Cassie A. H. Eno, PhD

Assistant Dean, Evaluation & Analytics

Associate Professor


School of Medicine
Medical Education
Medical Humanities
SOM Leadership
Medicine ODIB
CRISS II - Criss 2

Cassie A. H. Eno, PhD

Assistant Dean, Evaluation & Analytics

Associate Professor


Medical Education


Associate Professor


  • Medical science educator
    Deisz McKayla, Correlates and Barriers of Exercise, Stress, and Wellness in Medical Students 2024
  • The Journal of medical humanities
    Eno Cassie, Forming Physicians: Evaluating the Opportunities and Benefits of Structured Integration of Humanities and Ethics into Medical Education, p. - 2023
  • Academic medicine
    Smith, Jr James F, Learning How to Learn: An Innovative Medical School Orientation Activity 2023
  • American journal of preventive medicine
    Ashe Karen M, Exposure to Weight Management Counseling Among Students at 8 U.S. Medical Schools
    60:5, p. 711 - 715 2021
  • Sex Roles
    Barth Joan M., Matching Abilities to Careers for Others and Self: Do Gender Stereotypes Matter to Students in Advanced Math and Science Classes?
    79:1-2, p. 83 - 97 2018
  • Medical Science Educator
    Schmidt John W., Medical Student Leadership Disposition in the First Year of Medical School
    28:2, p. 281 - 284 2018
  • Medical Science Educator
    Eno Cassie A., Medical Student Weight Bias
    28:2, p. 327 - 333 2018
  • Medical Science Educator
    Huggett Kathryn N., Team-Based Learning in Anatomy: Promoting Active Learning and Professionalism
    26:1, p. 5 - 6 2016
  • Medical Science Educator
    Huggett Kathryn N., Lightning Rounds: Promoting Active Learning and Retrieval Practice in Anatomy Labs
    26:1, p. 9 - 10 2016


  • Eno, C. A., Barnard, T., Smith, J., & Howell, S. (2019). Evolution of student feedback following implementation of case-based learning. Presented at the annual AAMC Central Group on Education Affairs, Grand Rapids, MI. 2019
  • Burton, R., Kramer, J., Eno, C.A., & Huggett K. (2015). Improving the medical school clerkship orientation: Findings of a medical student survey. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM), Atlanta, GA. 2015
  • Huggett K., White M., Knoop F., Eno C.A. and Cullen D. (2015). Lightning rounds: Promoting active learning and retrieval practice in anatomy labs. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), San Diego, CA. (Poster award nominee) 2015
  • Huggett K., White M., Knoop F., Eno C.A. and Cullen D. (2015). Team-based learning in anatomy: Promoting active learning and professionalism. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), San Diego, CA. 2015
  • Bahr, M. R. & Eno, C. A. (2013). The development of a rubric to promote data-driven assessment processes. Paper presented at the annual Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN. 2013
  • Eno, C. A. (2011). In pursuit of competence and warmth: Perceptions of Women Seeking High Status Positions. Paper invited for presentation at University of Northern Iowa Social Psychology Brownbag, Cedar Fall, IA. 2011
  • Eno, C. A. (2011). Gender differences in self-presentation: Does combining modesty and self-promotion make women more promotable? Paper presented at biannual Waldorf College Faculty Inquirere, Forest City, IA 2011
  • Eno, C. A. (2010). Southern discomfort: Stereotype threat of southeastern U.S. students. Paper presented at biannual Waldorf College Faculty Inquirere, Forest City, IA. 2010
  • Eno, C. A., Guadagno, R. E., Barth, J. M., & the Alabama STEM Education Research Team. (2010). The role of ability and gender stereotypes on occupation interest. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 2010
  • Eno, C. A., & Ewoldsen, D. R. (2009). The influence of explicitly and implicitly measured prejudice on interpretations of and reactions to black film. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL 2009
  • Eno, C. A., Clark, J. K., & Guadagno, R. E. (2009). Southern discomfort: Stereotype threat of southeastern U.S. students. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 2009
  • Hull (Eno), C. A., Rhodes, N., Roskos-Ewoldsen, D., & Monahan, J. L. (2008). Relation of attitudes and norm accessibility to adolescent delinquent behaviors. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA. 2008
  • Eno, C. A., Okdie, B. M., & Guadagno, R. E. (2008). Gender differences in workplace self-presentation: Does combining modesty and self-promotion make women more promotable? Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 2008
  • Hull (Eno), C. A., Okdie, B. M., & Guadagno, R. E. (2008). Self-presentation in the workplace: How combining modesty and self-promotion increases the promotability of women. Paper presented at the 2008 University of Alabama Graduate Student Research Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL. 2008


  • Nominee for Alpha Chi Professor of the Year Award
    Waldorf College
  • Outstanding Thesis Award
    Psychology Department & Social Sciences Division
    University of Alabama College of Arts & Sciences
  • Top Four Paper Award
    Information Systems Division
    International Communication Association
  • 3rd Place Paper
    Graduate Student Research Conference
    University of Alabama
  • Certificate of Excellence in Psychology
    Simpson College