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Timothy J . Cook, PhD



College of Arts and Sciences
Catholic School Leadership (Graduate Certificate)
Educational Leadership (Master of Science)
K-12 Educational Leadership through Sports (Graduate Certificate)
Graduate School
EPLY - Eppley Building

Timothy J . Cook, PhD


Dr. Timothy Cook is a Professor of Education at Creighton. Tim has had extensive personal and professional experience with Catholic schools throughout his life as a student, social studies teacher, principal, school board member, university professor, and scholar. Tim earned his PhD in School Leadership at Boston College. Then he served as the Chief Administrator of a Catholic junior-senior high school in Rhode Island.  At Creighton, Tim teaches graduate courses that include School Law, School Culture, Foundations of Catholic Education, and Internship in Secondary School Administration. Tim is the author of Architects of Catholic Culture: Designing & Building Catholic Culture in Catholic Schools and Charism and Culture: Cultivating Catholic Identity in Catholic Schools. Tim is recognized as an expert in Catholic school identity, charism, and culture.

Curriculum Vitae

Research Focus

  • Catholic School Identity and Charism
  • School Culture
  • Faith Leadership
  • Religious Diversity in Catholic Schools






  • National Catholic Educational Association
    Cook, T. J. (2015). Charism and culture: Cultivating Catholic identity in Catholic schools. 2015
  • Justice, Care and Diversity
    Cook, T. J., Davies, M. F. Small 'c,' big 'C': Religious Diversity and Catholic Identity, p. 41-56 2009
  • Catholic Schools: Hope in Uncertain Times
    Cook, T. J. Responding to leadership challenges in American Catholic schools, p. 99-112 2008
  • The Carnegie Conversation on Catholic Education
    Cook, T. J. A Reflection about Strengthening and Applying Scholarship or Religous Character and Academic Excellence, p. 57-58 2008
  • Directions for Catholic Educational Leadership in the 21st Century: The Vision, Challenges, and Reality, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Catholic Education Leadership
    Cook, T. J., Ostrowski, D. A. Measuring religious effectiveness in the United States: Are Catholic schools making a difference? 2007


  • Journal of Catholic Education
    Simonds, T. A., Brock, B. L., Cook, T. J., & Engel, M. T. (2017). Seminarian perspectives on Catholic schools and the New Evangelization.
    20 (2), p. 98-108 2017
  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
    Cook, T. J., & Simonds, T. A The charism of 21st- century Catholic schools: Building a culture of relationships.
    14(3), , p. 319-333 2011
  • NCEA Notes
    Cook, T. J. Discovering your school's charism
    43, p. 15 2010
  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
    Cook, T. J., Durow, W. P. The upper room: A university - archdiocesan partnership to develop leaders for Catholic schools
    11, p. 355-369 2008
  • Journal of Catholic School Studies
    Cook, T. J., Ostrowski, D. A. Measuring Religious Mission Effectiveness in U.S. Catholic Schools: Meeting the Challenges
    80, p. 19-30 2008
  • The Carnegie Conversation on Catholic Education
    Cook, T. J. A reflection about strengthening and applying scholarship on religious character and academic excellence. In J. Staud (Ed.), , p. pp. 57-58 2008
  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
    Cook, T. J., Hudson, W. J. Professionalization of Catholic high school religion teachers
    9, p. 399-424 2006
  • Journal of Empirical Theology
    Cook, Timothy J., Engel, Max T. Predicting Retention of Catholic High School Religion Teachers in the United States
    19, p. 163-181 2006
  • Catholic School Studies: A Journal of Catholic Education
    Cook, T. J. Responding to leadership challenges in Catholic education in the United States: The lived reality.
    77(2), p. 31-39 2004
  • Momentum
    Cook, T. J. Charism: A Catholic school’s mark of distinction
    35(1), p. 18-21 2004
  • International Journal of Education & Religion
    Cook, T. J. Professional qualifications of religion teachers in Catholic high schools in the United States.
    4(2), , p. 128-144 2003
  • Momentum
    Cook, T. J. Preparing future school leaders: Conversation and recommendations.
    34 (1), p. 49-51 2003
  • Momentum
    Cook, T. J. Cast a wide net: Tips for recruiting future religion teachers.
    33 (2), p. 16-19 2002
  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
    Cook, T. J. Recruitment, preparation, and retention of Catholic high school religion teachers.
    4(4), p. 530-564 2001
  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
    Cook, T. J. The next generation: A study of Catholic high school religion teachers.
    4(1), p. 115-121 2000
  • Momentum
    Cook, T. J., & Fraynd, D. J. Where will we find our next religious education teachers?
    30(2), p. 14-16 1999
  • Momentum
    Cook, T. J. Soul searching: What are your school’s core values?
    30(3), p. 22-25 1999
  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
    Cook, T. J. Building the kingdom: School leaders as architects of Catholic culture.
    2(2), p. 133-150 1998


