Gabriel Rivera, PhD

Associate Professor

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College of Arts and Sciences

Gabriel Rivera, PhD

Associate Professor




Associate Professor


  • Springer Publishing
    Rivera G, Davis JN, Godwin JC, Adams DC. Repeatability of habitat-associated divergence in shell shape of turtles. Evolutionary Biology
    41, p. 29-37 2014
  • Wiley-Blackwell
    Rivera G, Stayton CT. Effects of asymmetry on the strength of the chelonian shell: a comparison of three species. Journal of Morphology
    274, p. 901-908 2013
  • Springer Publishing
    Husak JF, Ribak G, Baker RH, Rivera G, Wilkinson GS, Swallow JG. Effects of ornamentation and phylogeny on the evolution of wing shape in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology
    26, p. 1281-1293 2013
  • Journal of Experimental Biology
    Rivera ARV, Rivera G, Blob RW. Forelimb kinematics during swimming in the pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys insculpta, compared with other turtle taxa: rowing versus flapping, convergence versus intermediacy.
    216, p. 668-680 2013
  • Wiley-Blackwell
    Rivera G, Stayton CT. Finite element modeling of shell shape in the freshwater turtle Pseudemys concinna reveals a trade-off between mechanical strength and hydrodynamic efficiency. Journal of Morphology
    272, p. 1192-1203 2011
  • Journal of Experimental Biology
    Rivera G, Rivera ARV, Blob RW. Hydrodynamic stability of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta): effects of four-limbed rowing versus forelimb flapping in rigid-bodied tetrapods.
    214, p. 1153-1162 2011


  • Mayerl CJ*, Rivera G, Blob RW. Swimming function in pleurodire turtles: hydrodynamic stability and a novel gait. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology: West Palm Beach, Florida. 2015
  • Rivera G. Morphological patterns in the bones of turtles: How shape and symmetry are optimized by selection for enhanced locomotor performance. Dept. of Biology, Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 2014
  • Oppenheimer JJ*, Deppen CM, Welkie BP, Rivera G. Symmetry in the limbs of emydid turtles: are more important limbs more symmetrical? Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution: Raleigh, North Carolina. 2014
  • Mayerl CJ*, Rivera G, Blob RW. Swimming function in pleurodire turtles: hydrodynamic stability and a novel gait. Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology: Manchester, UK. 2014
  • Mayerl CJ*, Rivera G, Blob RW. Swimming function in pleurodire turtles: hydrodynamic stability and a novel gait. 2014 Joint Southeast Regional SICB Meeting of the Divisions of Vertebrate Morphology and Comparative Biomechanics: Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 2014
  • Deppen CM*, Oppenheimer JJ, Welkie BP, Rivera G. Biomechanical influence on fluctuating asymmetry in the limbs of emydid and kinosternid turtles. Annual Saint Joseph's University Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2014
  • Rivera G. Environment, Morphology, and Performance: Understanding ecomorphological variation and functional consequences of turtle shell shape. Dept. of Biology, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. 2013
  • Rivera G. Environment, Morphology, and Performance: Understanding ecomorphological variation and functional consequences of turtle shell shape. Department of Biology, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA. 2013
  • Boerma D*, Rivera G, Adams DC. Repeatability of flow-associated divergence in shell shape of turtles: a comparison across geographic regions. 2012 Joint Southeast Regional SICB Meeting of the Divisions of Vertebrate Morphology and Comparative Biomechanics: Charleston, South Carolina. 2012
  • Rivera G*, Davis JN, Godwin JC, Adams DC. Parallel evolution of shape divergence in the shells of freshwater turtles inhabiting different flow regimes. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology: Charleston, South Carolina. 2012
  • Rivera G*, Hansel MM, Adams DC. Evolutionary rates of sexual shape and size dimorphisms in the shells of emydid turtles. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology: Charleston, South Carolina. (Poster) 2012
  • Rivera ARV*, Rivera G, Blob RW, Wyneken J. Whole-body acceleration and inertial effects of flippers during swimming in the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas). Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology: Charleston, South Carolina. 2012
  • Rivera G. Environment, Morphology, and Performance: Understanding ecomorphological variation and functional consequences of turtle shell shape. Keck Science Dept., Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA. 2011
  • Rivera G. Ecomorphological variation in the freshwater turtle Pseudemys concinna inhabiting different aquatic flow regimes: effects of shell shape on multiple facets of performance. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 2011
  • Rivera G*, Hansel MM, Adams DC. Evolution of sexual-shape dimorphism in the shells of emydid turtles. Joint Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists: Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Poster) 2011
  • Rivera G*, Stayton CT. Habitat-associated trade-off between mechanical strength and hydrodynamic efficiency of shell shape in the freshwater turtle Pseudemys concinna. Joint Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists: Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2011