Sherianne Shuler, PhD

Associate Professor


College of Arts and Sciences
Communication Studies
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art

Sherianne Shuler, PhD

Associate Professor


Communication Studies


Associate Professor


  • None
    'Devil mamas' of social media: A feminist rhetorical analysis of resistant maternal discourses in Sanctimony. In S. Hayden and H. Hundley, Media's misguided mothers. 2015
  • Peter Lang
    Case studies of nonprofit organizations and volunteer. In True believer's blues: betrayal hypocrisy and mission drift in nonprofit work by J.M. Smith and M.W. Kramer., p. 69-74 2015
  • None
    Bringing the gender movements alive. In M. Murphy and E. Ribarsky, Activities for teaching gender and sexuality in the university classroom 2013
  • Gender actualized: Cases in communicatively constructing realities
    Shuler, S. Starting life with a clean slate: Kylie's new job, p. 80-82 2009
  • Reading "Desperate Housewives": Beyond the white picket fence
    Shuler, S., McBride, M. C., Kirby, E. L. Desperation loves company: Female friendships and the facade of female intimacy, p. 180-189 2006


  • Reference Librarian
    Shuler, Sherianne, Morgan, Nathan Emotional Labor in the Academic Library: When Being Friendly Feels Like Work
    54, p. 118-133 2013
  • Women & Language
    Shuler, Sherianne Cinderella ate my daughter: Dispatches from the front lines of the new girly-girl culture [book review]
    34, p. 97-98 2011
  • Health Communication
    Shuler, S. Social Support Without Strings Attached
    26, p. 198-201 2011
  • Shuler, S. Starting life with a clean slate: Kylie's new job. In Kirby, E. L.; McBride, M. C. (Eds.)., Gender Actualized: Cases in Communicatively Constructing Realities. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA., p. 80-82 2009
  • Shuler, S. I feel like I won't be a good mom if I don't at least try: The breast feeding debate. In Kirby, E. L.; McBride, M. C. (Eds.)., Gender Actualized: Cases in Commuicatively Constructing Realities. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA., p. 115-120 2009
  • Women's Studies in Communication
    Shuler, Sherianne Autoethnographic Emotion: Studying and Living Emotional Labor in the Scholarly Life
    30, p. 255-283 2007
  • Shuler, S.; McBride, M. C.; Kirby, E. L. Desperation loves company: Female friendships and the facade of female intimacy. In McCabe, J.; Akass, K. (Eds.). , Reading 'Desperate Housewives': Beyond the white picket fence. th, I. B. Tauris & Co., Ltd., New York., p. 180-189 2006
  • Communication Studies
    Kirby, E., McBride, C., Shuler, S., Birkholt, M., Danielson, M. A., Pawlowski, D. The Jesuit difference (?): Narratives of negotiating spiritual values and secular practices
    57, p. 87-105 2006


  • None
    Managing Hope: Emotional Labor During a Health Crisis. Favorable review at Qualitative Communication Research. 2015
  • None
    Raising Princess: Autoethnographic Reflections On the Pinces Culture. Autoethnographic manuscript earlier version presented at NCA under revision for submission to Popular Culture Studies Journal. 2015
  • None
    May I have your attention (deficit)? Autoethnographic reflections on mother/daughter struggles with ADHD. 2015


  • The Unruly Mother: A feminist Rhetorical Analysis of Resistant Maternal Discourses in Sanctimony. 2014
  • Panelist and Chair for Pushing the Princesses of Our Students' Pasts into the Future: Engaging the Princess Culture in the Gender Studies Classroom. 2014
  • Communication Education: How do we teach autoethnogrphy? The Pedagogical Possibilities within Autoethnographic Research. 2013
  • Raising Princess: Autoethnographic Reflections On The Princess Culture. 2012
  • Successful Partnership to Advocate for a Paid Parental Leave Policy at a Catholic Jesuit University. 2012
  • When Work stresses You Out: Anger Expression, Burnout, and Coping Strategies. 2010


  • IGGY Award
    Office of Academic Success, Creighton EDGE Program