  • NCEA Notes
    Cook, T. J. Discovering your school’s charism.
    43(4), p. 15 2010
  • E-Learn 2006: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education : proceedings of E-Learn 2006, October 13-17, 2006
    Dickel, C. T., Ishii-Jordan, S., Cook, T. J. Institutional Charisms and Institutional Core Values: Implementing Mission in Online Practice 2006

Editing and Reviews

  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice
    Cook, T.J. [Review of the book Pioneer mentoring in teacher preparation: From the voices of women religious].
    5(2), p. 258-260 2001
  • Momentum
    Cook, T. J. [Review of the book Educating for life: A spiritual vision for every teacher and parent].
    29(3), p. 22-25 1998


  • Carmel Catholic High School Faculty/Staff In-service (2018, October), Mundelein, IL, Animating Our Faith: Engaging Core Values to Cultivate Catholic School Identity, day long workshop, co-presented with Dr. Ronald Fussell 2018
  • Meeting of the Principals of the USA Midwest Province Jesuit Schools (2018, March), Jesuit Academy, Omaha, Nebraska, Kindling the Flame: Faith Leadership and the Role of the Principal, ½-day workshop for principals, co-presented with Dr. Ronald Fussell 2018
  • Diocese of Youngstown Annual School Leader Retreat, (2017, November), Lodge at Geneva on the Lake, Ohio, Cultivating Charism and School Culture, 1 ½ -day workshop for Catholic school presidents and principals 2017
  • Archdiocese of Omaha Professional Development Seminar, (2017, March), Omaha, Nebraska, Charism and Culture Part II: Formation and Assessment, ½-day workshop for presidents, principals, and development/marketing/recruitment professionals 2017
  • Archdiocese of Omaha Professional Development Seminar, (2016, November), Omaha, Nebraska, Charism and Culture: Cultivating Catholic Identity in Catholic Schools, ½-day workshop for presidents, principals, and development/marketing/recruitment professionals 2016
  • Diocese of Tucson Catholic Schools Leadership Institute, (2016, September), Tucson, Arizona, Cultivating Charism and School Culture, 2/3-day workshop 2016
  • Iowa Catholic School Administrators Conference, Des Moines, Iowa, Enhance Your Catholic Identity and Culture, (2016, June), 1-hour presentation repeated to 3 different groups throughout the day 2016
  • Cook, T. J. Sustaining charism. Keynote address to school leaders of the Holy Cross school network presented at the annual Holy Cross Institute Convocation, St. Edward's University, Austin, TX 2016
  • Cook, T. J. Cultivating charism and school culture. Presentation at the 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit, Atlanta, GA. 2015
  • Cook, T. J. Cultivating school charism. Keynote address presented at the annual meeting of The Catholic School Administrators Association of New York State (CSAANYS), Albany, NY 2014
  • Cook, T. J. Spirit alive! Cultivating Catholic school charism and culture in the 21st century. Keynote address presented to 1,000 teachers at the Annual Teachers Conference, Diocese of Toledo, Toledo, OH 2014
  • Montana Catholic School Principals Meeting, Bozeman, Montana, Cultivating Mission and Charism in the 21st Century, -day workshop 2014
  • Webinar for Principals and School Board Members, Diocese of Sioux City, IA, Enhancing Catholic Identity and Culture in the 21st Century, 1 -hour webinar 2013
  • Meeting of the Directors of Religious Order School Networks, Baltimore, Maryland, Sustaining Charism and Catholic Identity in the 21st Century, -day workshop 2013
  • Cook, T. J. The charisms of Catholic schools: Gifts to the nation; gifts to the church. Keynote address at the Celebrating Catholic School Virtues Gala, Diocese of Columbus, Columbus, OH 2013
  • Toledo Diocesan Principals Conference, Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, Cultivating School Charism, -day workshop for school leaders 2013
  • Fall Workshop and Leadership Summit, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, The Importance of Charism for the Success of Catholic Schools, -day workshop for school leaders and school boards 2011
  • Cook, T. J. (Discovering charism: What is it and where can my school get one? Presentation at the Fifth International Conference on Catholic Educational Leadership, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia. 2010
  • Cook, T. J., Bueter, R., & Hanbury, K. M. United we stand: Forging innovative university-diocesan partnerships. Presentation at the annual national meeting of Catholic school superintendents sponsored by the Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE), Oklahoma City, OK. 2008
  • Catholic Educators Collaborative, Stonehill College, Massachusetts, The Importance of Charism for the Success of Catholic Schools, 1 -hour presentation 2008
  • Jesuit Seminar on Mission & Leadership Development, Saint Louis University, Missouri, Articulating and advancing Catholic identity and Jesuit mission, 2 - hour presentation 2008
  • Cook, T. J. Catholic identity today: A position paper. Paper presented at the Archdiocese of Hartford Educational Symposium (Hartford, CT, March, 2007) and at the Mid-Atlantic Catholic Schools Consortium (Baltimore, MD, September, 2007). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED500462) 2008
  • Cook, T. J. Responding to leadership challenges in Catholic schools in the United States: The lived reality. Updated keynote address presented at the Third International Conference on Issues & Challenges Facing Catholic Educational Leaders (Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia, August, 2004). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED502235) 2008
  • Invited Participant, National Symposium on Adolescent Catechesis, Co-sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, National Catholic Educational Association, and National Conference for Catechetical Leadership 2008
  • Cook, T. J. Catholic identity today. Presentation at the First Summit on the Future of Catholic Education, Mid-Atlantic Catholic Schools Consortium, Baltimore. Invited 2007
