IM Residency Frequently Asked Questions

  • Legend of abbreviations used below:
    • HMS - hospital medicine service
    • NF - night float
    • HMS ruby - non academic team HMS service
    • ICU white - non academic team ICU service
    • ILAC - Institute for Latin America Concern, a service trip to Latin America
  • What is the starting salary of a first-year resident? 
    See updated yearly salaries and benefits.
  • What is the vacation policy? Sick leave policy? Educational leave? 
    Vacation: 20 days per year 
    Sick leave: 14 days per year 
    Educational leave: 5 days 
  • What is the average hours worked per week? 
    Approximately 60 hours per week (however, varies on rotation and patient census) 
  • What are the in-house fellowships? 
    Cardiology, Critical Care, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Infectious disease, Interventional Cardiology, Pulmonology/Critical care 
  • What are the required rotations within the 3 years of training? 
    5 supervisory months (HMS + NF), 3 months NF, 3 months ICU, 3 months cardiology (at least 2 months inpatient), 1 month: ER, endocrinology, geriatrics, GI, Heme/onc, ID, neurology, pulmonary, rheumatology, renal 
  • What electives are available? 
    Ambulatory cardiology, cardiology, dermatology, HMS Ruby, ICU white, ILAC, palliative, primary care Dundee, research, women’s health, psychiatry, off-site rotation, Kearney off site rotation 
  • What committees are open to residents? 
    Education, Research, Recruitment, Subspecialty interest groups, Wellness, POCUS, Business in Medicine, House Staff Council 
  • What are the academics? 
    Protected academic half day every Wednesday from 12 pm – 4 pm 
    MKSAP – access to text and question bank, weekly quizzes 
    Access to Creighton University’s Health Sciences Library and resources and Board Vitals 
  • What is the population of Omaha? Cost of living in Omaha 
    479,700; approximately $1,095 for spacious 1 bed/1 bath apartment 
  • What activities are there to do throughout Omaha? 
    College World Series, Henry Doorly Zoo, numerous outdoor trails/hiking/biking paths, free access to Creighton athletic events, downtown entertainment, access to larger cities

Contact Us

Program Managers
Rhonda Peavy

Ashley Ring

Julia Mack 

Program Director
Bradley DeVrieze, MD