances of Abuse/Tobacco, Alcohol, Cannabinoids and Opioids. 2014


  • Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
    Stairs, D.J., Advancing the Translation between Clinical and Preclinical Models of Individual Differences in Vulnerability in Substance Use Disorders.
    28, p. 377-378 2020
  • Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
    Stairs D.J., Stairs, D.J., Chacho, N.*, Wunsch, C.*, Pipitone, L.*, and Dravid, S.M. (2020) Environmental enrichment increases cue-dependent freezing and behavioral despair but decreases anxiety-like behavior in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 196 172979.
    196 2020
  • Scientific Reports
    Shelkar, G., Pavuluri, R., Gandhi, P. Ravikrishnan, A., Gawande, D., Liu, J., Stairs, D.J., Ugale, R., and Dravid, S.M (2019). Differential effect of NMDA receptor GluN2C and GluN2D subunit ablation on behavior and channel blocker-induced schizophrenia phenotypes. Scientific Reports, 9(1) 7572. 2019
  • Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
    Chaco, N.M.*, Adams, E.*, and Stairs, D.J., (2019). Enrichment-induced differences in methamphetamine drug discrimination in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 179, 80-88 2019
  • Psychopharmacology
    Bockman, C.S., Zeng, W., Fosdick, J.*, Mittelstet, B.*, and Schwarzkopf, L.*, Stairs, D.J., (2018). Nicotine Drug Discrimination and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Differentially Reared Rats. Psychopharmacology, 235(5), 1415-1426 2018
  • Behavioural pharmacology
    Kangiser, M.M.*, Dwoskin, L.P., and Stairs, D.J., (2018) Effects of Varenicline and GZ-793A on Methamphetamine and Food Self-Administration Under a Multiple Schedule of Reinforcement in Rats. Behavioural Pharmacology, 29(1), 87-97 2018
  • Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
    Stairs, D.J., Ewin, S.E.*, Kangiser, M.M.*, and Pfaff, M.N.* (2017). Effects of Environmental Enrichment on d-Amphetamine Self-Administration Following Nicotine Exposure. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 25(5), 393-401 2017
  • Neuropharmacology
    Gupta, S.C., Yadav, R., Morley, B.J., Stairs, D.J. and Dravid, S.M. (2015). Essential role of GluD1 in dendritic spine development and GluN2B to GluN2A NMDAR subunit switch in the cortex and hippocampus reveals ability of GluN2B inhibition in correcting hyperconnectivity. Neuropharmacology, 93, 274-284
    93, p. 274-284 2015
  • Gupta, S.C., Ravikrishnan, A., Hillman, B.G., Mao, Z., Pavuluri, R., Ugale, R. Li, M., Stairs, D.J., Monaghan, D. and David, S.M (2016) The NMDA receptor GluN2C subunit controls cortical excitatory-inhibitory balance, neuronal oscillations and cognitive function. Scientific Reports, 6, 38321. 2015
  • Psychopharmacology
    Ewin, S.E.*, Kangiser, M.M.* and Stairs, D.J. (2015). Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Nicotine Conditioned Place Preference in Rats. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23(5), 387-94
    23, p. 387-94 2015
  • British Journal of Pharmacology
    Suryavanshi, P. S., Ugale, R. R., Yilmazer-Hanke, D., Stairs, D. J., Dravid, S. M. GluN2C/GluN2D subunit-selective NMDA receptor potentiator CIQ reverses MK-801-induced impairment in prepulse inhibition and working memory in Y-maze test in mice
    171, p. 799-809 2014
  • None
    Ewin, S.E.*, Kangiser, M.M.* and Stairs, D.J. (Submitted). Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Nicotine Conditioned Place Preference. 2014
  • International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
    Hillman, B.G., Gupta, S.C., Ravikrishnan, A., Pavuluri, R., Li, M., Stairs, D.J. and David, S.M. (Submitted). The NMDA receptor GluN2C subunit regulates behavioral and cellular phenotypes relevant to schizophrenia. 2014