  • Cook, T. J. Measuring religious mission effectiveness in the United States: Are Catholic schools making a difference? Presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Catholic Educational Leadership, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia. 2007
  • Cook, T. J. Exploring Catholic identity & religious mission today. Keynote address presented at the annual meeting of School Heads and Board Chairs, Network of Sacred Heart Schools, St. Louis, MO 2007
  • Cook, T. J., & Ostrowski, D. A. Measuring mission effectiveness: What proof do you have? Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Baltimore 2007
  • Cook, T. J. Catholic identity today. Major address presented at the Educational Symposium 2007, Archdiocese of Hartford, Hartford, CT 2007
  • Urban Northeast Omaha Deanery Catholic Elementary Schools, Nebraska, Catholic schools: Building a culture of relationships, -day teacher workshop 2007
  • Cook, T. J. A framework for institutionalizing charism and Catholic character. Presentation at the annual meeting of Region Nine (i.e., Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas) of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) Secondary Schools Department, Omaha, NE. 2006
  • West Point / Clarkson / Dodge / Howells Catholic Schools, Nebraska, Catholic schools: Building a culture of relationships, -day teacher workshop 2006
  • Archdiocesan Teachers Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, Enhancing Catholic identity, 1 -hour presentation with Molly Davies 2006
  • Cook, T. J. Caring for Gods children (Keynote Address 1). Together in Mission (Keynote Address 2). Keynote addresses presented at the Northern Zone Catholic Educators Conference, Diocese of Ballarat, Australia. 2006
  • Cook, T. J., Burgoon, B., & Deegan, J. Cultivating Catholic character, charism, and culture. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Atlanta, GA. 2006
  • Brothers of the Sacred Heart Schools in the U.S. and England, Savannah, Georgia, Sustaining charism and Catholic culture, -day principal workshop 2006
  • Cook, T. J. Catholic schools: Building a culture of relationships. Keynote address presented to over 2,300 Catholic school teachers at six venues, Diocese of Cleveland, OH. 2005
  • Cook, T. J. The Catholic schools mission for the 21st century: Building a culture of relationships. Keynote address presented at the 16th Annual Institute on Catholic Education, University of Rochester, NY. 2005
  • 16th Annual Institute on Catholic Education, University of Rochester, New York, Enhancing Catholic culture in your schools, 1 -hour presentation 2005
  • Cook, T. J. The charism of Catholic schools in the 21st century: Building a culture of relationships. Presentation at the Eighth Biennial Conference ("Spirit Alive! Schools Alive!") of the Association of Catholic School Principals of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, Wollongong, Australia. 2005
  • Cook, T. J. Leading for mission in the contemporary Catholic school. Presentation at the Eighth Biennial Conference ("Spirit Alive! Schools Alive!") of the Association of Catholic School Principals of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, Wollongong, Australia. 2005
  • Cook, T. J. Charisms: A new way to conceptualize core values for Catholic schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada. 2005
  • Cook, T. J. Enhancing symbols and traditions in secondary schools. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Philadelphia, PA. 2005
  • Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana, Enhancing Catholic culture in your schools, 1-day principal workshop 2005
  • Cook, T. J. Culture, charism, and community. Presentation at the national colloquium for school leaders on issues impacting todays Catholic high school sponsored by the Secondary Schools Department of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), San Antonio, TX. 2005
  • Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, Enhancing Catholic culture in your schools, 1-day principal workshop 2004
  • Edmund Rice Institute, New York City, Institutionalizing charism and Catholic culture, 1-day principal workshop 2004
  • Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, Teaching and leading for mission, 1-day principal workshop 2004
  • Archdiocese of San Francisco, California, Teaching and leading for mission, 1-day principal workshop 2004
  • Cook, T. J. Responding to leadership challenges in Catholic schools in the United States: The lived reality. Keynote address presented at the Third International Conference on Issues & Challenges Facing Catholic Educational Leaders, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia. 2004
  • Cook, T. J. Got charism? No diocesan high school left behind. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Boston, MA. 2004
  • Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida, Teaching and leading for mission, 1-day principal workshop 2004
  • Diocese of Salina, Kansas, Catholic school Identity and mission: Building a culture of relationships, 1-day teacher workshop 2004
  • Omaha Metropolitan Catholic High Schools, Nebraska, Catholic school identity and mission: Building a culture of relationships, -day teacher workshop 2004
  • Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, School leaders as architects of Catholic culture, -day principal workshop 2004
  • Urban Northwest Omaha Deanery Catholic Elementary Schools, Nebraska, Catholic school identity and mission: Building a culture of relationships, -day teacher workshop 2004
  • Invited Participant, Centennial Symposium on the Future of Catholic Education, Sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association 2004
  • Diocese of Albany, New York, Catholic school culture: A symbolic and relational way of life, 1-day principal workshop 2003
  • Columbus Catholic Schools, Nebraska, Catholic school teachers: Making a world of difference, -day teacher workshop 2003
