Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
Learn more about our facilities below.
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Advanced Microscopy Core
Contact: Dr. Anthony Stender (anthonystender@creighton.edu)
The Advanced Microscopy Core facility is composed of multiple advanced research microscopes and image analysis tools. New users must receive official training and sign a user agreement prior to being granted access to the facility’s tools or its reservation system. We are happy to provide training as well as to consult with users about their experimental and analysis needs. Please inquire if you have specific questions about any of the equipment or services available through our facility. If you are interested in becoming a new user of the Advanced Microscopy Core facility, please contact the core manager, Anthony Stender, about training and access to the facility.
For detailed information regarding the Advanced Microscopy Core’s equipment and services, please check out our main webpage under the “Advanced Imaging Services” tab at: https://www.creighton.edu/medicine/departments/biomedical-sciences/translational-hearing-center/technology
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Translational Hearing Center
Auditory and Vestibular Electrophysiology Core
Location: Criss I Building, Room 304
Contact: Dr. Sarath Vijayakumar (SarathVijayakumar@creighton.edu)
Dr. Michael Nichols (mnichols@creighton.edu)
Dr. David Smith (dsmith@creighton.edu)
The Auditory-Vestibular Electrophysiology Core provides infrastructure and training to support laboratories associated with the Translational Hearing Center at Creighton University to conduct multidisciplinary auditory and vestibular research.
1. Non-Invasive Hearing Screening Tests
2. Cochlear Potential Measurements
3. Zebrafish Inner ear and Lateral Line Microphonic Assessment
4. Vestibular Electrophysiology
5. Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials (CAEP)
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Cell & Tissue Culture Core
Location: Criss I Building, Room 402
Contact: Dr. Sarath Vijayakumar (SarathVijayakumar@creighton.edu)
1. Cell Culture Core Equipment
2. Tissue Culture Core Equipment
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Drug Discovery & Delivery Core
Contact: Director: Dr. Patrick C. Swanson patrickswanson@creighton.edu
Co-Director: Dr. Alekha Dash alekhadash@creighton.edu
Core Manager: Dr. Gopal Jadhav gopaljadhav@creighton.edu
Location: The Drug Discovery & Delivery Core (DDDC) is located immediately adjacent to or within the University Core Facilities in the Criss I/II/III complex. Specific locations (building and room numbers) of each service are provided below in bold.
1. In vitro drug screening
2. In silico Drug Screening
3. In silico Drug Screening, Bioinformatics, and Structural Studies
4. In silico Drug Screening, Structural Studies and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
5. scRNA Seq for In Silico Screen
6. Peptide Synthesis - Criss II, 304
7. Positional Scanning Peptide Library
8. Chemical and Peptide Synthesis/Characterization
9. Ex vivo Drug Validation
10. In vivo Drug Screening and Validation
11. Chemical Synthesis
12. Chemical Synthesis/Purification for Scale-up
13. Chemical Synthesis/Purification, Drug Formulation – Criss III, 273
14. Drug Formulation
15. Cytotoxicity Assays
16. ADME Assays, PK/PD Determination
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Mass Spectrometry Core
Location: Criss II Building, Room 303 & Beirne Research Tower, Lab 308
Contact: Dr. David Smith dsmith@creighton.edu
Dr. Molly McDevitt mollymcdevitt@creighton.edu
1. Q Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer - Criss II, 303:
For the analysis of ligands, protein modifications and interactions, as well as small molecule and metabolomics studies. Sample delivery can be achieved using one of three methods:
2. MALDI imaging: UltrafleXtreme MALDI-MS System - Criss II, 303:
3. Advion expressionL Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) - Beirne Research Tower, Lab 308:
Garrett Soukup
PhD Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Sabina Coffiel