Thyroid Surgery Lydiatt Daniel D, Lindau Robert, Medical Malpractice and Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands [Book Chapter] 2013
Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery Holcomb Andrew J., White Andrew, Rossman Emily, Wagoner Luke, Akhter Sidra, Gillespie Megan, Meyer Charles D., Lindau Robert, Lydiatt William, Panwar Aru, Osmolak Angela, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew M., Tracheostomy Avoidance in Flap Reconstruction of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract is Safe in Selected Patients 2024
JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery Panwar Aru, Holcomb Andrew J, Nolan Nicole, Duckert Randall, Barney Christian, Chiu Max, Osmolak Angela, Coughlin Andrew, Militsakh Oleg, Sayles Harlan, Ganti Apar Kishor, Lindau Robert, Nguyen Cam, Shah Swapnil, Reid Abigail E, Lydiatt William, Su Yungpo B, Mirmiran Alireza, Huang Tien-Shew, Quality of Life and Depression Symptoms After Therapy De-Escalation in HPV+ Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial 2024
Indian journal of surgical oncology Sayal Navdeep R, Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Lydiatt William, Holcomb Andrew, Panwar Aru, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, 99m Tc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck 15:1, p. 82 - 2024
Indian journal of surgical oncology Sayal Navdeep R., Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Panwar Aru, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Lydiatt William, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Holcomb Andrew, 99mTc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck 2023
The Laryngoscope Panwar Aru, McGill Trevon, Lydiatt Daniel, Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Sayles Harlan, Smith Russell, Lydiatt William, De-Novo Depression, Prophylactic Antidepressant, and Survival in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer 133:4, p. 856 - 862 2023
Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery Pandey Yash, Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Coughlin Andrew, Lindau Robert, Aurit Sarah J, Osmolak Angela, Pandey Brianna, Evaluation of Agreement Among Frailty Assessment Tools in Head and Neck Surgery 168:1, p. 32 - 38 2023
Head & Neck Sayal Navdeep R., Aurit Sarah, Hufnagle John, Hubble Lester, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Association of multimodal analgesia with perioperative safety and opioid use following head and neck microvascular reconstruction 42:10, p. 2887 - 2895 2020
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Panwar Aru, Wang Fangfang, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Smith Russell, Sayles Harlan, Lydiatt Daniel, Lydiatt William, Prediction of Discharge Destination following Laryngectomy 159:6, p. 1006 - 1011 2018
JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Interval Erik, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Panwar Aru, Development of Multimodal Analgesia Pathways in Outpatient Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery and Association With Postoperative Opioid Prescription Patterns 144:11, p. 1023 - 1023 2018
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert, Rieke Katherine R., Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Coughlin Andrew, Sayles Harlan, Smith Russell, Impact of Primary Tracheoesophageal Puncture on Outcomes after Total Laryngectomy 158:1, p. 103 - 109 2018
JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery Oltman Justin, Militsakh Oleg, D’Agostino Mark, Kauffman Brittany, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Smith Russell, Panwar Aru, Multimodal Analgesia in Outpatient Head and Neck Surgery: A Feasibility and Safety Study 143:12, p. 1207 - 1207 2017
JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery Wachal Brandon, Sayles Harlan, Rieke Katherine, Lindau Robert, Johnson Matthew, Burchell Alissa, Lydiatt William, Panwar Aru, Association of Modified Frailty Index Score with Perioperative Risk for Patients Undergoing Total Laryngectomy 143:8, p. 818 - 818 2017
The Laryngoscope Panwar Aru, Smith Russell, Lydiatt Daniel, Lindau Robert, Wieland Aaron, Richards Alan, Shostrom Valerie, Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Vascularized tissue transfer in head and neck surgery: Is intensive care unit-based management necessary? 126:1, p. 73 - 79 2016
Journal of clinical oncology Sherrod Amanda M., Murphy Barbara A., Wells Nancy L., Bond Stewart M., Hertzog Melody, Gilbert Jill, Adair Melissa, Militsakh Oleg, Parks Lindsey, Lydiatt William M., Smith Russel B., Lindau Robert H., Schumacher Karen, Caregiving burden in head and neck cancer 32:15_suppl, p. e20678 - e20678 2014
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Non-Melanoma skin malignancies. Creighton University Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. 2020
Ways to Positively Impact Head and Neck Cancer in our State and Region. Columbus, NE Regional Medical Center. 2020
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Non-Melanoma skin malignancies. UNMC Plastic Surgery Department Grand Rounds. 2020
Bourne J, Meyers C, Rossman E, Lindau R. Preoperative Assessment of Major Head and Neck Surgery Patients Using the American College of Surgeons Risk National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Risk Calculator. 2020
Philosophical Approach to Scalp Reconstruction. UNMC Plastic Surgery Department Grand Rounds. 2020
Meyer C, Lindau R. Establishment of a Novel De-escalation Protocol for HPV Associated Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: One Institutions Experience. ASCO Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Program. Scottsdale, AZ 2020
Multi-Modal Analgesia in Free Tissue Transfer. American Association of Facial Plastics and Aesthetics, San Diego, CA. 2019
