Lateef Noman, Virk Hafeez U.H., Khan Muhammad Shahzeb, Lakhter Vladimir, Haseeb Abdul, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Mirza Mohsin, Rangaswami Janani, Zidar David A., Holmberg Mark, Janzer Sean, Role of renal sympathetic denervation in hypertension 2020
Journal of gastrointestinal oncology Glisan Adrianna, Nielsen Eric, Billion Taylor, Abdul Jabbar Ali Bin, Avula Aditya, Mirza Mohsin, Tauseef Abubakar, Regional trends in colorectal cancer mortality in people aged 45–84 years in the US, 1999–2022 15:6, p. 2533 - 2542 2024
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine Salman Malik, Cicin Jack, Bin Abdul Jabbar Ali, El-shaer Ahmed, Tauseef Abubakar, Asghar Noureen, Mirza Mohsin, Aboeata Ahmed, Trends in sepsis-associated cardiovascular disease mortality in the United States, 1999 to 2022 11 2024
Journal of family medicine and primary care Siddiqui Sameed, Tele-medicine and its impact on academic medical centers: A narrative review 13:12, p. 5472 2024
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) El-Shaer Ahmed, Abdul Jabbar Ali, Ahmed Hasaan, Mathew Kalathil Ruth Ann, Shaik Abdullah, Mushtaq Ali, Walters Ryan, kabach amjad, Tandalam Palanivelu Sangeetha, Monther Noorhan, Tauseef Abubakar, Hall Alexander, Patel Rutvij, Millner Paul, Mirza Mohsin, Abstract 4118777: Outcomes Of Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy In Academic Versus Non-Academic Centers: Analysis from the National Inpatient Sample Database 2012-2020 150:Suppl_1 2024
Journal of family medicine and primary care Salman Malik, Kimball Ryan, Bromley Sarah, Belleville Troy, Jabbar Ali B. A., Tauseef Abubakar, Mirza Mohsin, Hayat Shagufta, Sood Akshat, Telemedicine: Future of the healthcare system and its impact on patient satisfaction: A literature review 13:11, p. 4810 - 4814 2024
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology Billion Taylor, Braaten Marco, Holland Eva, Mishra Anjali, Kashikar Rimzhim, Silberstein Peter, Tauseef Abubakar, Asghar Noureen, DeVrieze Bradley, Mirza Mohsin, Racial Disparities in Treatment and Outcomes of Pediatric Hepatoblastoma 2024
Journal of family medicine and primary care Tauseef Abubakar, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Sood Akshat, Mirza Mohsin, Zafar Maryam, Siddiqui Sameed Abdul Hameed, Dufani Jalal, DeVrieze Bradley, Mirza Muazzam, Management of immune check-point inhibitor-associated colitis in patients with advanced metastatic cancers: A review article 13:7, p. 2562 - 2567 2024
Respiratory research Baral Nikita, Mirza Mohsin, DeVrieze Bradley, Hildenbrand Alec, Tauseef Abubakar, Noor Amna, Jabbar Ali Bin Abdul, Demographic and geographical trends in chronic lower respiratory diseases mortality in the United States, 1999 to 2020 25:1, p. 258 - 2024
Reviews in cardiovascular medicine Foley Olivia, Bin Abdul Jabbar Ali, Millner Paul, Hammond Rebecca, Au Kristine, Asghar Noureen, Tauseef Abubakar, Mirza Mohsin, Disparities in Mitral Valve Disease Associated with Heart Failure 25:4, p. 129 2024
European journal of medical research Braaten Marco, Braaten Jacob, Chaddha Jasleen, Hu Robert, Lanoue Connor, Silberstein Peter, Tauseef Abubakar, Asghar Noureen, Mirza Mohsin, Survival and treatment in older patients with ewing sarcoma: an analysis of the national cancer database 29:1, p. 29 - 2024
Journal of family medicine and primary care Abodunrin Faith, Masih Durva, Khan Saber, Teplitsky Ella, Mirza Mohsin, Mirza Muazzam, Siddiqui Sameed H, Tauseef Abubakar, Millner Paul, Zafar Maryam, Bevacizumab combined with platinum-based chemotherapy in primary or relapsed ovarian cancer patients: Meta-analysis and literature to review 12:11, p. 2797 - 2023
Journal of clinical oncology Asghar Noureen, Raza Umar, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Mirza Mohsin, Khakwani Kaneez Zahra Rubab, Riaz Irbaz Bin, Naqvi Syed Arsalan Ahmed, Bibi Arifa, Ayaz Ahsan, Prasad Aishwarya, Florez Narjust, Kamran Sophia C., Disparity in regional recruitment across global cancer trials: A meta-analysis 41:16_suppl, p. 6636 - 6636 2023
