Welcome to the Rural Track Program at Creighton University

This new program is a fully accredited three-year Internal Medicine Program based in Omaha, Nebraska and Kearney, Nebraska.

At the completion of training, residents are Board eligible by the ABIM and a pathway to fellowship training, academic medicine or practice opportunities.

Rural Track Program - Jennifer Meyfeldt, MD

Rural Track Program video
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What is the Rural Track Program?

Several studies have demonstrated that rural communities are underserved by the medical community. Nebraska, as a state with a majority of rural communities, is no exception. Creighton University wishes to expand their role and responsibility in providing medical education to these rural communities by creating a Rural Track Program. Competence in rural medicine requires special training only found by hands on experience in a rural community.

Rural communities are challenged in attracting quality physicians to practice. The reasons are many. One common theme is that many physicians feel professionally isolated and many would have to relocate to an unfamiliar community with limited resources. Rural Track Programs have demonstrated the ability to attract and retain physicians to these rural communities. Studies have shown that physicians that train in these communities tend to stay and practice in those communities.

Kearney Map

Where is Kearney, Nebraska?

Kearney and surrounding communities is located in central south Nebraska approximately 180 miles west of Omaha, Nebraska. Kearney is home to the University of Nebraska at Kearney and the corporate headquarters of national retailer The Buckle.

Kearney is located along I-80 and is the hub of several farming communities. Land marks include The Arch which straddles I-80, a monument as a Gateway to the West.


I-80 Arch

What does Kearney have to offer?

Kearney, NE is home to over 30,000 Nebraskans and the University of Nebraska at Kearney, which is part of the University of Nebraska system. This family-friendly town has much to offer, especially with the outdoor amenities and food scene. View Kearney’s top restaurants.  

CHI Good Samaritan Hospital

Good Samaritan will serve as the primary location for the Rural Track.

“At CHI Health Good Samaritan in Kearney, Neb., our mission revolves around serving others. It’s the cornerstone of everything we do – every interaction, every innovation, every single day. We’re not just treating illnesses, we’re healing body, mind and spirit. Established by the Sisters of the St. Francis in 1924, Good Samaritan is a 268-bed regional referral center in Kearney, Nebraska. Our location in the region is the key: Travelers along a busy stretch of Interstate 80, as well as rural Nebraskans and Kansans are able to find nearly every level of care at Good Samaritan without traveling hundreds of more miles to larger metropolitan areas.

At Good Samaritan, you’ll find an advanced level trauma center that also offers AirCare emergency helicopter transport and an ambulance program providing long distance and local 911 service. Among our many other services are cardiac care including open-heart surgery, a level II neonatal intensive care unit, a nationally accredited cancer center, comprehensive neurosurgery, advanced orthopedic program, and inpatient and outpatient mental health services at our free-standing Richard Young Behavioral Health facility.”

- CHI Good Samaritan Hospital 

Good Samaritan Hospital


The Rural Care track at Creighton will graduate highly skilled and competent General Internists who will provide excellent care to our patients in the rural or urban setting.


  • New and innovative delivery systems to improve patient care and ease of practice
  • Provide state of the art care in a rural setting
  • Leadership QI and Scholarly training
  • Establish continuity clinic sites in the rural setting
  • An excellent continuity clinic experience
  • Train alongside Internists in the inpatient and outpatient settings in a rural practice
  • Cultivate the desire to live, work and raise families in rural areas of the country
  • Unique opportunity to practice procedural skills that are often deferred to subspecialty-trained physicians in the urban setting

Year 1

Site 1= Bergan Mercy, Omaha

Year 11-45-89-1213-1617-2122-26
ROTATION NAMEEndocrineHospital Medicine ServicePalliative/GeriHospital Medicine ServiceElectiveNight Float
% INPATIENT50909090 100
% RESEARCH10101010  
Year 127-3031-3435-3839-4344-4748-52
ROTATION NAMEElectiveHospital Medicine ServiceRheumHospital Medicine ServiceElectiveElective
% INPATIENT 901090  
% RESEARCH 101010  