Schafer J, Seyal N, Lindau R. Review of Lymphoseek Results For Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Head and Neck Cancer at a Single Institution. 33rd Annual Virginia Academic Research Competition Norfolk, VA. Awarded best poster in class. 2019
Understanding AJCC 8th Edition Skin Cancer Staging. MHS Combined Grand Rounds. UNMC Plastic Surgery. 2019
Understanding AJCC 8th Edition Skin Cancer Staging. MHS Combined Grand Rounds. Creighton General Surgery. 2019
Head and Neck Geriatric Co-Management Program. Inaugural Dan Lydiatt Lecture Series. 2018
Approach to the Pregnant Patient with Thyroid Cancer. Methodist Estabrook Cancer Center Cancer Symposium. 2018
Controversies in Micro-Vascular Surgery Nebraska Medicine Department of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds. 2017
Micro-Vascular Reconstruction in the Elderly Patient. Combined Micro-Vascular symposium Phoenix, Arizona. 2017
Head and Neck Cancer in the Elderly. Methodist Geriatric Rehab Omaha, NE. 2017
The role for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Head and Neck Cancer. Creighton University Grand Rounds. 2017
Microvascular Surgery in the Elderly. Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds University of Nebraska Medical Center. Omaha, NE 2016
S183 Slow and Study Understanding the Impact of Trainee Participation on Operative Time and Outcome in Total Thyroidectomy. Yoon J, Lindau R., Panwar A. International Head and Neck Cancer Conference, Seattle, WA 2016
S418 Personalization of Operative Risk In Laryngectomy: Is Modified Frailty Index Predictive. Wachal B, Lindau R, Panwar A. International Head and Neck Cancer Conference, Seattle, WA. 2016
Instructional Course 5: Palliative Care in Head and Neck Surgery: Panel discussion at 2016 International Head and Neck Cancer Conference. Seattle, WA 2016
Neck Dissections, Creighton University Grand Rounds, Omaha, NE. 2016
Principles of Head and Neck Reconstruction. Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, UNMC, Omaha, NE. 2014
Sundaram Abhishek, Coughlin Andrew, Baker Sarah, Smith Russell B, Lydiatt Daniel, Lydiatt William M, Forse Armour, Bhuller Amardeep, Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert. Resource Utilization After Free Tissue Transfer Reconstruction for Head and Neck Cancer. AHNS/IFHNOS 2014 Meeting, New York City, NY. 2014
Panwar Aru, Smith Russell, Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert, Wieland Aaron, Richards Alan, Lydiatt Daniel, Lydiatt William. High Body Mass Index Does Not Adversely Impact Safety of Microvascular Reconstruction for Head and Neck Surgery Defects. AHNS/IFHNOS 2014 Meeting, New York City, NY. 2014
Deep Neck Space Infections, University of Nebraska Medical Center,Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery COCLIA) Omaha, NE. 2014
Adult Neck Masses, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery COCLIA, Omaha, NE 2014
ENT Head and Neck Cancers. Makin' It Real — A Surgical Reality Series, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2013
Wound Healing. UNMC, Department of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery Grand Rounds, Omaha, NE. 2013
The Learning Curve in Head and Neck Microvascular Surgery after Fellowship: AAFPRS Annual Fall Meeting. 2013
Head and Neck Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery in the Octogenarian Seventh Annual Thoracic, Head and Neck Cancer Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2013
Exploring Outcomes of the Octogenarian Patient After ReconstructiveSurgery With Free Tissue Transfer. American Academy Facial Plastic Surgery, New Orleans, LA. 2013
Neck Dissection. Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, IJniversity of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2013
Mandible Reconstruction. SPOHNC, Lied Transplant Center, Omaha, NE. 2013
HPV Mediated Head and Neck Cancer: Grand Rounds, Good Samaritan Hospital, Kearney, NE. 2013
Donor Site Morbidity in Elderly Patients After Fasciocutaneous Free Tissue Transfer: AHNS 2013 Annual Meeting. 2013
Head and Neck Cancers: Makin' It Real Surgical Reality Series: University of Nebraska Medical Center 2012
Family Medicine Thyroid Presentation: New Innovations: Creighton University Medical Center 2012
Pittman A, Lindau R, Cohen J, Wax M; Stomal Recurrence; Slavage Surgery and Reconstruction: 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Wester J, Lindau R, Gleysteen J, Wax M; Exploring the Outcomes of the Nonagenarian Patient After Reconstructive Surgery With Free TissueTransfer: 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Detwiller K, Schindler J, Lindau R, Wax M; Tracheal Reconstruction With the Radial Foreann Free Flap: 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Lindau R, Lighthall J, Wax M; Upper lip Reconstruction and the Use of Free Tissue Transfer, 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Lindau R, Detwiller K, Wax M; Buried free flaps in head and neck surgery:Outcome analysis: 8 International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Lindau R, Wolters K, Gross N, Wax M; Riedel's Disease; A Report of Extensive Disease Requiring Total Laryngectomy: 8th InternationalConference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Lindau R, Stott W, Wax M; Targeted Biological Chemotherapy Agents and Free Flaps: 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Lindau R, Lighthall J, Wax M; Abnormal Anatomy of the Superficial Branch of the Radial Nerve: 8 th International Conference on I-lead and Neck Cancer 2012
Lindau Ry Panwar A, Lydiatt W', Is the Time Now For Head and Neck Oncology Centers of Excellence? International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2012
Exploring Outcomes of the Octogenarian Patient After Reconstructive Surgery With Frec Tissue Transfer: 8th International Contcrence on Head and Neck Cancer 2012