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives Teplitsky Ella, Sood Akshat, Zafar Maryam, Tauseef Abubakar, Varghese Marissa, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Nair Sunil, Mirza Mohsin, Classic IgA-Vasculitis with Nephrotic Range Proteinuria - Rare Presentation in an Adult 13:3, p. - 2023
Current cardiology reviews Latif Azka, Ahsan Zoraiz, Ahmad Soban, Mirza Mohsin, Tran Amy, Ahsan Junaid, Lateef Noman, Abusina Waiel, Kapoor Vikas, Coronary Artery Aneurysms as a Cause of Acute Coronary Syndrome Presentation - A Focused Review 2023
Current problems in cardiology Lateef Noman, Farooq Muhammad Zain, Latif Azka, Ahmad Soban, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Tran Amy, Nickol Jennifer, Wasim Muhammad Fahad, Yasmin Farah, Mirza Mohsin, Kumar Pankaj, Arif Abdul Wahab, Shaikh Asim, Prevalence of Post-Heart Transplant Malignancies: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 47:12, p. 101363 - 101363 2022
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, faizi kainat, Mirza Mohsin M, Lateef Noman, Ahmad Soban, latif azka, Ahsan Muhammad Zoraiz, Abstract 13502: Prognostic Significance of Non-Infarct-Related Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion in Patients Presenting With Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 146:S_1, p. A13502 2022
Proceedings - Baylor University. Medical Center Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Kim Michael, Porter Joann, Mirza Mohsin, Jaffri Abbis, Kapoor Vikas, Tran Amy, DeVrieze Bradley, Nahas Joseph, A new dawn in internal medicine education curriculum-a project by the residents, with the residents, for the residents 35:6, p. 798 - 801 2022
Current problems in cardiology Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Lateef Noman, Kapoor Vikas, Tran Amy, Abusnina Waiel, Lundgren Scott, Goldsweig Andrew, Ahsan Muhammad Zoraiz, Mirza Mohsin, Implementation of Multiple Evidence Based Heart Failure Therapies 47:10, p. 101293 - 101293 2022
World journal of transplantation Reiche William, Silberstein Peter, Sabri Ahmed, Mirza Mohsin, Cantu David, Chandan Saurabh, Tauseef Abubakar, Gastrointestinal manifestations, risk factors, and management in patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder: A systematic review 12:8, p. 268 - 280 2022
Federal practitioner Tauseef Abubakar, Zafar Maryam, Silberstein Peter, Nahas Joseph, Frederickson Thomas, Hansen Sean, Abbas Anum, Alali Yaman, Buragadda Avdesh, Abughanimeh Omar K., Nair Sunil, Mirza Mohsin, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Safety Profile of Mutant EGFR-TK Inhibitors in Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Meta-analysis 39:Suppl 3, p. S72 - S80 2022
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine Latif Azka, Goldsweig Andrew Michael, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Kabach Amjad, Kearney Kathleen, Kapoor Vikas, Mirza Mohsin, Ahsan Mohammad Zoraiz, Panaich Sidakpal, Cohen Mauricio, Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Chronic Total Occlusions 37, p. 68 - 75 2022
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Lateef Noman, Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad J., Abusnina Waiel, Brown Kristen, Mirza Mohsin, Mamas Mamas A., Bhatt Deepak L., Velagapudi Poonam, META-ANALYSIS OF OUTCOMES OF TRANSRADIAL VERSUS TRANSFEMORAL ACCESS IN PATIENTS WITH PRIOR CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFT SURGERY UNDERGOING CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY AND/OR PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION 79:9, p. 937 2022
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Latif Azka, Lateef Noman, Aurit Sarah, Mirza Mohsin M., Siller-Matula Jolanta M., Mamas Mamas A., Parikh Manish, Brilakis Emmanouil S., Abbott J. Dawn, Bhatt Deepak L., Velagapudi Poonam, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Impact of sex on outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion 99:2, p. 254 - 262 2022
