Critical care medicine Nguyen Daniel, Gray Kayla, Bogert James, Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan, Chapple Kristina, Sandoval Matt, Jacobs Jordan, 1038: SURGICAL INSIGHT IN THE PREHOSPITAL SETTING: A NEEDLE THORACOSTOMY TRAINING PROGRAM FOR PARAMEDICS 52:1, p. S491 - S491 2024
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Chavez Marin A., Soe-Lin Hahn, Jacobs Jordan, Chapple Kristina M., Weinberg Jordan A., Bogert James N., Length of stay and trauma center finances: A disparity of payer source at a Level I trauma center 92:4, p. 683 - 690 2022
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Jones Michael D., Paulus Jordan A., Jacobs Jordan V., Bogert James N., Chapple Kristina M., Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan A., Trauma patient transport times unchanged despite trauma center proliferation: A 10-year review 90:3, p. 421 - 425 2021
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Jones Mike D., Kalamchi Louay D., Schlinkert Andrew B., Chapple Kristina M., Jacobs Jordan V., Bogert James N., Soe-Lin Hahn, Weinberg Jordan A., Are all trauma centers created equal? Level 1 to level 1 trauma center patient transfers in the setting of rapid trauma center proliferation 89:5, p. 920 - 925 2020
The American surgeon Raffetto Michael L., Chapple Kristina M., Israr Sharjeel, McGeever Kevin P., Gagliano Ronald A., Jacobs Jordan, Weinberg Jordan A., Letting the Numbers Speak for Themselves: A Simple Approach to Cost Reduction for Laparoscopic Appendectomy 85:12, p. 1405 - 1408 2019
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Weinberg Jordan A., Shehada Mahmoud Z., Chapple Kristina M., Jones Michael D., Jacobs Jordan V., Bogert James N., Israr Sharjeel, The Health Literacy Of Hospitalized Trauma Patients: We Should Be Screening For Deficiencies 87:5, p. 1214 - 1219 2019
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Dameworth Jonathan L., Weinberg Jordan A., Goslar Pamela W., Stout Dana J., Israr Sharjeel, Jacobs Jordan V., Gillespie Thomas L., Thompson Terrell M., Petersen Scott R., Health literacy and quality of physician-trauma patient communication: opportunity for improvement 85:1, p. 193 - 197 2018
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery Jacobs Jordan V., Hooft Nicole M., Robinson Brenton R., Todd Emily, Bremner Ross M., Petersen Scott R., Smith Michael A., The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in blunt thoracic trauma: A study of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization database 79:6, p. 1049 - 1053 2015
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery Jacobs Jordan V., Hill David A., Petersen Scott R., Bremner Ross M., Sue Richard D., Smith Michael A., AVOIDING TRACHEOSTOMY COMPLICATION Reply 146:3, p. 734 - 735 2013
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery Jacobs Jordan V., Hill David A., Petersen Scott R., Bremner Ross M., Sue Richard D., Smith Michael A., 'Corkscrew stenosis': Defining and preventing a complication of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy 145:3, p. 716 - 720 2013