  • Deans and Chairs of Education, Association of Jesuit Colleges & Universities (AJCU), New York City, Institutionalizing Catholic identity and culture in teacher education, 1-day workshop 2003
  • St. Marys School System, ONeill, Nebraska, The teachers role in the religious Mission of Catholic schools, -day teacher workshop 2003
  • St. Robert Bellarmine Elementary School, Omaha, Nebraska, Catholic school teachers: Making a world of difference, -day teacher workshop 2003
  • Saint Albert Catholic School System, Iowa, Enhancing the unique culture of Saint Albert Schools, Annual Convocation Address 2003
  • Cook, T. J. Catholic school identity and mission: Building a culture of relationships. Presentation at "Relationships: A Focus of Catholic Education for the New Century," a conference sponsored by the Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership (ICEL) at the University of San Francisco, CA. 2003
  • Cook, T. J., & Hudson, W. J. Professionalization of Catholic high school religion teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago. 2003
  • Cook, T. J. Whats a charism and where can my school get one? Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), St. Louis, MO. 2003
  • Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, School leaders as architects of Catholic culture, 2-day principal workshop 2003
  • Urban Southwest Omaha Deanery Catholic Elementary Schools, Nebraska, Catholic school teachers: Making a world of difference, -day teacher workshop 2003
  • Cook, T. J. Qualifications of religion teachers in Catholic high schools in the United States. Paper presented at "Teachers Matter: The Role of Teachers in Religiously Affiliated Schools," the third conference of the Education and Ethos Network, Nijmegen, Netherlands. 2003
  • Dioceses of Cincinnati & Columbus, Ohio and Indianapolis, Indiana, School leaders as architects of Catholic culture, 3-day principal workshop 2002
  • Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, School leaders as architects of Catholic culture, 2-day principal workshop 2002
  • Cook, T. J. Leaders as architects of Catholic culture. Presentation at the annual meeting of Catholic school superintendents sponsored by the Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE), Denver, CO. 2002
  • Cook, T. J. Strengthening the foundation: Enhancing religion teaching as a profession. Presentation at the National Religion Teacher Conference ("Brick by Brick: Building the Kingdom of God") sponsored by the Secondary Schools Department of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), University of Dayton, OH. 2002
  • Cook, T. J. Whats a charism and where can my school get one? Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Atlantic City, NJ 2002
  • Cook, T. J Religion teacher shortage: Various perspectives and responses. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Atlantic City, NJ. 2002
  • Invited Participant, symposium entitled "Catholic Educational Leaders Prepare for Their Successors," Co-sponsored by the University of Dayton, University of San Franciscos Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and National Catholic Educational Association 2002
  • Cook, T. J. Secondary religion teacher shortage: A regional perspective. Presentation at the annual meeting of Region Nine (i.e., Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas) of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) Secondary Schools Department, St. Louis, MO. 2001
  • Cook, T. J. Secondary religion teacher shortage: Research and recommendations. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Milwaukee, WI. 2001
  • Invited Participant, symposium entitled "Catholic Educational Leaders Prepare for Their Successors," Co-sponsored by the University of Dayton, University of San Franciscos Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and National Catholic Educational Association 2001
  • Cook, T. J. The next generation: A study of Catholic high school religion teachers. Presentation at the annual meeting of Catholic school superintendents sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Associations (NCEA) Department of Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE), San Antonio, TX. 2000
  • Cook, T. J., OKeefe, J., & Traviss, M. P. The imminent crisis of prepared teachers for Catholic schools. Presentation at the annual meeting of Catholic school superintendents sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Associations (NCEA) Department of Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE), San Diego, CA. 1999
  • Cook, T. J. The recruitment and preparation of religion teachers. Presentation at the annual meeting of Region Nine (i.e., Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas) of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) Secondary Schools Department, hosted by Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 1998
  • Cook, T. J. Beyond Ally McBeal: What Catholic educators should know about school law. Presentation at the annual Archdiocesan Teachers Conference, Omaha, NE. 1998
  • Cook, T. J. Catholic high school religion teachers: The next generation. Presentation at the National Religion Teacher Conference ("Myth and Message") sponsored by the Secondary Schools Department of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), University of Dayton, Ohio. 1998
  • Cook, T. J. School leaders: Architects of Catholic culture. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Los Angeles. 1998
  • Cook, T. J. How we foster Catholic identity in our schools. Presentation at the annual meeting of Region Nine (i.e., Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas) of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) Secondary Schools Department, St. Louis, MO. 1997
  • Cook, T. J. Ten ways school leaders can build Catholic culture. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1996
  • Cook, T. J. If your school burned down, would it be rebuilt? Presentation for Boston College Catholic School Leadership (CSLP) Series, Boston. 1995