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Latif Azka, Smer Aiman, Ahsan Muhammad Zoraiz, kapoor vikas, Ahsan Muhammad J, Mirza Mohsin, Thandra Abhishek, Abstract 13176: Impact Of Cardiac Shock Wave Therapy On Myocardial Perfusion And Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction In Patient With Angina: A Meta-analysis 144:S_1, p. A13176 2021
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Latif Azka, Kim Michael H, Ahsan Muhammad J, Jaffri Abbis, Willman Claire C, kapoor vikas, Mirza Mohsin, Abstract 14052: Outcomes of Radiofrequency Transcatheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 144:Suppl_1, p. A14052 2021
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives Mirza Mohsin, Zafar Maryam, Siddiqui Mariam, Abbas Anum, Nahas Joseph, Mirza Muazzam, Tauseef Abubakar, Role of steroids in critically-ill sepsis patients: a review article and literature to review 11:6, p. 825 - 829 2021
Current Cardiology Reviews Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Lateef Noman, Kapoor Vikas, Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Razzaq Faryal, Iftikhar Ahmad, Ashfaq Muhammad Zubair, Anwer Faiz, Mirza Mohsin, Kabach Amjad, Prognostic Impact of Red Cell Distribution Width on the Development of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy, Major Adverse Cardiac Events, and Mortality in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 17:6 2021
American Journal of Cardiology Latif Azka, Velagapudi Poonam, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Mirza Mohsin M., Aurit Sarah, Brilakis Emmanouil S., Siller-Matula Jolanta, Mamas Mamas A., Parikh Manish, Abbott J. Dawn, Bhatt Deepak L., Meta-Analysis of Transradial Versus Transfemoral Access for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease 157, p. 8 - 14 2021
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives Mirza Mohsin, Zafar Maryam, Nahas Joseph, Arshad Wafa, Abbas Anum, Tauseef Abubakar, Hemophagocytic lymph histiocytosis (HLH): etiologies, pathogenesis, treatment, and outcomes in critically ill patients: a review article and literature to review 11:5, p. 639 - 645 2021
Journal of family medicine and primary care Tauseef Abubakar, Sood Akshat, Lateef Noman, Mirza Mohsin, Zafar Maryam, Syed Erum, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Prognostic importance of deranged sodium level in critically ill patients: A systemic literature to review 10:7, p. 2477 - 2481 2021
Journal of family medicine and primary care Tauseef Abubakar, Sood Akshat, Farooque Umar, Nair Sunil, Mirza Mohsin, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Zafar Maryam, Arshad Wafa, Role of immature platelet fraction (IPF) in sepsis patients: A systematic review 10:6, p. 2148 - 2152 2021
Journal of family medicine and primary care Tauseef Abubakar, Mirza Mohsin, Zafar Maryam, Syyed Erum, Sood Akshat, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB) in diabetic patients: Treat or not to treat: A prospective, observational study conducted at a tertiary care hospital 10:5, p. 1963 - 1969 2021
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Ahsan Muhammad J., Malik Saad U., Batool Syeda S., Fazeel Hafiz M., Lateef Noman, Latif Azka, Ahsan Mohammad Z., Faizi Zaheer, Thandra Abhishek, Mirza Mohsin, Kabach Amjad, Core Michael Del, A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact of baseline thrombocytopenia on cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention 97:6, p. E778 - E788 2021
Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Lateef Noman, Kapoor Vikas, Mirza Mohsin Mansoor, Anwer Faiz, Del Core Michael, Kanmantha Reddy Arun, Outcomes of surgical versus transcatheter aortic valve replacement in nonagenarians- a systematic review and meta-analysis 11:1, p. 128 - 134 2021
Current Problems in Cardiology Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Lateef Noman, Kapoor Vikas, Lundgren Scott, Ahsan Muhammad Zoraiz, Ahmad Soban, Mirza Mohsin, Is Methamphetamine-Linked Cardiomyopathy an Emerging Epidemic for New Generation? 2021
