Research & Instruction

Research, Instruction, and Assessment

Creighton University librarians support faculty, staff, and students with achieving academic success, advancing scholarship, teaching and assessing lifelong information literacy, and supporting evidence-based practice in clinical settings. These skills are an integral part of critical thinking in the Magis Core Curriculum.

Here are a few examples of research and instruction support our librarians offer:

  • Define and narrow your research topics Identify library resource or tools to meet your needs
  • Manage and cite your sources correctly
  • Understand options for publishing and sharing research
  • Complete a literature search for a patient care need

Research Support

Research Consultations

Schedule an individual consultation with a librarian by filling out the consultation request form with the button at the right.  You may reach out directly to a subject librarian using our directory to schedule a consultation. Librarians accommodate drop-in appointments when possible, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We can be reached by phone, live chat or make an appointment.

Literature Search Service

A literature search is a comprehensive search of the published literature on a specific topic. This service, conducted by our librarians, is available to faculty, residents, and staff. Results of the search will be delivered to the requester, generally via email or a shared folder on RefWorks. To further their research skills, students are encouraged to develop a search strategy with a librarian through a research consultation.

Library Instruction

Students will develop the basic skills of information literacy, including searching for information, critically evaluating information from sources, and appropriately using and citing information.
— CCAS Learning Outcome 2.I.1

The First-Year Library Experience

Ratio Studiorum Program

We offer students their first experience of the Library through Quest for the Cup, a fun and informative treasure hunt.

Library Encounter Online (LEO)

The Library Encounter Online (LEO) is an interactive tutorial introducing library research. In the Magis Core, all first-year students undergo LEO in COM 101.

Critical Issues in Human Inquiry

In collaboration with CIHI faculty, librarians provide a classroom session to give students hands-on experience using and developing information skills.

Library Explorations and Integrations

Guest Presentations

Librarians can provide classroom sessions tailored to your course, to engage students in the discovery, evaluation, and use of information sources.

Library Course Guides

Your liaison librarians can create and curate lists of library resources designed to support your specific classroom instruction that can also be integrated into your Blueline course. Schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with a librarian to collaborate on a guide for your students to use as a springboard to help with research assignments.

Faculty are invited to enroll their subject librarian in BlueLine, in order to share their course syllabus and assignment(s). Knowing these expectations enables us to provide better library support, both inside and outside the classroom. We can also provide assistance with links to library content.


Reach out to our Subject Liaisons
Service Desk | (402) 280-2260
“Your plan definitely brought out more enthusiasm.”
— Library User
“Great job in facilitating this worthwhile activity.”
— Library User
“Students are better for it.”
— Library User