Academic Global Surgery Razek Tarek, Cusick Robert A., Ekeh A. Peter, How to Set Up for an Ideal Long Term Clinical Interaction [Book Chapter] 2015
Complexities in Colorectal Surgery Tanner Tiffany, Zwintscher Nathan P., Cusick Robert A., Azarow Kenneth S., The Pediatric Patient [Book Chapter] 2013
Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery Abdessalam Shahab F, Azarow Kenneth S, Cusick Robert A, Raynor Stephen C, Gorra Adam S, Minimally Invasive Pediatric Procedures [Book Chapter] 2013
Cusick Robert, Azarow Kenneth, Pediatric Surgery, An Issue of Surgical Clinics 2012
Azarow Kenneth S, Cusick Robert A, Pediatric surgery 2012
Pediatric, Adolescent, & Young Adult Gynecology Cusick Robert A, Arkovitz Marc S, Ovarian Cysts in the Fetus, Infant, and Child [Book Chapter] 2009
American journal of human genetics Qiao Lu, Magielsen Frank, Mychaliska George B., Aspelund Gudrun, Reutter Heiko Martin, Needelman Howard, Schnater J. Marco, Fisher Jason C., Azarow Kenneth, Elfiky Mahmoud, Nöthen Markus M., Welch Carrie L., Hernan Rebecca, Wynn Julia, Khlevner Julie, Krishnan Usha S., Zalieckas Jill M., Buchmiller Terry, De Aliva, Mueller Andreas C., Farkouh-Karoleski Christiana, Wagner Amy J., Heydweiller Andreas, de Klein Annelies, McCulley David J., Warner Brad W., Maj Carlo, Chung Dai, Schindel David, Kipfmuller Florian, Potoka Douglas, Fialkowski Elizabeth, Schulz Felicitas, Lim Foong-Yen, Danko Melissa E., Li Mindy, Kosiński Przemyslaw, Cochius-Den Otter Suzan C.M., Wijnen Rene M.H., Cusick Robert A., Soffer Samuel Z., Schaible Thomas, Sun Xin, Crombleholme Timothy, Duron Vincent P., Donahoe Patricia K., High Frances A., Bendixen Charlotte, Brosens Erwin, Shen Yufeng, Chung Wendy K., Common variants increase risk for congenital diaphragmatic hernia within the context of de novo variants 2024
The Journal of surgical research Wagner Justin P, Vosik Denise M, Eller Michael, Shostrom Valerie K, Cusick Robert A, Unintended Perioperative Hypothermia and Surgical Site Infection in Children 276, p. 235 - 241 2022
Maternal and child health journal Newton Laura E., Hageman Clara, Zhou Christina, Needelman Howard, Cusick Robert A., Roberts Holly, The Relationship Between Neonatal Surgery, Postpartum Depression, and Infant Clinical Course 26:5, p. 1087 - 1094 2022
Qiao Lu, Xu Le, Yu Lan, Wynn Julia, Hernan Rebecca, Zhou Xueya, Farkouh-Karoleski Christiana, Krishnan Usha S, Khlevner Julie, De Aliva, Wagner Amy J, Cusick Robert A, Mychaliska George B, Warner Brad W, Danko Melissa E, Chung Dai, Potoka Douglas, Needelman Howard, Zygmunt Annette, Crombleholme Timothy, Lim Foong-Yen, Azarow Kenneth, Chung Wendy K, Kosiński Przemyslaw, McCulley David J, Elfiky Mahmoud, Fialkowski Elizabeth, Schindel David, Soffer Samuel Z, Lyon Jane B, High Frances A, Vardarajan Badri N, Aspelund Gudrun, Duron Vincent P, Sun Xin, Donahoe Patricia K, Zalieckas Jill M, Shen Yufeng, Rare and de novo variants in 827 congenital diaphragmatic hernia probands implicate LONP1 as candidate risk gene 2021
Journal of pediatric surgery Aylward Paul, Samson Kaeli, Raynor Stephen, Cusick Robert, Operative management of urachal remnants: An NSQIP based study of postoperative complications 55:5, p. 873 - 877 2020
Journal of pediatric surgery Dethlefs Christopher R., Abdessalam Shahab F., Cusick Robert A., Lyden Elizabeth R., Raynor Stephen C., Perry Deborah A., Allbery Sandra M., Azarow Kenneth S., Conservative management of urachal anomalies 54:5, p. 1054 - 1058 2019
Journal of perinatal medicine Farkouh-Karoleski Christiana, Lim Foong-Yen, Schindel David T., Potoka Douglas, Azarow Kenneth, Cotten C. Michael, Hesketh Anthony, Soffer Samuel, Crombleholme Timothy, Needelman Howard, Wynn Julia, Najaf Tasnim, Aspelund Gudrun, Warner Brad W., Chung Wendy K., Stolar Charles J., Mychaliska George B., Wagner Amy J., Cusick Robert A., A definition of gentle ventilation in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a survey of neonatologists and pediatric surgeons 45:9, p. 1031 - 1038 2017