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Tauseef Abubakar, Zafar Maryam, Rashid Behzad, Thirumalareddy Joseph, Chalfant Victor, Farooque Umar, Mirza Mohsin, Correlation of Fasting Lipid Profile in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study in Tertiary Care Hospital 12:10, p. e11019 - e11019 2020
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Latif Azka, Mirza Mohsin, Ashfaq Muhammad Zubair, Lateef Noman, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Kapoor Vikas, Usman Rana Mohammad, Cooper Stephen, Andukuri Venkata, Khouzam Rami, Transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement in patients with cardiac surgery 7:3 2020
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Latif Azka, Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Lateef Noman, Zoraiz Ahsan Muhammad, Kapoor Vikas, Batool Syeda Sabeeka, Mirza Mohsin, Ashfaq Zubair, Anwer Faiz, Holmberg Mark, Obstructive sleep apnea and peripheral vascular disease: a systematic review based on current literature 10:3, p. 188 - 193 2020
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives Lateef Noman, Kapoor Vikas, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Latif Azka, Ahmed Umair, Mirza Mohsin, Anwar Faiz, Holmberg Mark, Atrial fibrillation and cancer; understanding the mysterious relationship through a systematic review 10:2, p. 127 - 132 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Ahsan Muhammad J., Hassan Syeda, Mobeen Sadia, Mirza Mohsin, Core Michael Del, Mansoor Kanaan, Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Batool Syeda Sabeeka, Ashraf Aqsa, Thandra Abhishek, A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Effects of Baseline Thrombocytopenia on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention at the longest follow-up 75:11, p. 1360 - 1360 2020
Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives Lateef Noman, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Haseeb Abdul, Latif Azka, Kousa Omar, Mirza Mohsin, Holmberg Mark, Percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion in patients aged 10:1, p. 25 - 31 2020
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Latif Azka, Kapoor Vikas, Anwar Muhammad, Mirza Mohsin, Holmberg Mark, Ahsan Muhammad, Malik Saad, Lateef Noman, Abstract 15936: Fluoroquinolones and the Risk of Aortopathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 140:Suppl_1 Suppl 1, p. A15936 - A15936 2019
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Ahsan Muhammad, Hashmi Mydah, Mirza Mohsin, tameez ud din asim, Fazeel Hafiz, Malik Saad, Hassan Syeda, Khan Behram, Abstract 17211: Safety and Effectiveness of Trans-Catheter versus Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Nonagenarians With Severe Aortic Stenosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 140:Suppl_1 Suppl 1, p. A17211 - A17211 2019
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Ahsan Muhammad, Zubair Hafiz Muhammad, Latif Azka, Mirza Mohsin, Holmberg Mark, Anwar Muhammad, Lateef Noman, Malik Saad, Abstract 15926: Impact of Extent of Coronary Revascularization on Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 140:Suppl_1 Suppl 1, p. A15926 - A15926 2019
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Anwar Muhammad, Khan Behram, Hassan Syeda, Nasreen Sarwat, Malik Saad, Fazeel Hafiz, Tameez Ud Din Asim, Mirza Mohsin, Chung Jacqueliene, Abstract 16460: Dual Antiplatelet Therapy for Three Months Followed by Monotherapy is Non-inferior to One Year Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analys 140:Suppl_1 Suppl 1, p. A16460 - A16460 2019
Circulation (New York, N.Y.) Lateef Noman, Koster Nancy, Mirza Mohsin, Malik Saad, Minhas Abdul, Haseeb Abdul, Doukky Rami, Ahsan Muhammad, Abstract 15272: Transcatheter versus Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients With Prior Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 140:Suppl_1 Suppl 1, p. A15272 - A15272 2019
