Jose Miguel Lemus, PhD

Associate Professor

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College of Arts and Sciences
Modern Languages and Literatures
Spanish and Hispanic Studies
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 110-A

Jose Miguel Lemus, PhD

Associate Professor

José Miguel Lemus was borne in Mexico City, and lived in Belize, Central America for one academic year. He studied journalism in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He acquired his B.A. degree with an honored thesis about the ethics in the press media. He practiced journalism both in Mexico City and in the Mexican-American Border (Ciudad Juárez-El Paso), first as a reporter and later as an editor of local news.
Before teaching in Creighton, he has taught in two universities in México (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez) and three universities in the USA (the New Mexico State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln).
He acquired his Ph.D. in literature at UIUC with a dissertation about the origins of national identity in the New Spain colonial press.
He is interested in the creation of service learning courses. He helped to create a community-base and service-learning initiative at UIUC, and created a similar initiative at UNL.
Currently helps in community organizations in Lincoln such as Centro de las Américas, Catholic Social Services, Everett Elementary School, and since the summer of 2012 in Omaha organizations like El Centro Juan Diego, and the Latino Center of the Midlands.
He has coordinated GED programs for Latino adults in Lincoln, and is a member of the Board of Advisers of the Nebraska Appleseed. He is also the founding president of the Nebraska – Iowa Chapter of the Red Global Mx, a network of highly qualified mexicans abroad.

Teaching Interests

  • Spanish Literature and Culture

Research Focus

New Spain newspapers (18th Century)
Literary studies
Transatlantic studies
Cultural studies


Modern Languages and Literatures


Associate Professor


  • “Una polémica literaria novohispana: La portentosa vida de la muerte de Joaquín Bolaños, y su disputa con José Antonio Alzate.” La fiesta, el duelo y el horror: Representaciones de la muerte en la literatura latinoamericana. Chiringa Press Seguin, Texas. 2017
  • “México: Doscientos años de soledad.” Essay in the collection Conciencia Mexicana. Rodrigo Pereyra, Coordinator. Lubbock: Texas Tech University, 2010., p. 129-136 2010
  • “García Márquez: El Prestidigitador de las Palabras.” Peer reviewed. Lationamérica. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 43 (2006.2): 37- 57.
    43:2, p. 37-57 2006
  • “Una botella al mar: Un vínculo intertextual entre “El discípulo” de Juan José Arreola y el Diario personal de Leonardo da Vinci.” Confabulaciones: Ensayos sobre la obra de Juan José Arreola. Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, México. 2017.


  • Handbook for the Creation of Service-learning Programs in Spanish in the US., p. 58 2017
  • “Return from Utopia: The Montaldo Archive and the End of the Icarian Dream.” European Scientific Journal. ISSN: 1857 – 7881.
    Special Edition, p. 311-322 2015
  • “La enseñanza del español bajo el modelo de ‘aprendizaje a través del servicio’ en los Estados Unidos: Una forma de aprender y mejorar el entorno social.” Peer-reviewed. , p. 65-81 2013
  • From the Patria Criolla to the Mexican Nation: Surge and Articulation of Nationalism in Print Journalism of 18th-Century New Spain, in its Transatlantic Context. 2010
  • Interview. “España cometió el error de no apostar por Latinoamérica.” (Entrevista con el escritor Javier Cercas) INTI: Revista de Literatura Hispánica. 61-62 (2005): 319-323.
    61-62, p. 319-323 2005
  • “La Noche de Maquiavelo.” (Political Essay) 1a. Edición de los Concursos Culturales del Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV-EHU. Gipuzkoa: Universidad del País Vasco., p. 93-106 2005


  • "N-grams of Google: A valuable tool for the Digital Humanities -- Presentation/workshop" (By invitation) The University of Alabama at Birmingham. UAB Jemison Lecture Series. 2019
  • "¿Cuándo nación México como nación? Una vieja pregunta historiográfica y una nueva herramienta digital para responderla: N-grams de Google." Congreso Internacional de la Associacion de Hispanistas de Egipto. Cairo, Egypt. 2018
  • "News from the Icarian utopia: Update on the Montaldo Collection." 19th International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 2017
  • "Do's and Don'ts in the Implementation of Service Learning Projects in Spanish." 11th Annual Colloquium on Language Teaching at UNO. 2017
  • "Una botella al mar: Un vinculo intertextual entre "El discipulo" de Juan Jose Arreola y el Diario personal de Leonardo da Vinci." XXI Congreso de Literatura Mexicana Contemporanea. University of Texas at El Paso. 2016
  • "Una polemica literaria novohispana: 'La portentosa vida de la muerte' de Joaquin Bolanos, y su disputa con Jose Antonio Alzate." I Jornadas Literarias en Oaxaca, Oaxaca. Mexico. 2015
  • "Sor Juan Ines de la Cruz y el cambio de paradigma epistemico en el Barroco tardio." (AISO: Congreso de la Asociacion Internacional del Siglo de Oro). Venice, Italy. 2014
  • "La ensenanza del espanol bajo el modelo de 'aprendizaje a traves del servicio' en los Estados Unidos: Una forma de aprender y mejorar el entorno social." (IX Foro de Estudios en Lenguas Internacional- FEL). Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico) 2013
  • "La dialectica entre "nacion" y "patria" en la Nueva Espana del siglo XVIII: Una vieja interrogante, una nueva herramienta de aproximacion." XII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispanica: CHLI. Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana. 2013
  • "La patria contra la nacion: Prensa periodica e identidad criolla en el siglo XVIII novohispano." La prensa temprana en el mundo atlantico: Describir el territorio, Ilustrar la patria, construir la nacion. Montreal, Canada. 2012
  • "Culto sincretico e identidad nacional en el ocaso de la era colonial novohispana." The 61th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference: Auburn University. Auburn, AL 2011
  • "Imperio de papel: Identidad patriotica vs. Identidad nacionalista en la prensa espanola 'periferica' del siglo XVIII." The Southwest Council of Latin American Studies: SCOLAS. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2011
  • "De la patria criolla a la nacion mexicana: Surgimiento del proto-nacionalismo mexicano en la prensa novohispana del siglo XVIII." Seventh Biennial Conference on Spanish and Spanish-America Cultural Studies. Florida International University, Miami, Fl. 2010
  • "The Spanish & Illinois Program: Being Here, Struggling Here." 3rd Biennial Latina/o Studies Graduate Student Conference. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2007
  • "Mexico and Spain as a Unified Imagined Community: The Republica and the Construction of the Transatlantic Empathy." Center for Latin American Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2006


  • Ohtli Award
    The Ohtli award is administered by the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs. The Ohtli Award recognizes individuals who have aided, empowered, or positively affected the lives of Mexican nationals in the United States and other countries
    Mexican Federal Government