  • British Journal of Pharmacology
    Suryavanshi, P.S., Ugale, R.R., Yilmazer-Hanke, D., Stairs, D.J., and Dravid, S.M. (2014). GluN2C/GluN2D subunit-selective NMDA receptor potentiator CIQ reverses MK-801-induced impairment in prepulse inhibition and working memory in Y-maze test in mice. Impact Factor 5.067 First Quartile in Pharmacy and Pharmacology
    171(3), p. 799-809 2014
  • Drug and alcohol dependence
    Adams, Emily, Klug, Jenna, Quast, Michaela, Stairs, Dustin J. Effects of environmental enrichment on nicotine-induced sensitization and cross-sensitization to d-amphetamine in rats
    129, p. 247-253 2013
  • Drug and alcohol dependence
    Adams, E.*, Klug, J.*, Quast, M.* Stairs, D.J., (2013). Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Nicotine-Induced Sensitization and Cross-Sensitization to d-Amphetamine in Rats.
    129, p. 247-253 2013
  • PLoS One
    Yadav, R., Hillman, B.G., Gupta, S.C., Bhatt, J.M., Suryavanshi, P., Stairs, D.J., and Dravid , S.M. (2013). Deletion of Glutamate Delta-1 Receptor in Mouse Leads to Enhanced Working Memory and deficit in Contextual Fear Conditioning. PLoS One Impact Factor 3.730 First quartile in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES
    8(4) e60785 2013
  • PLoS One
    Yadav, R., Gupta, S. C., Hillman, B. G., Bhatt, J. M., Stairs, D. J., Dravid, S. M. Deletion of glutamate delta-1 receptor in mouse leads to aberrant emotional and social behaviors
    7, p. e32969 2012
  • PLoS One
    Yadav, R., Gupta, S.C., Hillman, B.G., Bhatt, J., Stairs, D.J., and Dravid, S.M. (2012). Deletion of glutamate delta-1 receptor in mouse leads to aberrant emotional and social behaviors
    7(3), p. e32969 2012
  • Psychopharmacology
    Stairs, D. J., Prendergast, M. A., Bardo, M. T. Environmental-induced differences in corticosterone and glucocorticoid receptor blockade of amphetamine self-administration in rats
    218, p. 293-301 2011
  • Psychopharmacology
    Stairs, D. J., Prendergast, M. A., Bardo, M.T. Enrichment-induced differences in corticosterone: Differential response to amphetamine and glucocorticoid receptor blockade in amphetamine self-administration.
    218, p. 293-301 2011
  • Psychopharmacology
    Stairs, D.J., Prendergast, M.A., and Bardo, M.T. (2011). Enrichment-induced differences in corticosterone: Differential response to amphetamine and glucocorticoid receptor blockade in amphetamine self-administration.
    218(1), p. 293-301 2011
  • Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
    Hillman, B.G., Gupta, S.C., Stairs, D.J., Buonanno, A., and Dravid, S.M. (2011). Behavioral analysis of NR2C knockout mouse reveals deficit in working memory and acquisition of conditioned fear.
    95(4), p. 404-414 2011
  • Behavioural pharmacology
    Stairs, D. J., Neugebauer, N. M., Bardo, M. T. Nicotine and cocaine self-administration using a multiple schedule of intravenous drug and sucrose reinforcement in rats
    21, p. 182-193 2010
  • Behavioural pharmacology
    Stairs, D.J., Neugebauer, N.M., and Bardo, M.T. (2010). Nicotine self-administration in rats using a multiple schedule of intravenous nicotine and sucrose.
    21(3), p. 182-193 2010
  • Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
    Stairs, Dustin J., Bardo, Michael T. Neurobehavioral effects of environmental enrichment and drug abuse vulnerability
    92, p. 377-382 2009
  • Behavioural brain research
    Perry, J. L., Stairs, D. J., Bardo, M. T. Impulsive choice and environmental enrichment: Effects of d-amphetamine and methylphenidate
    193, p. 48-54 2008


