Clinical Nuclear Medicine Schmieder Stephanie, Schraml Frank, CSF-oma Identification With Nuclear Medicine Shunt-o-Gram 44:5, p. 399 - 400 2019
Clinical nuclear medicine Schmidt Matthew Q, Schraml Frank V, Absent Cerebellar Circulation With Intact Cerebral Blood Flow on a 99mTc Bicisate 'Brain Death' Study 42:12, p. 983 - 984 2017
Journal of vascular and interventional radiology Mamlouk Mark D., VanSonnenberg Eric, Schraml Frank, Theodore Nicholas, Radiofrequency Ablation of an Unusual Vertebral Body Osteoid Osteoma Contiguous with the Intervertebral Disc 24:11, p. 1756 - 1758 2013
Neuro-endocrinology letters Schraml Frank V., Beason-Held Lori L., Goslar Pamela W., Baxter Leslie, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and Cognition during Severe, Transient Hypothyroidism 32:3, p. 279 - 285 2011
Neuro-endocrinology letters Schraml Frank V, Beason-Held Lori L, Technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD) cerebral accumulation and symptom and sign severity during hypothyroidism 31:1, p. 161 - 167 2010
Thyroid (New York, N.Y.) Shakir Mohamed K. M., Clyde Patrick W., Krook Linda S., Schraml Frank V., Hays James H., Symptomatic hyponatremia in association with a low-iodine diet and levothyroxine withdrawal prior to I(131) in patients with metastatic thyroid carcinoma 18:7, p. 787 - 792 2008
Annals of nuclear medicine Schraml Frank V, Riego De Dios Ricardo L, Flemming Donald J, Exercise-related longitudinal tibial stress fracture in a young person 20:6, p. 441 - 444 2006
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism Schraml Frank V, Beason-Held Lori L, Fletcher Douglas W, Brown Brian P, Cerebral accumulation of Tc-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD) in severe, transient hypothyroidism 26:3, p. 321 - 329 2006
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging Schraml Frank V, Yudt William M, Gormley Timothy S, Ho Vincent B, Metastatic melanoma to the heart 32:11, p. 1349 - 1349 2005
Clinical nuclear medicine Schraml Frank, Krueger William, Presentation of Gastric Carcinoma on a Radionuclide Gastric-Emptying Study 30:8, p. 574 - 576 2005
Clinical nuclear medicine Minshew PHILIP, Schraml FRANK, Flemming DONALD, Silverman EUGENE, Atypical Presentation of Paget’s Disease on Bone Scintigraphy 24:10, p. 820 - 820 1999
Clinical nuclear medicine Minshew PHILIP, Schraml FRANK, Olivos GUILLERMO, Chesser KEITH, Silverman EUGENE, Loculated Pericardial Effusion Detected on Blood Pool Bone Imaging 24:7, p. 521 - 521 1999
Clinical nuclear medicine Levey CHRISTOPHER, Schraml FRANK, Abreu SUE, Silverman EUGENE, False-Positive Result of a Captopril-Enhanced Radionuclide Renogram in a Child Secondary to Dehydration 24:1, p. 6 - 8 1999
Journal of nuclear medicine technology Schraml F V, Driver D R, Randolph T, Silverman E D, PET versus SPECT for determining myocardial tissue viability using fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose 25:4, p. 272 - 274 1997
The Journal of nuclear medicine (1978) Schraml Frank, Parr Laurence, Ghurani Sawson, Silverman Eugene, Autopsy of a cadaver containing strontium-89-chloride 38:3, p. 380 - 382 1997
Clinical nuclear medicine Raber SCOTT, Silverman EUGENE, Schraml FRANK, Renal Cortical Retention of Tc-99m MAG3 in Hypotension 22:3, p. 190 - 192 1997
Clinical nuclear medicine Schraml F. V, Turton D. B, Bakalar R. S, Silverman E. D, Persistent asymmetric pulmonary Tl-201 uptake in type III sarcoidosis 20:12, p. 1093 - 1094 1995