Hernia Schroeder A. D., Campanelli G., Cavalli M., Cusick R., Fitzgibbons R., Roll S., Gilbert A., Lawson C., Manion J., Matthews B., Reinpold W., Telemaque L. F., Wagner J. P., Chen D. C., Filipi C. J., Humanitarianism in surgery 21:6, p. 963 - 971 2017
Journal of pediatric surgery Chiu Joanne S., Ma Lijiang, Wynn Julia, Krishnan Usha, Rosenzweig Erika B., Aspelund Gudrun, Arkovitz Marc, Warner Brad W., Lim Foong-Yen, Mychaliska George B., Azarow Kenneth, Cusick Robert A., Chung Dai H., Chung Wendy K., Mutations in BMPR2 are not present in patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia 52:11, p. 1747 - 1750 2017
OTO open : the official open access journal of the American Academy of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Judge Paul D., Menousek Joseph, Cusick Robert, Schramm Jordan C., Lydiatt William, Does Surgical Volume Influence the Need for Second Surgery? A Pilot Study 1:3, p. 2473974X17728257 - n/a 2017
JAMA Surgery Wagner J. P., Hiatt J. R., Mellinger J. D., Cusick R. A., Fitzgibbons Robert J., Jr., Campanelli G., Cavalli M., Roll S., Silva R. A., Reinpold W., Telemaque L. F., Matthews B. D., Filipi Charles J., Chen D. C., Schroeder Alexander D., Espinoza J. C., Global Outreach using a Systematic, Competency-Based Training Paradigm for Inguinal Hernioplasty 152:1, p. 66 - 73 2017
Journal of pediatric surgery Newton Laura Elyce, Cusick Robert A, Rush Eric T, Abdessalam Shahab F, Raynor Stephen C, Lyden Elizabeth R, Needelman Howard, Neurodevelopmental outcomes of tracheoesophageal fistulas 51:5, p. 743 - 747 2016
Journal of pediatric surgery Stopak Joshua K., Azarow Kenneth S., Abdessalam Shahab F., Raynor Stephen C., Perry Deborah A., Cusick Robert A., Trends in surgical management of urachal anomalies 50:8, p. 1334 - 1337 2015
Journal of pediatric surgery Azarow Kenneth S., Cusick Robert, Wynn Julia, Chung Wendy, Mychaliska George B., Crombleholme Timothy M., Chung Dai H., Lim Foong Yen, Potoka Douglas, Warner Brad W., Aspelund Gundrun, Arkovitz Marc S., The association between congenital diaphragmatic hernia and undescended testes 50:5, p. 744 - 745 2015
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Schlueter Rachel K., Azarow Kenneth S., Hines Andrea Green, Varman Meera, Abdessalam Shahab F., Raynor Stephen C., Cusick Robert A., Identifying strategies to decrease infectious complications of gastroschisis repair 50:1, p. 98 - 101 2015
Journal of pediatric surgery Carson Jeffrey S., Lyden Elizabeth, Azarow Kenneth, Abdessalam Shahab, Cusick Robert, Mercer Andrea, Ashley Adrienne, Raynor Stephen, Undescended testes: Does age at orchiopexy affect survival of the testis? 49:5, p. 770 - 773 2014
The Journal of surgical research Lemke R.K., Abdessalam S.F., Azarow K.S., Raynor S.C., Cusick R.A., The Use of A Prospective Database With Interdisciplinary Review to Improve Care of Gastroschisis Patients Over A 10-Year Period 179:2, p. 195 - 195 2013
The Surgical clinics of North America Azarow Kenneth S., Cusick Robert A., Pediatric Surgery Preface 92:3, p. XVII - XIX 2012
Journal of pediatric surgery Gorra Adam S., Needelman Howard, Azarow Kenneth S., Roberts Holly J., Jackson Barbara J., Cusick Robert A., Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in children born with gastroschisis: the tiebreaker 47:1, p. 125 - 129 2012
Journal of pediatric surgery Butler Marilyn W., Krishnaswami Sanjay, Rothstein David H., Cusick Robert A., Interest in international surgical volunteerism: results of a survey of members of the American Pediatric Surgical Association 46:12, p. 2244 - 2249 2011
Transplantation Bruzoni Matias, Sudan Debra L., Cusick Robert A., Thompson Jon S., Comparison of short bowel syndrome acquired early in life and during adolescence 86:1, p. 63 - 66 2008
Infections in Medicine Varman Meera, Romero José R., Cusick Robert A., Esposito Paul W., Armstrong Douglas, Polymicrobial wound infection and nerve injury secondary to a nonhuman primate bite 25:3, p. 120 - 122 2008
The American journal of surgery Cusick Robert A, Waldhausen John H.T, The learning curve associated with pediatric laparoscopic splenectomy 181:5, p. 393 - 397 2001