  • Cook, T. J., Dickel, C. T., Ishii-Jordan, S., & De Mott, J. (2003). Adding a distance education component to the Magis Program. Our Sunday Visitor Institute, $35,000.

  • Cook, T. J. (2002). Aligning goals and assessment for the Secondary Education Program. Office of Institutional Research & Assessment Summer Assessment, Creighton University, $11,200.

  • Cook, T. J. (1999). Phases II and III of the national survey research project, The Next Generation: A Study of Catholic High School Religion Teachers. National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) / Knights of Columbus Father Michael J. McGivney Memorial Award Fund, $8,640.

  • Cook, T. J. (1998). Phase I of the national survey research project, The Next Generation: A Study of Catholic High School Religion Teachers. National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) / Knights of Columbus Father Michael J. McGivney Memorial Award Fund, $9,750.

  • Cook, T. J. (1997). Convening of focus group for the national survey research project, The Next Generation: A Study of Catholic High School Religion Teachers. Lilly Endowment Religion Division, $7,500.

  • Cook, T. J. (1997). Professional development grant for design of senior perspective course entitled The Personal and Spiritual Dimensions of Leadership. The Roothbert Foundation, $1,820

  • Cook, T. J. (1996). Research grant for book project entitled Architects of Catholic Culture: Designing & Building Catholic Culture in Catholic Schools. Lilly Endowment Religion Division, $7,000.


  • Inductee
    The Prout School Hall of Fame
  • Nominee, Robert F. Kennedy Teaching AwardRobert F. Kennedy Teaching Award
    Creighton University
  • Recipient, William F. Kelly Achievement Award for “Outstanding Mission Contribution,” with T. Dickel, D. Hauser, & J. O’Keefe for the Catholic School Religion Teacher Preparation Program

    Creighton University
  • Recipient, William F. Kelly Achievement Award for “Outstanding Mission Contribution,” with other advisory board members of the Catholic Imagination Project
    Creighton University
  • Boston College Fellowship for Dissertation Study
    Boston College
  • Roothbert Fellowship
  • National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Fellowship
  • Inductee, Alpha Sigma Nu (National Jesuit Honor Society)


  • Consultant, Catholic High School 2000 “School as Community” Survey Probe, National Catholic Educational Association Secondary Schools Department
    National Catholic Educational Association Secondary Schools Department, Catholic High School 2000 “School as Community” Survey Probe, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, 2002
    National Catholic Educational Association Secondary Schools Department
    2000 - 2000