Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Policies & Procedures for Study and Travel Abroad

Creighton University - Domestic & International Travel Policy & Procedures

All students, faculty, and staff planning to travel abroad should review Creighton's Travel Policy

All students planning to travel abroad should carefully review the Study Abroad Policies and Procedures document below for information on program eligibility, application process, charges and payment, and student responsibilities abroad.

All participants should carefully review the Study Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation Handbook below for guidance on health and safety, prescription medication requirements, academic matters, money and communication preparation, and more. 

Study Abroad Policies and Procedures

All students wishing to study abroad should carefully review Creighton University's Study Abroad Policies and Procedures prior to submitting an application via the Jays Abroad study abroad application portal.  When submitting a Creighton study abroad application, each student must acknowledge that they have read and understood Creighton's Study Abroad Policies and Procedures. The GEO encourages all students to share this information with their parents and/or families. 

Refund Policy Guidance for Study Abroad:
Students are advised that refunds for students approved to study abroad are based on Creighton University’s official start date of the semester or term, not the host university’s. Therefore, if a student withdraws from their study abroad assignment after Creighton University’s official start date of the semester or term, tuition refunds will be posted according to the schedule published on the Creighton University Business Office Policies site regardless of whether the semester or term at the host university abroad has started.  

Study Abroad Grading Policy

Courses taken while studying abroad will transfer back to Creighton University with a letter grade, and these grades will be factored into a student's Creighton GPA.  Grade equivalency charts were published on the study abroad website to help students understand how the grade abroad will reflect on the Creighton transcript. Additional details can be found under Academics Abroad.

Pre-Departure Orientation Handbook

All participants should carefully review the Study Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation Handbook for guidance on health and safety, prescription medication requirements, academic matters, money and communication preparation, and more.