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About the Office

The Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance serves all members of the Creighton University community. This includes all students, faculty and staff affiliated with the university.

If you have experienced Discrimination or Sexual Harassment, the Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance can help.

Confidential advocacy and resources are available to you through the Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Center on campus.

Locations and Hours

  • The Omaha campus office is located in Creighton Hall, Room 340
  • The Phoenix campus office is located in Room 704B, Health Sciences campus
  • The office is open M-F 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • To schedule an appointment email (Omaha) or (Phoenix).

Executive Director/Title IX Coordinator

The Executive Director is responsible for oversight of Creighton University's compliance with laws and policies relating to harassment and discrimination. The Executive Director serves as Creighton's Title IX Coordinator and is responsible for addressing sexual and relationship misconduct on campus.

Allison Taylor, MSEd
Creighton Hall 340

Training: Title IX and VAWA, Title IX Hearing Board Training, Title IX Advisor Training, Title IX Appeal Officer Training. View training materials.

Associate and Assistant Directors

The Associate and Assistant Directors in the Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance are responsible for responding to and investigating reports of alleged violations of Creighton University's Non-Discrimination Policy and Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy, as well as any other complaints or reports of misconduct made to the office.

Ellie Rohr, JD
Associate Director
Creighton Hall 340

Training: Title IX and VAWA, Title IX Hearing Board Training, Title IX Advisor Training, Title IX Appeal Officer Training.  View training materials.

James Nitta, JD
Associate Director
Room 704 B, Phoenix Health Sciences Campus

Training: Title IX and VAWA, Title IX Hearing Board Training, Title IX Advisor Training, Title IX Appeal Officer Training.  View training materials.

Amanda Pedicelli, JD/LLM
Assistant Director
Creighton Hall 340

Administrative Assistant

Andy Husk
Administrative Assistant
Creighton Hall 340