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Investigations and Resolutions


The Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance oversees the resolution process for complaints under University Policy 2.1.35- Title IX Sexual Harassment and Policy 2.1.25- Non-Discrimination.  Both policies provide parties with options for formal and informal resolution of complaints.

The Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance can respond to reported incidents by facilitating formal and informal resolutions.

Formal resolutions are commonly referred to as "investigations" and include the gathering of evidence, interviews with involved parties, the creation of an formal investigative report, and a determination made by a decision maker.

Informal resolutions, or Collaborative Adaptable Resolutions, involve parties involved reaching mutually agreeable terms to resolve a complaint alleging harassment or discrimination. Not all alleged violations can be resolved informally, but parties can ask for informal options when meeting with the Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance.

Reports made to the Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance will typically result in some level of preliminary inquiry (i.e. fact finding) by the office to determine the most appropriate steps for addressing the alleged misconduct and resolving the complaint.

Resource Guide

To learn more about Title IX, please view the Title IX Resource Guide.

Complainants (those making an allegation) and Respondents (those who are alleged to have committed misconduct) have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities throughout the investigative process.  This includes access to supportive measures and an Advisor of Choice.

Complainants and Respondents both have the ability to provide evidence and witnesses to be considered by the investigative team.  Complainants and Respondents have the ability to review and respond to all evidence and information gathered during the course of the investigation.

The investigation and resolution will be private to the greatest extent possible.  Privacy of investigations helps enhance the integrity of the investigation, protects the interest of the parties, and protects participants from statements that could be interpreted to be retaliatory or defamatory.  All persons present at any time during the resolution process are expected to maintain the privacy of the proceedings in accordance with University policy.  However, no student or member of the University Community, can be promised strict or absolute confidentiality.  The parties have discretion to share their own knowledge with others if they so choose.  However, Creighton encourages all parties to consult with their Advisors before doing so.  The University will protect the identity of persons involved in reports of misconduct to the best of its ability, and will only share personally identifiable information with persons with a need-to-know, in order to investigate and respond to a report, or to deliver resources or supportive measures.