  • European Journal of Neuroscience
    Gupta, S.C., Hillman, B.G., Prakash, A., Stairs, D.J., and Dravid, S.M. (2013). Effect of D-cycloserine in conjunction with fear extinction training on extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation in prefrontal cortex and amygdala in rat. • Impact Factor 3.753 Second quartile in Neuroscience
    37(11), p. 1811-1822 2013
  • Boca Raton: CRC Press
    Dworkin, S.I. and Stairs, D.J. (2002). Self-administration of drugs of abuse. In B.D. Waterhouse (Ed.), Methods in drug abuse research; Cellular and Circuit Level Analyses of Drug Action. 2002


  • Kangiser, M.M.*, Pfaff, M.N.*, Ewin, S.E.* and Dwoskin, L.P. and Stairs, D.J., (2015 May) Effects of Varenicline and GZ-793A on Methamphetamine and Food Self-Administration Under a Multiple Schedule of Reinforcement in Rats. Poster presented to the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA), Chicago, Il. 2015
  • Stairs, D.J., Kangiser, M.M.*, Ewin, S.E.*, Salvatore, C.A.*, Pfaff, M.N.*, Daugherty, K.A.* and Schroeder, M.K.* (2014 August) Effects of Environmental Enrichment on d-Amphetamine Self-Administration Following Nicotine Exposure. Talk at the annual meeting for American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. 2014
  • Stairs, D.J., Ewin, S.E.*, Kangiser, M.M.*, Salvatore, C.A.* and Pfaff, M.N.* (2014 June) Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Amphetamine Self-Administration under a Fixed-Ratio and Progressive Ratio Schedule Following Nicotine Exposure. Talk at the annual meeting for College of Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), San Juan, PR. 2014
  • Stairs, D.J. (March 2013) Effects of Environmental Enrichment on the Behavioral Sensitivity to Nicotine: Can it Decrease Abuse Vulnerability? Invited talk at Department of Biomedical Science Seminar Series, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Stairs, D.J. (February 2013) Using Behavioral Procedures to Study the Effects of Environmental Enrichment on the Sensitivity to Stimulant Drugs in Rats. Invited talk at Heartland Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Conference, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Stairs, D.J. (February 2012) Ability of Novelty Exposure to Alter Vulnerability to Nicotine Addiction: Behavioral and Neural Evidence in the Rat. Invited talk at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Seminar Series, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. 2012
  • Stairs, D.J. (July 2011) Why Do Enriched-Rats Self-Administer Less Amphetamine? Invited talk at the IDeA Networks for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Scholars Program INBRE Summer Lecture Series, Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Stairs, D.J. (July 2011) Using Behavioral Procedures to Study Drugs of Abuse. Invited talk at the Munroe-Meyer Institute Heartland Association for Behavior Analysis Speaker Series, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Stairs, D.J., Bockman, C.S., Hasselquist, L.A.* and Hickle, T.* (2011 June) Effects of Environmental Enrichment on the Locomotor Stimulant Effects of Repeated Nicotine Pretreatment and the Relationship with Brain Nicotinic Acetylcholine (nACh) Receptor Densities in Rats. Talk at the annual meeting for College of Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), Hollywood, FL. 2011
  • Adams, E.*, Kraft, M.* and Stairs, D.J. (2011 May). Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Nicotine-Induced Cross-Sensitization to d-Amphetamine. Talk at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA), Chicago, Il. 2011
  • Stairs, D.J., Adams, E.*, Hickle, T.*, Hovenga, B.* and BaDour, B.* (2010 June) Dopamine receptor involvement in enrichment-induced differences in methamphetamine drug discrimination in rats. Talk at the annual meeting for College of Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), Scottsdale, AZ. 2010
  • Stairs, D.J. (March 2009) The Role of Novelty-Exposure in the Vulnerability to Stimulant Abuse. Invited talk at the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience Seminar Series, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2009


  • • , Dept. of Health and Human Services Cancer and Smoking Disease Research, State of Nebraska, C. Bockman (PI), co-Investigator: D.J. Stairs, “Environmental Experience, Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Behavior,” 2010-2012,

  • • LB-506, 2011-04, Dept. of Health and Human Services Cancer and Smoking Disease Research, State of Nebraska, C. Bockman (PI), co-Investigator: D.J. Stairs, “Effects of Novel Environment of Vulnerability to Nicotine,”


  • • Creighton University Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund (Submitted), D.J. Stairs (co-PI), “Effects of environmental enrichment on nicotine-evoked [3H] dopamine release from rat brain slices”

  • “Molecular mechanism of D-cycloserine action,”

  • • Creighton University Graduate School, Summer Faculty Fellowship, D.J. Stairs (PI), “Do high levels of novelty during development alter the subjective effects of caffeine,” 2009,


  • Teaching Award Winner
    Shine Award for Excellence in Teaching
    Gamma Phi Beta
  • Travel Award for Early Career Professional
    Award for travel to APA convention in Honolulu, HI.
    American Psychological Association
  • Teaching Award Nominee
    Omicron Delta Kappa – Teaching for Tomorrow Award o National Student Leadership Honor Society
    Omicron Delta Kappa