Creighton University’s training, documentation and disclosure requirements apply to anyone conducting human subjects research under the oversight of CU IRB. The following activities qualify as human subjects research:
CITI Program Training
Note: Current CVs and licenses must be uploaded in PDF form. CVs must be signed and dated on the first page and must be no greater than two years old.
Note: When clicked on, these Word documents will automatically download to your computer. Please check your "Downloads" folder.
Note: When clicked on, this Word document will automatically download to your computer. Please check your "Downloads" folder.
Note: When clicked on, these Word documents will automatically download to your computer. Please check your "Downloads" folder.
Note: When clicked on, these Word documents will automatically download to your computer. Please check your "Downloads" folder.
Note: When clicked on, this Word document will automatically download to your computer. Please check your "Downloads" folder.
Instructions for Completing the new HIPAA for Research Purposes.
Note: When clicked on, this Word document will automatically download to your computer. Please check your "Downloads" folder.
Note: When clicked on, these Word documents will automatically download to your computer. Please check your "Downloads" folder.
The Creighton University IRB uses InfoEd Global to manage protocols submitted to the IRB. Click the link to the right for guidance documents on how to access InfoEd, submit to the IRB, and upload required documents to InfoEd.
Click the link to the right to view the clickable policy manual for the Creighton University IRB.