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Scholarships & Fellowships

Prestigious fellowships and scholarship, like the Rhodes or Fulbright Scholarships, are available for graduate school.  There are also scholarships available for undergraduate education.  Not only are students expected to have high GPA's but also an impressive portfolio of leadership experiences, among other things.  The key to winning such a scholarship is:

  1. Learning about the scholarship early and preparing for it.
  2. Giving yourself enough time to complete a rather long application with the help of a professor or an advisor.

Creighton University's resource page for National and International Scholarships and Fellowships:

  • Includes tips on preparing applications, reference letters, personal statements, research proposals, and other useful links.

Program or University-Specific

Additional university or program-specific scholarships or grants may be available. The best resource for the availability of the additional scholarships is to contact the university and/or program of interest. For Creighton University programs please see the information provided through Creighton University's Admissions Information as well as the Office of Financial Aid.