Gym Access

Residents and fellows have two different options available to them for workout facilities.

CUMC Bergan Mercy:
Residents and fellows have access to the Wellness Center at Bergan. To activate your membership, you must visit Administration, which is located in Room 1808 on the main level across from Elevator D.

Creighton University:
House staff may access gyms on the main Creighton University campus:

GME Safe Ride Home Program

If a situation arises where a resident or fellow (trainee) is unable to safely get home at the end of or during his/her shift due to extreme fatigue, illness or impairment, the trainee may use the Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Safe Ride Home Program. This program provides transportation to the trainee’s place of residence via Uber/Lyft from an approved training site due to an approved reason. The GME Office will pay for 100% of the Uber/Lyft ride (does not include tip).

Examples of Approved Reasons

  • You have worked extended hours (over 16 hours) and are feeling sleep-deprived.
  • You feel fatigued or ill and are concerned about falling asleep while driving, regardless of the length of shift you’ve worked.
  • You walk or use public transportation, and you worked longer than expected and beyond when public transportation is available.

How to use the Emergency Ride Home Program

  • Access Uber/Lyft App and order Uber/Lyft ride
  • Provide record of transaction to GME office administrator within 7 days of use 

Occupational Health at Affiliated Training Sites

  • VA – 402-995-5823
  • UNMC – 402-552-3563 (Barb Wolford typically works with the residents)
  • CUMC Bergan – Medical Office Building 1, Suite 326; 402-398-6581
  • CHI Immanuel – Medical Office Building 2, Suite 205
  • St. Elizabeth’s (Lincoln) – 402-219-7044 (Renee and Crystal)
  • Nebraska Heart – 402-328-3282 (Beth and Becky)
  • Children’s Hospital – 402-955-6020

Virgin Pulse is a health management program offering health screenings, coaching, programming, healthy habit tracking, resources, and rewards.


Rev. Barb Lenz

Rev. Barb Lenz: As a chaplain, I can provide spiritual help to residents, but I can also be a nonjudgmental listening ear when you need someone to talk to. Sometimes residency and life gets hard and you need someone to talk with that has no influence on evaluations or clinical situations.  

If you would ever like to speak with me, my office phone is 402.449.4240 and, for after-hours emergencies, my cell phone is 402.850.7835. My email is    



Rev. Dr. Michael Thompson

Rev. Dr. Michael Thompson is a Board Certified Chaplain, working with CHI Health and as a faculty member of the Department of Humanities at Creighton University Medical School. His email is




Religious Services

Additional Services at:

Report concerns anonymously to the GME office through the confidential reporting form.


  • Jefit – Create personalized workout routines, track and record your training, and analyze your workout data to improve results. 
  • RunKeeper – Track your distance, pace, calories burned and your route. It integrates with your phone’s music and makes it easy to share your accomplishments.
  • Simply Yoga – Contains 20, 40, or 60 minute yoga routines that step you through each pose. Each pose is demonstrated by a certified personal trainer; simply choose your workout length and follow along in the comfort of your home.


  • Dirty Dozen – This ranks fruits and veggies based on their level of pesticide residue to help you know what produce to buy organic, and what produce is fine to buy conventionally.


  • My Plan – Determines if a relationship is unsafe and helps to create the best action plan by weighing an individual’s unique characteristics and values.


  • Breathe2Relax – Breathe2Relax is a portable stress management tool that provides detailed information on the effects of stress on the body and instructions and practice exercises to help users learn the stress management skill called diaphragmatic breathing. 
  • Calm – Calm can help you meditate, sleep, relax, focus and much more. This app includes guided meditations, music, and nature scenes.
  • Headspace – Headspace is meditation made simple. Install today to learn meditation and mindfulness in just 10 minutes a day. 


  • JesuitPrayer app: – This app offers Ignatian spiritual reflection to integrate into your daily life.


  • Gratitude & Happiness – Self-help Journal, To do, Thoughts & Mood Tracker
  • SAM App – An application to help users understand and manage anxiety. 
  • Virtual Hope Box – Virtual Hope Box contains simple tools to help people with coping, relaxation, distraction and positive thinking.
  • White Noise – A useful app for building good sleep hygiene.

Designated Lactation Rooms

CUMC Bergan:

  • Lobby – Room 1934 near Lab/Pathology off of hallway past the chapel
  • Lobby – Room 1011A inside GI staff break room
  • 2 North - Room 2735 next to patient room 260
  • 3 North/ICU – Room 3728 by staff locker room
  • 4 East/PCU – Room 4833 by staff break room
  • L&D – Room 2903A within C-Section Suites
  • Education building – 4th floor suite – Room 41227
  • Resident Lounge - 2nd Floor - Room 2305 (See GME for key access)

CUMC University Campus:

  • Department of Family and Community Medicine, Suite 102


  • Women Imaging center on 2nd floor - 22281


  • 5th floor – 5409
  • 7th floor – 7421

Children’s Hospital:

Pump rooms with Symphony breast pumps are in the following locations for you to use:

  • Specialty Pediatric Clinic (SPC) – 2nd and 4th floors: no microwaves for steam bag use
  • 4 MS
  • 5 MS
  • PICU – In lobby
  • NICU – 4th and 5th floors


  • House officer lounge – located in the MSB building

Dining Center
Breakfast 7:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Monday - Friday
Lunch 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Monday - Friday

Healing Grounds
Monday - Thursday 6:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday - Sunday 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.

House staff have access to a 4-week online program (Mindful Return) to assist new parents in returning to work. You will learn practical solutions to address complex logistics, feel more calm and empowered in your return to work, and find balance between both demanding roles. You will also connect with a community of other parents who are walking in your shoes. This program is designed to help you lead, grow, and thrive in your new role. Contact Dr. Allison Harlow to sign up.

The ACGME Milestones Guidebook for Residents and Fellows offers an overview of the process of competency-based education. Use this to help you develop your individualized professional goals, and discover tips on how to seek and receive feedback. 

The Resident JGME (Journal of Graduate Medical Education) provides open access articles and a forum for discussion on topics relevant to resident physician life.

Visit the Learning Lab at NEJM Resident 360 to find interactive teaching and learning tools. 

The AAMC offers advice related to residency, including transitioning to residency, training opportunities, career pathways, tips on preparing your CV, guidance on managing your finances, job boards, and more.

The MedEdPortal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that promotes educational scholarship and dissemination of teaching and assessment resources in the health professions.

The House Officers Association Alliance (HOAA) is a network of spouses and families of medical students, residents, and fellows from Creighton University and The University of Nebraska Medical Center. They host monthly member social events, bi-monthly playgroup events for those with children, and have special interest groups for those who are interested. Their mission is to provide support and community for those experiencing the medical training journey.

For information about local resources and attractions, see About Omaha.

Residents and fellows can access the Creighton University John P. Fahey Career Center for assistance with Curriculum Vitae (CV) review.