Intractable and Rare Diseases Research Latif Azka, Selim Mohammad, Kapoor Vikas, Ali Mahmoud, Mirza Mohsin Mansoor, Stavas Joseph M., Successful percutaneous computed tomography guided drainage of mediastinal abscess in esophageal perforation 8:3, p. 221 - 223 2019
Critical care medicine Kumar Mukund, Castera Michael, Parekh Jai, Kukrety Shweta, Mirza Mohsin, Macaraeg Jeffrey, Chilukuri Ramya, Rakhra Amandeep, Sen Rouhin, 1175: MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE PRESENTING AS SEVERE PULMONARY ARTERY HYPERTENSION IN A 27-YEAR-OLD 47:1 Suppl 1, p. 564 - 564 2019
Intractable and Rare Diseases Research Latif Azka, Kapoor Vikas, Weum Brett, Mirza Mohsin, Velagapudi Manasa, A curious case of disseminated cysticercosis in an immunocompetent adult 8:4, p. 283 - 285 2019
The American journal of gastroenterology Chilukuri Ramya Sree, Bissessar Randall, Mirza Mohsin, Sharma Poonam, Reddymasu Savio, Brunnerʼs Gland Adenoma: A Rare Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 112, p. S1006 - S1007 2017
Wisconsin Medical Journal Fan Tiffany, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bacon Holly, Le Duc, Mirza Mohsin, Valenta Carrie, Macaraeg Jeffrey, Wichman Tammy, A case report on suspected levamisole-induced pseudovasculitis 116:1, p. 37 - 39 2017
Chest Mehta Vishisht, Sen Rouhin, Goyal Gaurav, Chintalacheruvu Lakshmi, Bhatia Karishma, Mirza Mohsin, Wichman Tammy, Thromboangitis Obliterans, Dysphagia, and Dyspnea: More Than Meets the Eye 150:4, p. 1078 - 1078A 2016
Targeted Oncology Abbas Anum, Ganti A. K., Tendulkar K., Mirza Mohsin M., Renal Toxicities of Targeted Therapies 10:4, p. 487 - 499 2015
Kousa, O., Awad, D., Qasim, A., Waters, B., Mirza, M. Rhinovirus infection: A trigger of severe hyponatremia. SGIM 2019, Washington, DC. 2019
Emily P Walker BS, Dana Awad MBBS, John Eisenga MS, and Mohsin Mirza MBBS. Dural Venous Sinus in a 59 year old lady already on antiocoagulation. NE ACP. 2018
Abdalla Qasim, Mohsin Mirza, Venkata Andukuri. A unique and uncommon presentation of common disease. NE ACP. 2018
Saboor Randhawa, MD; Nagendra Natarajan, MD; Jonathan Gootee, BS; Mohsin Mirza, MD. Uncontrolled Cell Growth: A Case Report of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type-1. NE ACP. 2018
Mohamed Elgendy, Ali Osman, Ammara Khan, Mohsin Mirza. Candida Lusitaniae in an immunocompromised host. ACP regional meeting. 2017
Wethington,A, Gujjula,N, Mirza,M, Chamczuk,A, Vivekanandan, R. Bovine pericardium duraplasty: Epidural abscess as a rare complication Poster presented at American College of Physicians Regional meeting Nebraska chapter 2015
Shaw,K, Haddad,T, Abbas,A, Mirza,M, Towney,T, Vivekanandan,R. CMV encephalitis and Diabetes Insipidus: is there a link? Poster presented at American College of Physicians Regional meeting Nebraska chapter 2015
Devineni,H, Mirza,M, Koppala,J. Hypomagnesemia and PPI Poster presented at American College of Physicians Regional meeting Nebraska chapter 2015
Murray,J, Mirza,M, Ratnaraj,F, Rayes,H, AbuHazeem, M. Case of seminoma seen in limbic encephalitis patient Poster presented at American College of Physicians Regional meeting Nebraska chapter 2015
Mirza,M, Haddad,T, Mansour,G, Koppala,J. Acetaminophen related metabolic acidosis and 5-oxoprolinuria Poster presented at American College of Physicians Regional meeting Nebraska chapter 2013
Professionalism Role Model Award Recipient – 2021 • Professionalism Role Model Award Recipient – 2021
o Given by the Chair of Medicine for excellence in principles of professional responsibility and for demonstrating exemplary professionalism. Creighton University Department of Medicine Chair of Medicine
James F. Sullivan Teaching Award Recipient • James F. Sullivan Teaching Award Recipient – 2019
o Given by the medical residents in recognition for excellence and dedication to house staff education. Creighton University Medical Residents
Professionalism Role Model Award Recipient • Professionalism Role Model Award Recipient – 2019
o Given by the Chair of Medicine for excellence in principles of professional responsibility and for demonstrating exemplary professionalism. Creighton University Chair of Medicine