Prions and Diseases Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Prion Strain Interference [Book Chapter] 2023
Shikiya Ronald A, The Story of Prions’ Discovery 2014
Prions and Diseases : Volume 1, Physiology and Pathophysiology Schutt Charles R., Bartz Jason C., Shikiya Ronald A., Prion strain interference [Book Chapter] 2013
mBio Steadman Benjamin S., Bian Jifeng, Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Minor prion substrains overcome transmission barriers, p. e0272124 2024
PLoS pathogens Gunnels Tess, Shikiya Ronald A, York Taylor C, Block Alyssa J, Bartz Jason C, Evidence for preexisting prion substrain diversity in a biologically cloned prion strain 19:9, p. e1011632 - e1011632 2023
PLoS pathogens Block Alyssa J., Shikiya Ronald A., Eckland Thomas E., Kincaid Anthony E., Walters Ryan W., Ma Jiyan, Bartz Jason C., Efficient interspecies transmission of synthetic prions 17:July 2021
mSphere Shikiya Ronald A., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Bourret Travis J., Failure to detect prion infectivity in ticks following prion-Infected blood meal 5:5 2020
Journal of Biological Chemistry Bourkas Matthew E.C., Arshad Hamza, Al-Azzawi Zaid A.M., Halgas Ondrej, Shikiya Ronald A., Mehrabian Mohadeseh, Schmitt-Ulms Gerold, Bartz Jason C., Watts Joel C., Engineering a murine cell line for the stable propagation of hamster prions 294:13, p. 4911 - 4923 2019
PLoS pathogens Eckland Thomas E., Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Independent amplification of co-infected long incubation period low conversion efficiency prion strains 14:10 2018
Plos Pathogens Shikiya Ronald A., Holec Sara A. M., Mathiason Candace K., Kincaid Anthony E., Langenfeld Katie A., Eckland Thomas E., Trinh Jonathan, Bartz Jason C., PrPSc Formation and Clearance as Determinants of Prion Tropism 13:3, p. e1006298 - e1006298 2017
Journal of Virology Langenfeld Katie A., Shikiya Ronald A., Kincaid Anthony E., Bartz Jason C., Incongruity between Prion Conversion and Incubation Period Following CoInfection 90:12, p. 5715 - 5723 2016
PLoS One Clouse Melissa D., Shikiya Ronald A., Bartz Jason C., Kincaid Anthony E., Nasal Associated Lymphoid Tissue of the Syrian Golden Hamster Expresses High Levels of PrPC 10:2, p. e0117935 (10 pages) 2015
Prion Shikiya Ronald A., Eckland Thomas E., Young Alan J., Bartz Jason C., Prion formation, but not clearance, is supported by protein misfolding cyclic amplification 8:6, p. 415 - 420 2014
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE Saunders Samuel E., Bartz Jason C., Shikiya Ronald A., Protein misfolding cyclic amplification of prions. 2012
Journal of Virology Saunders Samuel E., Shikiya Ronald A., Langenfeld Katie, Bartelt-Hunt Shannon L., Bartz Jason C., Replication efficiency of soil-bound prions varies with soil type 85:11, p. 5476 - 5482 2011
Journal of Virology Shikiya R. A., Bartz Jason C., In vitro generation of high titer prions 85:24, p. 13439 - 13442 2011
PLoS Pathogens Ayers J. I., Aguzzi A., Kincaid Anthony E., Schutt C. R., Shikiya R. A., Bartz Jason C., The Strain-Encoded Relationship between PrP Replication, Stability and Processing in Neurons is Predictive of the Incubation Period of Disease 7:3, p. e1001317 2011
Journal of Virology Shikiya R. A., Bartz Jason C., Ayers J. I., Schutt C. R., Kincaid Anthony E., Co-infecting prion strains compete for a limiting cellular resource 84:11, p. 5706 - 5714 2010
"PrPSc formation and clearance as determinants of prion tropism" Prion 2018 Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2018
NES 510 Neurophysiology Lab, Guest Speaker. Creighton University. Omaha, NE 2018
"Persistence of high titer prion strain in a prion strain mixture". INBRE 2017. August 6-8, 2017. 2017
"Incongruity between prion conversion and incubation period following co-infection". Prion 2017. May 23-26, 2017. Edinburgh, Scotland. 2017
NES 510 Neurophysiology Lab, Guest Speaker. Creighton University. Omaha, NE 2017
PHY 353 Introduction to Biological Physics, Guest Speaker. Creighton University. Omaha, NE 2017
"Restricted propagation of sheep scrapie in hamsters" Prion 2016. May 10-13, 2016. Tokyo, Japan. 2016
"Prion formation, but not clearance, is supported by PMCA" Prion 2015. May 26-29. Fort Collins, CO 2015
"Abundance of prion proteins in Lymphoreticular tissue". 2014 Nebraska Neuroscience Symposium. September 24th, 2014. Omaha, NE 2014
"Absence of PrPSc clearance in PMCA". Expanding Prion Horizons 2013. October 16th-18th, 2013. Fort Collins, CO. 2013
"Investigation of conversion efficiency between natural and in vitro generated prions". Expanding Prion Horizons 2013. October 16th-18th, 2013. Fort Collins, CO. 2013
"Endogenous PrPC Levels in Hamster Lymphoid Tissue". Expanding Prion Horizons 2013. October 16th-18th, 2013. Fort Collins, CO 2013
"In Vitro Generation of High-Titer Prions". Neuro-Prion 2012 Annual Conference. May 9th-12th, 2012. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2012
"The Strain-encoded Relationship Between PrPSc Replication, Stability and Processing in Neurons is Predictive of the Incubation Period of Disease". Neuro-Prion 2011 Annual Conference. May 17th-19th, 2011. Montreal, Canada 2011
PHY 353 Introduction to Biological Physics, Guest Speaker. Creighton University. Omaha, NE 2011
"Amplification Coefficient of Hamster Prion Strains". Neuro-Prion 2010 Annual Conference. September 8th-11th, 2010. Salzburg, Austria 2010
PHY 353 Introduction to Biological Physics, Guest Speaker. Creighton University. Omaha, NE 2010
"In vitro Prion Strain Interference". Neuro-Prion 2008 Annual Conference. October 8th-10th, 2008. Madrid, Spain. 2008
"In vitro Amplification of Prion Strains". Neuro-Prion 2007 Annual Conference. September 24th-28th, 2007. Edinburgh, Scotland 2007