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Get involved in sustainability issues around campus and in the world by reviewing our sustainability guides, joining our weekly Sustainability Creighton email list and becoming certified through our Sustainable Creighton Office program.

Sustainable Creighton Office Certificate

Creighton University employees can be agents of change and make an impact on creating a more sustainable campus. The Sustainable Creighton Office Certificate is a voluntary initiative that promotes sustainable practices within office settings on campus. The program is designed, implemented and maintained by the Office of Sustainability Programs in collaboration with the Sustainability Governance Committee.


The goal of the Sustainable Creighton Office Certificate program is to support and promote campus offices that are taking steps toward reducing their environmental footprint by integrating more sustainable choices into the workplace.

Why participate?

Caring for our common home is part of Creighton’s Catholic, Jesuit identity. Together, we can make Creighton University a more sustainable campus.

Review the Sustainable Creighton Office Certificate Checklist to see how your team can care for our common home.

Complete the survey when your office team is ready to submit for the Sustainable Creighton Office Certificate.

Other Ways to Get Involved

The Office of Sustainability Programs collaborates with campus and community organizations on a variety of sustainability-focused opportunities. Explore resources to find ways to get involved.

Peace and Justice Cooperative

As students educated in a Jesuit University in the Jesuit tradition, we are aware that a unique aspect of our education lies within the University's commitment to the promotion of justice.

We have been afforded the privilege of gaining skills and knowledge to prosper in the world. However, we recognize that with this privilege comes great responsibility. In an increasingly interdependent global community, our political and economic decisions in the First World have profound results in developing countries. Thus, our goal as the Peace and Justice Cooperative is to align the Jesuit values surrounding social justice and solidarity with the poor together with our daily actions and consumer choices as individual members of this institution and as a University. Moreover, we are committed to educating the whole Creighton community about the importance of such alignment and the issues raised in our research and experience. In educating the whole Creighton community, we created a Creighton Fair Trade Resolution that has been approved and recognized by every administrative governing body on campus.

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How to Reach Us


Creighton Hall 333