Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care Reisbig Mark D., Youngblood Charles F., Anesthesia adjuncts in the management of pain in trauma patients: New blocks and other techniques to combat the opioid epidemic [Book Chapter] 2024
Research and Practice in Anesthesiology Open Journal Kerfeld Mitchell J., Hambsch Zakary J., McEntire Dan M., Kirkpatrick Daniel R., Cai Jin, Youngblood Charles F., Agrawal Devendra K., Reisbig Mark D., Physiologic Advantages of Peripheral Nerve Blockade Translate to Decreased Length of Stay and Improved Patient Satisfaction 1:1, p. 4 - 14 2020
Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology Kirkpatrick Daniel R., Dueck Nicholas P., Kerfeld Mitchell J., Hambsch Zakary J., Nelson Taylor J., Reisbig Mark D., McEntire Dan M., Agrawal Devendra K., Smith Tyler A., Transmission Pathways and Mediators as the Basis for Clinical Pharmacology of Pain 9:10, p. 1363 - 1387 2016
Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology McEntire Dan M., Kirkpatrick Daniel R., Dueck Nicholas P., Kerfeld Mitchell J., Smith Tyler A., Nelson Taylor J., Reisbig Mark D., Agrawal Devendra K., Pain Transduction: A Pharmacologic Perspective 9:8 2016
Clinical and Translational Science Hambsch Zakary J., McEntire Dan M., Youngblood Charles F., Agrawal Devendra K., Reisbig Mark D., Kerfeld Mitchell J., Kirkpatrick Daniel R., Arterial Catheterization and Infection: Toll-like Receptors in Defense against Microorganisms and Therapeutic Implications 8:6, p. 857 - 870 2015
Clinical and Translational Science Kirkpatrick Daniel R., McEntire Dan M., Hambsch Zakary J., Kerfeld Mitchell J., Reisbig Mark D., Youngblood Charles F., Agrawal Devendra K., Smith Tyler A., Therapeutic Basis of Clinical Pain Modulation 2015
Journal of clinical microbiology Geyer Chelsie N., Reisbig Mark D., Hanson Nancy D., Development of a TaqMan multiplex PCR assay for detection of plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamase genes 50:11, p. 3722 - 3725 2012
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Reisbig Mark D., Hanson Nancy D., Promoter sequences necessary for high-level expression of the plasmid-associated ampC beta-lactamase gene bla(MIR-1) 48:11, p. 4177 - 4182 2004
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Hossain Ashfaque, Reisbig Mark D., Hanson Nancy D., Plasmid-encoded functions compensate for the biological cost of AmpC overexpression in a clinical isolate of Salmonella typhimurium 53:6, p. 964 - 970 2004
Journal of clinical microbiology Pitout Johann D.D., Reisbig Mark D., Mulvey Mike, Chui Linda, Louie Marie, Crowe Larry, Church Deirdre L., Elsayed Sameer, Gregson Dan, Ahmed Rafiq, Tilley Peter, Hanson Nancy D., Association between handling of pet treats and infection with Salmonella enterica serotype Newport expressing the AmpC β-lactamase, CMY-2 41:10, p. 4578 - 4582 2003
Journal of clinical microbiology Pitout J. D.D., Reisbig M. D., Venter E. C., Church D. L., Hanson N. D., Modification of the double-disk test for detection of Enterobacteriaceae producing extended-spectrum and AmpC β-lactamases 41:8, p. 3933 - 3935 2003
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Reisbig Mark D., Hossain Ashfaque, Hanson Nancy D., Factors influencing gene expression and resistance for Gram-negative organisms expressing plasmid-encoded ampC genes of Enterobacter origin 51:5, p. 1141 - 1151 2003
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy Moland Ellen Smith, Hanson Nancy D., Thomson Kenneth S., Black Jennifer A., Ourada Jason, Reisbig Mark D., Occurrence of newer β-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from 24 U.S. Hospitals 46:12, p. 3837 - 3842 2002
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Reisbig Mark D., Hanson Nancy D., The ACT-1 plasmid-encoded AmpC β-lactamase is inducible 49:3, p. 557 - 560 2002
Poster Presentation: Griffin, E., Evans, T., Pharm, T., Reisbig, M.D. Electrocautery Interference with an AICD During THA. American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. 2019
Poster Presentation: Evans, T., Griffin, E., Youngblood, C.F., Reisbig, M.D. Regional Anesthesia for Chest Wall Injury. American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. 2019
Reisbig, M.D. Complications of endotracheal intubation. January 23, 2016. Creighton University EMS Education EMS Continuing Education Conference. Bellevue Fire Department Training Facility 2016
Reisbig, M.D. Multimodal Pain Therapy and Peripheral Nerve Block Management on the Wards. Creighton University Medical Center Medical/Surgical Wards 2015
Reisbig, M.D. Peripheral IV and Internal Jugular IV Access Ultrasound Workshop. Creighton University Department of Obstetric & Gynecology Grand Rounds 2013
Reisbig, M. D. Vascular Access for the Obstetric Patient. Creighton University Department of Obstetric & Gynecology Grand Rounds 2013
Reisbig, M. D. Difficult Airway in a Patient with Ankylosing Spondylosis, Cardovascular Disease, COPD, and Increase lntracranlal Pressure.Creighton University Department of Anesthesiology Morbidity & Mortality Conference 2013
Reisbig, M.D. & B. Hurlbert. Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Bronchospasm During Induction of Anesthesia. UNMC Department of Anesthesiology Morbidity and Mortality Conference. 2012
Relsbig, M. D. & S. Shillcutt. Right-to-Left Shunting Through a Patent Foramen Ovale Leading to Acute Myocardial lschemia During Total Hip Arthroplasty Revision: Use of Rescue Transesophageal Echocardiography. Accepted In Abstracts of the American Society of Anesthesiology. Chicago, Illinois. Poster Presentation 2011
Reisbig, M. D. & A. Braasch. June 2011. Postpartum Hemorrhage. UNMC Department of Anesthesiology Morbidity and Mortality Conference 2011
Reisbig, M. 0. & A. Duhacek-Stapleman. June 2011. Circuit Leak During Vitrectomy In a 4 Month Old Patient Caused by a Crack in the Carbon Dioxide Absorbent Canister. UNMC Department of Anesthesiology Morbidity and Mortality Conference 2011
UNMC Department of Anesthesiology Journal Club Presentation, March 2011. Article Presented: "Apoptosis Induction by Different Local Anaesthetics In a Neuroblastoma Cell Line." Werdehausen et al. J. Anaesth. 2009, 103, 5, 711-718 2011
Reisblg, M. D. & K. R. Peters. March 2011. Dexmedetomidine: A Single Agent for Rhinoplasty in a Patient with Severe Cardiopulmonary Disease. In Abstracts of the Midwest Anesthesiology Residents Conference. Chicago, Illinois. Poster Presentation 2011
Reisbig, M, D. & J. Kalamaja. January 2010. Emergency Airway in a Child with Pierre Robin Sequence. UNMC Department of Anesthesiology Morbidity and Mortality Conference 2010
UNMC Department of Anesthesiology Journal Club Presentation, November 2009. Article Presented: "Anesthesiologists with Substance Use Disorders: A 5-Vear Outcome Study from 16 State Physician Health Programs." Skipper et al. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2009:109, 3, 891-896 2009
Reisbig, M. D. & G. Gorby. February 2008. Selection of P-Lactam Resistant Citrobacter freundii Isolates from a Patient with a Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Infection Treated with Ceftazidime. City Wide Infectious Disease Conference. Omaha, Nebraska 2008