Studio Arts at Creighton

The Studio Art program is part of the Fine and Performing Arts Department in the Creighton University College of Arts and Sciences. This program, as part of a comprehensive liberal arts education, within the Jesuit tradition, offers courses to support the general education for all Creighton students. The program also offers a full curriculum designed for students majoring and minoring in Studio Art.

The Lied Education Center for the Arts has classroom studios devoted to Ceramics, Sculpture, Drawing, Photography, Printmaking and Painting. There is also private studio space for seniors in the BFA program. The Lied Center Art Gallery hosts up to eight exhibitions per year featuring work by faculty, BFA candidates, local, national and international artists.

Studio Arts Mission Statement

The Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees are designed to give the student a broad-based understanding of the visual arts.  Through study in these degree programs, the student will develop both cognitive and affective skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, photography and art history.

Studio Art

Do you want to Major in Studio Art?

If so, a portfolio review by the Studio Arts Faculty is necessary for acceptance.

Portfolio reviews for new and current Studio Art majors applying for the BFA program are held once a semester shortly after mid semester breaks.

To access the current date and updated review application and instructions, current CU students should go to BlueLine and join the Studio Art Major BlueLine Group.

Questions regarding the Studio Art Majors and the portfolio review process may be directed to Amy Nelson at or to any full-time Studio Art faculty member.