Year 2

Site 4= CHI Health - Good Samaritan, Kearney

Year 21-345-89-111213-1617-202122-25
ROTATION NAMENephrologyContinuity ClinicCritical CareHospital Medicine ServiceContinuity ClinicHospital Medicine ServiceElectiveContinuity ClinicNeurology
% INPATIENT90 9090 90  50
% OUTPATIENT 100  100  10040
% RESEARCH10 1010 10  10
Year 226-293031-3435-383940-4344-474849-52
ROTATION NAMEElectiveContinuity ClinicHospital Medicine ServiceCritical CareContinuity ClinicElectiveTele-infectious diseaseContinuity ClinicElective
% INPATIENT  9090  90  
% OUTPATIENT 100  100  100 
% RESEARCH  1010  10  


Year 3

Site 4= CHI Health - Good Samaritan, Kearney

Year 31-345-89-111213-1617-202122-25
ROTATION NAMEGastroenterologyContinuity ClinicHospital Medicine ServiceElectiveContinuity ClinicCritical CareCardiologyContinuity ClinicPulmonary
% INPATIENT50 90  9050 30
% OUTPATIENT40100  100 4010060
% RESEARCH10 10  1010 10
Year 326-293031-3435-383940-4344-474849-52
ROTATION NAMEElectiveContinuity ClinicElectiveHospital Medicine ServiceContinuity ClinicHematology/ Oncology ElectiveContinuity ClinicElective
%INPATIENT   90     
% OUTPATIENT 100  10090 100 
% RESEARCH   10 10   


  1. CHI Health Creighton University Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE
  2. VA Medical Center, Omaha, NE
  3. CHI Health Immanuel Medical Center, Omaha, NE 
  4. CHI Health - Good Samaritan, Kearney NE

Elective: Residents choose between:     

  • Emergency Room
  • Primary Care
  • Psychiatry inpatient
  • PM&R
  • Sports Medicine
  • Offside rotation
  • Psychiatry outpatient  

For all tracks:

  • Opportunity for research
  • Quality Improvement projects
  • Wednesday afternoon educational sessions
  • Ambulatory topics prior to each continuity clinic
  • Opportunity to join American College of Physicians (ACP) and/or Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)

Bergan Mercy, Omaha

Bergan Mercy, Omaha
  • Months 1- 12
  • Half-day of clinic every week
  • Located at Bergan Mercy Hospital or Dundee Clinic
  • Mixed practice with General Internal Medicine Faculty
  • Participate as a member of General Internal Medicine


Good Samaritan, Kearney

Good Samaritan, Kearney
  • Months 13- 36
  • X+Y schedule which will include one week of continuity clinic every other month
  • Located at Good Samaritan Hospital
  • Mixed practice with General Internal Medicine Faculty
  • Participate as a member of General Internal Medicine


First Year Residents


Ahmed Abouelkhair


Sajjad Ali


Nouman Aslam


Sam Berg

Second Year Residents

Abdul Rahim Naimat

Naimat Abdul Rahim


Narmada Luva

Karim Muhammad Sikandar

Muhammad Sikandar Karim

Patel Rutvijo

Rutvij Patel

Residents will have a total of 20 days of vacation during each Academic Year (not including the weekend)

20 days of vacation per resident are provided each year.  10 days are taken as Monday - Friday 5-day blocks, weekends are not guaranteed and should be communicated with the service.  The other 10 days can be used as flex days per resident need and program approval.  Approved vacation months are declared by the program and residents arrange for their 5-day blocks of vacation days in the first quarter of the academic year.  Flex days are processed as needed.

Rural track residents will get July 1st-3rd off for their move from Omaha to Kearney in the beginning of their second year

Rural track residents will be reimbursed for the travel and lodging to Omaha from Kearney in their second and third year for Internal Medicine Research Day and IM graduation day by Creighton University (Will be excused from their services) 

Contact Us

Program Managers
Rhonda Peavy 

Ashley Ring 

Julia Mack  

Program Director
Bradley DeVrieze, MD